Description of the variety of cucumbers Masha

The most popular variety of cucumbers Masha among the high-yielding early ripe hybrids. The combination of attractive appearance and excellent taste makes the variety attractive to many farmers. The main feature of the view is the good preservation of external data and taste after collection.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages
  5. Disadvantages
  6. Growing
  7. Then you can plant
  8. Planting
  9. Care
  10. Diseases and pests
  11. Conclusion <

Описание сорта огурцов Маша

Description of the variety of cucumbers Masha

Characteristics of the variety

The country of origin of the seeds is Holland. There is a note on the packs with product descriptions that the exchange does not need to be pre-treated with disinfectants because the planting material has already been processed by the manufacturer. The Dutch breeders gave our farmers the opportunity to grow a quality product in greenhouse conditions and in the open ground of the southern regions.

Cucumber variety Masha f1 – self-pollinated hybrid of the first generation . The characteristic of biological characteristics describes the first generations of plants from two parent species as highly resistant to diseases, characterized by good endurance, high-yielding specimens. It is important to remember that the seeds that F1 hybrid gives are not suitable for growing. During subsequent cultivation, the plants do not retain the properties of the parent species.

When all agrotechnical rules are followed, you can get from 1 branch to 5 greenhouses. From 1 m2, you can collect 15 kg of cucumbers when grown in greenhouse conditions. In open ground, the yield is slightly less – 10-12 kg per 1 m2. Fruits ripen on the 36th day after emergence of seedlings

Description of the plant

Cucumber Masha f1 – a description of the characteristics of the appearance of the plant:

  • bush determinant;
  • the growth of the main stem is limited by inflorescence;
  • shoots are formed weakly, which simplifies the formation of bushes;
  • in the node there can be up to 7 ovaries;
  • foliage is green, medium-sized, wrinkled.

Description of the fruit

Cucumbers Masha have a cylindrical shape. The structure of the skin is pimply, dense. The mass of green stuff is 90-100 g. The fruit is 11 cm long. Our Masha cucumbers according to the manufacturer’s description are listed in the State Register of Russia as a universal type that can be used for preservation and salads.

The pulp has a pleasant aroma. The taste is sweet, without bitterness. When salting, the cucumbers of Baba Masha do not lose their elasticity, remain crispy without forming a void inside.


Cucumbers Masha f1 are resistant to such diseases:

  • cladosporiosis;
  • cucumber mosaic virus;
  • powdery mildew.

Cucumber Masha is great for pickling and fresh consumption. It has a lot of useful properties. It is a dietary product.High productivity makes it attractive for many farmers in our country.


Among the disadvantages, the following points are noted:

  • inability to propagate plants from obtained seeds;
  • loss of taste, in case of untimely harvesting;
  • the inability to grow in open ground in the northern regions.


Planting cucumbers Maria F1 simplified by the manufacturer. Seeds do not require additional disinfection and soaking before planting. Farmers have to choose a suitable site and carry out the proper care of plants. The variety is rather capricious and therefore not every site is suitable for growing it.

For Plants need to choose the right place

The landing area should be well lit, not blown by the winds. The plant bears fruit well on light soils rich in humus, with a low acidity index. Soil begins to be prepared in the autumn period. Care must be taken to thoroughly clean the remains of the plants, dig the site and add organic matter.

You can increase the yield with strict observance of crop rotation rules.

After which you can plant

The best predecessors for Mary:

  • potatoes;
  • onions;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • winter;
  • wheat;
  • legumes.

It is strictly forbidden to plant a variety after beets and zucchini. These plants draw all the nutrients from the soil necessary for the full development of the culture. Planting is carried out only when the soil is fully warmed up in late May and early June. If you neglect these rules, the seedlings will develop slowly, resulting in lower yields.


The sowing pattern depends on the location of shoots and stems. Distinguish between vertical and horizontal landing. In the vertical version, 3 bushes are planted per 1 m2, with the horizontal – 4-5 bushes. Seeds are sown to a depth of 3-5 cm in increments of 15-20 cm.

Growing by the seedling method involves planting in separate pots, in previously sanitized soil from peat, fertile soil and sawdust. The rest of the seedling germination is no different from other varieties and is carried out by the standard method. Planting in glasses is carried out to a depth of 1.5 cm. Seedlings dive into open ground or a greenhouse when 3-4 healthy leaves appear. Before transplanting, the seedlings must undergo a hardening procedure.


Cucumber Masha, like other types of cucumber crops, loves moisture, so you need to water it often and plentifully.Watering is carried out early in the morning or in the evening hours, when the sun has almost set. The ideal option is drip irrigation. With standard irrigation, soil should be moistened every 2 days. Do not pour liquid under the root, so as not to damage it.

Proper care of cucumbers involves regular loosening of the soil. Do not carry out too deep cultivation, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the rhizome. The procedure allows you to organize proper nutrition and eliminate weed grass. 2 times per season you need to carry out the hilling of the stems. The first time when 4 leaves appear, the second when the plant reaches 20 cm in height.

Top dressing is carried out for the first time when 2 leaves appear. Then the procedure is repeated at intervals of 2 weeks. Feeding is carried out with an infusion of manure with ash.

To achieve good results, you need to carry out pinching in time, forming a crown. You need to pinch the shoots, mustache and ovaries in the lower part of the plant. In the sinuses above 4 from the bottom of the leaf, leave 1 ovary with the leaf. In 10-12 sinuses leave 2 ovaries with 2 sheets, respectively, in 12-16 3 ovaries with 3 sheets.

Do not forget about the garter. Trellis is used for this. This move avoids the appearance of fungal diseases.

Diseases and pests

Cucumber Masha f1 is quite resistant to many diseases typical of cucumber crops, but if the care rules are not followed, it may be exposed to white rot, anthracnose, downy powdery dew. For any of the above diseases, it is recommended to immediately remove the damaged shoots, treat the ground part with Bordeaux liquid or 1% solution of copper sulfate. Treatment with Fundazole is practiced.

Of the pests, the enemies of the variety are melon aphids, thrips, slugs, and spider mites. . As is the treatment used processing tobacco dust, pepper infusion, drug Fitoverm


Masha Cucumber f1 -. High-yielding hybrid of Dutch selection. It is a universal variety. Planting and growing a species is practically no different from other cucumber crops – this is evidenced by the characteristic.

If all agrotechnical rules are observed, up to 10 kg of greens can be obtained from 1 bush. A big minus is the inability to grow crops in open ground in the northern regions. But, this problem can be solved, and grow a good crop in greenhouse conditions or at home on the windowsill.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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