Description of the variety of cucumbers Khrustik

One of the most beloved and widespread vegetables in our country is a cucumber. An indispensable ingredient in salads, a cutting element, a product for preservation and pickling – all this about this green fruit. Today, there are many varieties that are successfully grown in the gardens of farms and private farms. The Khrustik variety of cucumbers – what are its features?

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages of the variety
  5. Planting and growing
  6. Planting seeds
  7. Growing at home
  8. Seedling
  9. Conclusion <

Описание сорта огурцов Хрустик

Cucumber variety description Khrustik

Variety characteristic

Khrustik f1 is hybrid type of cucumber, bred in the early 2000s. Moscow worked on it breeders A. Kandoba, V. Kachaynik and other members of Aelita seed production. The variety is listed in the State Register of the Russian Federation as official in the Northern, Central, Western regions of Russia, as well as in the Caucasus and the Urals. Originally intended for cultivation in closed (greenhouse, greenhouse ) and open ground under a film curtain.

This type of cucumber is parthenocapic. This means that he has no seeds. The process of fertilization and subsequent development does not require the participation of male pollen. Monoecious plants pollinate themselves. They have 2-3 female flowers per node. Parthenocapic do not need bees in the process of reproduction.Germination is average: the fruits begin to ripen after 7 weeks

The variety should not be confused with the self-pollinated variety, representatives of which have both female and male elements of the reproductive system, and their fruits are with seeds, unlike the fruits of the partner of Armenian cucumbers.

Description of the plant

The crystal has the following characteristics:

  • medium-branched and indeterminate plant (does not have a limited growth limit of the stem);
  • leaves are large, bright green;
  • up to 3 fruits in one sinus, bouquets of 7 pieces per bush.

Op fruit exploration

Description of the fruit of this variety deserves attention:

  • oval-shaped cucumbers, pointed, covered with small pimples;
  • white spikes;
  • thin but strong dark skin with white stripes;
  • fruit weight – 65-80 g, length – up to 10 cm;
  • crispy flesh with a sweet taste, bitterness is absent;
  • productivity – about 10 kg per 1 sq.m.

Khrustik variety preserves its taste in canned form. Ideal as a raw material for pickling.

Advantages of the variety

Khrustik can often be found in domestic gardens.Why farmers appreciate it:

  • high yield;
  • early ripening;
  • preservation of saturated color, lack of yellowness;
  • marketable appearance (largely due to the simultaneous growth of fruits);
  • stable immunity to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, rot, cucumber mosaic;
  • endurance for transportation and long shelf life.

The precocious hybrid perfectly nourishes the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. It removes toxins from the body and normalizes digestion.

Planting and growing

The variety can only be grown in greenhouse conditions

Previously, there was an opinion among agronomists that the parthenocapical variety is unsuitable for cultivation in open soil, because it does not tolerate temperature extremes, and therefore plants run the risk of growing crooked. Yes, and Hrustik was originally created specifically for greenhouses, since these cucumbers do not need bees in the process of pollination. However, it has been proven by current gardeners that most varieties with this type of pollination are quite capable of withstanding the natural climate and even be suitable for salting. The Khrustyk f1 also belongs to such.

More and more often the Khrustik seeds are planted in open ground. Landings begin in late spring, in May. Seed is lowered into a hole 2-3 cm deep.Top seedlings should be covered with a protective film – until the first shoots appear. To improve the quality and growth rate of the crop, it is recommended to ensure the flow of air into the soil. To do this, aeration with sawdust is carried out periodically.

A maximum of 40 days later, the first shoots begin to hatch. As they ripen, the fruits regularly break. So you can get a long, plentiful crop.

Planting seeds

Pots or boxes placed on the south side are suitable as seedling containers. In a couple of months, branched vines will sprout from the pots, which will become a kind of decor for your interior. In a standard box with a length of 60-70 cm, 5-6 cucumber bushes will fit. Immediately before planting, the ground in the tank needs to be moistened. Pre-moistened seeds are planted in a box / pot, covered with foil and placed in a warm and dark place until the first seedlings.

After this, the seedlings can be moved to the windowsill. The whips are tied so as not to harm the leaves, otherwise the plant will not be able to eat normally. A garter is needed to get enough sunlight.

Growing at home

It’s quite possible to grow a Khrustik at home and collect from it up to 40 copies. The season will not play a role here, only in the period from November to December it will be necessary to provide the plant with additional highlighting.Hrustik prefers loose fertile soil. Growing at home requires at least 5 liters of soil mixture for each plant for proper development. The mixture can be made independently from the earth, sand, humus, ash and sawdust by mixing all the components in equal parts. You can buy universal soil at the store.

Seedling Care

The main element of Khrustik’s care is regular, plentiful watering with warm water. By drying the land, weeding and cultivation is carried out. Weeds need to be removed as they germinate. Fertilize the soil – about twice a month, using the mineral and organic type of fertilizer. To feed home seedlings, you can use a banana peel diluted with water. Pinching the bushes is done on the third or fifth leaf. Its goal is to create new shoots on the sides and thus reduce the number of empty flowers on the stem.

Cucumber Crystal F1. Gavrish
Cucumber Hrustik. Gavrish
The best varieties of cucumbers!

Lighting is improved by installing a mirror or foil opposite the seedlings.Do not forget to moisten the air by placing a bucket of water near the plants or using the atomizer.


Judging by the reviews of the farmers, the cucumber Miracle or Khru The stick is an excellent option for growing both in greenhouses and houses, and in outdoor gardens.Not too demanding on environmental conditions, this variety of vegetables will nevertheless please the gardener with a quick and rich harvest of high-quality fruits.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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