Description of tomatoes Pink Paradise

Tomato is a healthy vegetable belonging to the nightshade family. Most of the varieties of this plant in Russia were imported from Spain and the countries of South America. Some varieties are bred now. Among them, common are those related to Japanese breeding. Pink Paradise tomatoes are the most popular ones.

  1. Characteristics of tomatoes Paradise
  2. Peculiarities of tomatoes Pink Paradise
  3. Is it worth planting Pink Paradise in your area
  4. Rules for growing seedlings Pink Paradise f1
  5. Planting seedlings
  6. Tomato care

Томаты Пинк Парадайз

Tomatoes Pink Paradise

Domestic gardeners note tall plants, and its taste is also excellent, and it can be grown as in the greenhouse and in the open field.

Characteristics of Paradise tomatoes

Tomato Pink Paradise was born at the beginning of the 20th century and has already received universal recognition for several years. , thanks to the good palatability of the fruit and its unpretentiousness in care, Pink Paradise tomatoes are already grown in most countries in Europe. Breeding in greenhouses or outdoors without the need for a garter was an innovation for domestic gardeners.

The full name of the Japanese variety is Pink Paradise tomato f1. The prefix “F1” indicates that the plant is a hybrid. Reviews of Pink Paradise tomatoes from domestic gardeners emphasized the difficulty of growing this variety in open ground.If all the nuances of cultivating the crop are taken into account by the gardener, he can get:

  • round pink fruits, the mass of which can reach 220 g;
  • marketable fruits with a missing green spot, which is characteristic of other varieties;
  • high yield (up to 2 kg of tomatoes from a bush).

The peculiarity of Pink Paradise tomatoes

Pink tomato Pink Paradise fruit gives the ovaries of 4-6 pieces. All of them are the same size and rarely crack due to external factors. Characteristics of Tomatoes Pink Paradise also suggests that each tomato has 6 chambers. The weight of one tomato is 180-200 g. Its taste is very sweet, which allows it to be used both raw and for cooking or preserving.

The growth of the bush is worth special attention. Experienced gardeners determined that the description of the Paradise tomato declared by Japanese breeders is true only when breeding a crop in a greenhouse. With properly organized plant care, the Paradise bush can reach up to 2 m in height. In addition, cultivation can be carried out in one or two stems. Examples of Paradise tomato bushes can be seen in the photo.

Урожайность томатов Пинк Парадайз

Tomato yield Pink Paradise

Vigorous tomatoes take root well in the open ground, but do not show their maximum characteristics.A feature of the description of the Pink Paradise tomato variety is that, unlike other varieties, its seeds (which contain the tomatoes themselves) are not suitable for planting. It is impossible to grow a new vigorous bush from them at home.

A special characteristic of Paradise tomatoes is their productivity. Having allocated 10 square meters for the culture in the greenhouse m, you can expect up to 40 kg of fruit. But those who decided to plant Pink Paradise on the street should not expect a good large harvest. Its declared indicator can drop to 30 and even 20 kg.

Should I plant Pink Paradise in my area

If you decide to plant Pink Paradise tomatoes in your country house , you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of this variety. It is necessary to take into account that the declared characteristic of Paradise tomatoes is obtained from plants grown in greenhouse conditions, therefore, the first thing that is necessary is to determine the place of tomato cultivation. Other features are also important:

  • There is no need to worry about plant health. They have good immunity to most diseases. Nematodes and the tobacco mosaic virus were no exception. But a person will still have to deal with preventive spraying of tomatoes in order to minimize the possibility of diseases.
  • Pink tomato Pink Paradise has a high-quality presentation that does not change even after 7-10 days from the time of harvest.In addition, their peel is thin and strong, which is an indicator of the highest quality.
  • Pink Paradise easily tolerates moderate cooling, but during the frost period the plant dies.
  • Pink Paradise tomatoes ripen a little more than 3 months.

There are several disadvantages of Pink Paradise tomato. The main one is the need to build a greenhouse in order to get a big crop. The plant can take root even on the street, but in this case there is no need to wait for records.

It is equally important to take into account the fact that you will have to buy seeds for growing Paradise tomatoes annually. Natural reproduction of the crop is not possible.

Rules for growing seedlings Pink Paradise f1

The declared characteristic of the Paradise tomato variety indicates that this is an annual crop. Her natural breeding is impossible, therefore, having decided to grow Paradise tomatoes, you need to know all the features of this matter, from planting seeds in order to obtain seedlings, to harvesting the crop itself.

When deciding to grow a Japanese tomato variety, you need:

  • Set the stage. Soil for seeds must be fertile and unstable. It is also important that it is not cold, frozen. Processing Phytosporin will not be superfluous.
  • Provide the necessary microclimate. Landing in open ground is made in April-May. Until this time, you should already get seedlings, so you can not do without building a greenhouse or greenhouse.
  • Do not forget about the importance of picking sprouts. After the seeds germinate, the seedlings are transplanted in pots.
Выращивание рассады Пинк Парадайз

Growing seedlings Pink Paradise

Planting seeds is carried out in holes 4-5 cm deep. After planting, the soil should be sprayed with water and covered with a film, creating a greenhouse. Tray or pots with future tomatoes must be kept warm. The optimum air temperature is 24-25 ° C. After the first sprouts hatch, the tray with seeds must be put on the windowsill. Seedlings should receive the sunlight necessary for its growth. When the first foliage appears on it, the last operation is done before planting in open ground – picking.

Knowledge of the characteristics of growing seedlings is the basis for obtaining strong and tall bushes. In addition, this is the basis for the quality yield of Pink Paradise, which is the purpose of growing this variety.

Planting seedlings

The tomato variety Pink Paradise is classified as hybrid, which indicates unwanted planting of crops in open ground. The best for culture will be artificial climatic conditions created by man himself. Paradise tomato characterization allows you to assess the need for natural and artificial growing conditions and choose one that will satisfy the gardener’s needs.

Planting seedlings is scheduled for late April and early May.The main condition is a steady warm climate. The earth should be well warmed and fertilized. Planting itself is done in pre-prepared wells with a depth of 10-12 cm. Seedlings should be located at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other. More information about transplanting seedlings can be found in the video.

2 months after planting pink paradise f1, preventive tillage from late blight is necessary. This is done with fungicides. Also, one should not forget about top dressing. Experts recommend holding them up to 4 times in one season.

Tomato Care

Tomato Paradise is an unpretentious plant. Caring for this variety includes several standard activities:

  • Watering. Tomato Pink Paradise requires moderate watering. The lack or excess of moisture destroys the crop and affects its external and taste. The main thing is to monitor the soil moisture. It must always be moistened.
  • Feeding. Growing Paradise tomato requires knowledge of the right fertilizer selection. Before fruits appear on the stems of the plant, nitrogen fertilizers should be applied. And with the advent of fruits – potassium phosphorus. You also need a tomato and a growth stimulator. The best option for him would be succinic acid.
  • Pinching and molding. A mature plant needs steady support in order to continue its growth and development. It should be tied. Pasynkovka is necessary to increase the yield.It is carried out by trimming one of the two stems.

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The only additional peculiarity of pink paradise f1 care is forced pollination.During the flowering period, it is necessary to move the stems of the tomato so that their leaves touch each other. This method of pollination is needed by everyone who wants to get a big crop. All the details regarding pollination can be found in the video above.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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