Description of tomato Honey Salute

In today’s agricultural market, it is difficult to make a choice among a large number of seeds. Fans of tomatoes with a sweet taste should pay attention to the tomato Honey Salute. It can even be used as a dessert.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Fruit
  4. Advantages
  5. Disadvantages
  6. Growing rules
  7. Diseases and parasites

Описание томата Медовый Салют

Tomato description Honey Salute

Characteristics of the variety

The variety can only be grown in regions with a warm climate.

Harvested 4-5 months after planting seeds, therefore, the tomato variety is mid-season. it should only be in greenhouses, because the plant needs heat.

Description of the plant

Tomato variety Honey salute is an indeterminate crop. The bush may have a large number of stems, as it constantly produces stepchildren in the lower part of the trunk.

Breeders created this species without a stem, so it is formed independently. The height of the bush can reach 2 m. If germination conditions are poor, the height of the bush will not exceed 1.3 m.


According to the description, the fruit is a slightly flattened ball . Inside the tomato has 5 sections, seeds are rare, they are quite small. Due to its high dry matter content, the fruit has a pleasant and sweet aftertaste.

The weight of one fruit under suitable growing conditions is about 0.5 kg. Most often, fruits are found whose weight does not exceed 400 g. They store tomatoes in a cool room. The shelf life should not exceed 50 days.


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The fruit has a sweet taste

The advantages include a high level of vitamin content. There is also a sweet taste similar to honey, which is why not only adults but also children love it. Often it is used as a table decoration, because its interior is brightly colored.


The main disadvantages are considered to be:

  • susceptibility to parasites or diseases;
  • short shelf life;
  • exacting requirements for constant soil replenishment;
  • need for garter shrubs.

Growing Rules

To grow a Honey Salute, you must adhere to certain rules. Firstly, you should independently form a bush and leave no more than 3 stems on it. Secondly, regularly remove the extra stepchildren located in the lower part of the main stem.

The soil requires regular recharge and intensive watering. To increase productivity, bush regularly: this will increase the number of roots and productivity.

Diseases and parasites

This sweet vegetable is regularly exposed to parasites and diseases. Most often there is an attack of whiteflies and ticks, covering the bush with cobwebs. To reduce their effect on this tomato variety, special colloidal solutions are used.

To protect the plant from fungal diseases, regularly spray the tops with a bordeaux solution or a mixture of copper, and also air the greenhouses.

Tomato Honey salute attracts attention not only due to its appearance. It gained great popularity due to its taste. Due to its high level of sugar and vitamins, it is great for baby food.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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