Description of tomatoes of the variety Mishka Kosolapy

Tomato Bear the Little-toed is a fleshy large-fruited variety. A feature of this species is the core of bright red color and excellent taste. For beginners, this variety of tomatoes is quite difficult in agricultural cultivation. All actions must be accurate and well thought out.

  1. Varietal Features
  2. Characteristics of tomatoes Bear Kosolapiy
  3. Conditions for growing tomato varieties Bear Kosolapiy
  4. Agricultural technology
  5. Preparation of the soil mixture
  6. Sowing <
  7. Lighting <
  8. Hardening, picking and fertilizing
  9. Planting seedlings
  10. Shrub formation
  11. Advantages and disadvantages
  12. Diseases and pests: prevention and methods of struggle
  13. Reviews of gardeners

Описание томатов сорта Мишка Косолапый

Description of tomatoes of the variety Mishka Kosolapy

Varietal features

Characteristics of tomatoes Bear-toed

  • bush refers to an indeterminate form, high;
  • mid-ripening variety;
  • the leaves are of medium size, the color is saturated, dark green;
  • the fruit is round, large, the average weight of one tomato is about 600 grams, the flesh is juicy, rich in sweetness, with a minimum number of seeds;
  • tomatoes grow brushes on which are located from tr x up to five fruits;
  • productivity if properly cared for, the average is about six kilograms per bush.

When ripe, the tomatoes change color from dark green to deep red. Also, there are tomatoes of the variety Mishka Kosolapy in yellow, raspberry and bright orange.

Conditions for growing tomato of the variety Mishka Kosolapy

  • film cover;
  • greenhouse;
  • open ground.

Tomato variety Bear Bearfoot is suitable for long-distance transportation. Tomatoes usually break off brown, because at room temperature 25 degrees Celsius they ripen and acquire an orange, pink, red, yellow or raspberry color (photos can be viewed in catalogs of tomato seeds, which are very popular among amateur gardeners). Vegetables of this variety are used to prepare various dishes, including sauce, ketchup and vegetable juice.


Preparation of the soil mixture

Vegetable seeds are sown in March, the second half of the month is considered the optimal time. For this, it is necessary to prepare a soil mixture, which includes garden soil, peat or humus. In order to increase the nutritional value of the soil, it is recommended to add wood ash or superphosphate substances to the soil mixture.


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Shoots need in sufficient light

Before seeds are sown in the soil they need to be soaked in a growth stimulator, there is no need to disinfect. Next, the seeds are sown in the soil to a depth of two centimeters, covered with a soil mixture and sprayed with water at room temperature. Containers with plantings are covered with cellophane film or glass, placed in a warm place.


When feather shoots appear, the containers should be moved to the windowsill or under lamps with artificial lighting. For the seedlings to be strong, the necessary bright lighting, moderate watering and temperature conditions within 20-22 degrees Celsius.

Hardening, picking and top dressing

A week before planting the seedlings sprouts need to be hardened into the ground. To do this, boxes with plants should be taken out into the open air. When the plant begins to produce the first pair of true leaves, it is necessary to pick. It is also important to feed the seedlings with a complex fertilizer in liquid form based on nitrogen compounds.

Planting seedlings

Tomatoes should be planted in the greenhouse in May, the optimal period is the second half of the month, plants must have at least six true leaves. Teddy Bears of the Kosolapy variety plant on the beds later 1-2 weeks later.You can also plant seedlings that have flowers, this does not affect the further development of plants. The bushes are located at a distance of forty centimeters from each other, and between the rows should be at least fifty centimeters wide.

Formation of the bush

To form the bushes in two stems, for this It is important to remove the stepsons above the second tier of the brush. To make the stalks grow better, it is recommended to pinch the highest growth point and remove flowers that are deformed.

Mishka tomatoes are sensitive to the nutrient medium, therefore it is necessary to ensure fertilizer application throughout the entire ripening period, it is recommended to apply mineral dressing every fourteen days, alternating it with organic additives. In order for the fruit crop to be good, it is necessary to water the planting of tomatoes abundantly, but not often, so that the upper soil layer in the intervals between watering has time to dry out a bit, and the water penetrate to the very roots of the plants. Watering should be arranged after sunset with exclusively warm water that has settled.

Advantages and disadvantages

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Fruits can ripen and be stored in a dark place

Tomato variety Bear Bearfoot has several advantages:

  • excellent taste of ripe fruits;
  • resistance to diseases;
  • excellent yield;
  • contains a lot of sugar and amino acid substances.

A special advantage of tomatoes Bear-toed is the long shelf life. Even green fruits can ripen in a warm and darkened place.

The disadvantages of Teddy Bear Kosolapy tomato include high demands on the nutrient medium, and plants are also very susceptible to bush formation. In the process of pinching, you must adhere to certain rules in order to increase productivity.

Diseases and pests: prevention and control methods

Vegetables of this variety are quite resistant to many diseases of nightshade crops, such as:

  • fusarium;
  • tobacco mosaic;
  • late blight.

Tomato variety Bear Bearfoot can be affected different types of rot: white, gray. Also found rot root and vertex shape. Often, ripe tomatoes can rot prematurely, especially if the fruit has a bright red or orange hue.The description of preventive methods will protect plants from damage, both by diseases and pests. First of all, it is often necessary to loosen and mulch the soil, remove weeds and the lower rows of leaves on the stems. An effective way of prevention is to ventilate the greenhouse, and on sunny days it is recommended to leave the windows open for the whole day.

Tomatoes can sometimes be affected by pests, so preventive maintenance should be carried out regularly. To do this, every day you should inspect the plants. If naked slugs are found, then they can be eliminated with an aqueous solution based on ammonia, and if the tomatoes are attacked by flying insects, then insecticidal preparations should be used. proper care, both for seedlings and adult plants, and this is frequent feeding, regular watering and timely preventive measures.

Reviews of gardeners

Description reviews gardeners about tomatoes of this variety allows you to make One that it is suitable for growing, both in the open ground and in the greenhouse. Many reviews relate to the color variety of fruits, which is of great importance for the use of tomatoes as a product for the presentation of various dishes in cooking.

Some growers share their experience in growing these tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, achieving a high yield (from eight to ten kilograms from a bush). There are negative reviews, as often plants are affected by rot. It is important to start the fight against diseases in a timely manner, and a high yield is guaranteed.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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