Description of yellow phalaenopsis orchid

The orchid has several varieties: both light cream Anthura Gold and Domenica, and rich Golden Beauty. In addition, there are species that differ in beautiful and varied patterns on the petals. These include Dragon’s Rush and Meraldy Breckenbridge. Yellow phalaenopsis orchid (indoor hybrid) is a medium-sized and picky plant that has only one stem.The variety blooms for a long time with beautiful flowers, the color of which varies in a wide range of yellow-gold colors.

  1. Variety Description
  2. Cultivation
  3. Planting <
  4. Care <
  5. Diseases and pests
  6. Prevention
  7. Conclusion <

Описание желтой орхидеи фаленопсис

Description of the yellow Phalaenopsis orchid

Variety description

Yellow orchid flowers look like moths. On a single peduncle of bright green color, the length of which reaches 90 cm, small flowers grow, having a yellow tint with raspberry streaks. Their diameter reaches 5-6 cm, and the petals have a slight yellow-white tint. The central part, or lip, is not very different in color: it is yellow in purple or red speck. A distinctive feature of phalaenopsis is that it is able to bloom year-round. The leaves are green, fleshy and have a waxy sheen.


This variety of phalaenopsis is well adapted to domestic conditions and prefers to grow on window sills with east and west direction.For orchids, the process of synthesis of inorganic compounds from organic compounds, accompanied by the absorption of light, is vitally important; they need access to a photo resource. This is facilitated by growing the flower in a translucent plastic pot.


Seeds and cuttings

Phalaenopsis yellow propagates both by seeds and offspring. The first type of breeding is better suited for greenhouse conditions, because it has a number of features and is generally a labor-intensive process. Propagation of orchids by cuttings by offspring is carried out immediately after flowering. For this, the tops of the plants are cut and cut into a couple of parts, the ends of the cuttings are treated with charcoal and closed in a transparent container. 2 weeks after the appearance of the roots, small cultures are transplanted into independent pots with a substrate.

Root division

Reproduction using root division is carried out in early spring, because during this period the plant is absolutely ready for active growth. For this method, the root system is very carefully removed from the pot, then the rhizome is divided into 2 parts with a disinfected knife or blade so that 2-3 bulbs remain on it. The cut points, as in the previous case, are treated with charcoal. Then the parts are planted in pots and watered. Drainages are added to the soil that favorably affect metabolism, development and growth: pieces of wood bark, coals, finely divided shells and sphagnum moss.


There is another method – cuttings. This method is especially suitable for monopodial phalaenopsis. Monopodial branching suggests that the lateral processes depart from the first-order shoot. For this method, find the part of the phalaenopsis, which forms aerial roots, and cut it off. In this case, the culture is placed in a humid place to alleviate plant stress.


A healthy flower usually does not need to be transplanted into a new substrate. If the plant is still replanted, the pot with epiphyte is placed in a basin of water for 30-40 minutes, the surface of the pot is covered with a net so that the drainage does not blur. This is necessary to check the plant for pests and parasites.


Орхидея цветет при правильном уходе

The orchid blooms with proper care


Phalaenopsis can easily do without bright light. It does not have to be natural, orchids do not neglect artificial lighting. At night, yellow phalaenopsis needs fluorescent lighting. The flower prefers window sills with western and eastern directions.

The violation of lighting leads to thermal burns of leaves. When moving the culture under a relatively bright light does not have time to adapt, so the tissue is damaged.

Temperature and watering

The optimum temperature regime in cold weather is from 14 ° С to 20 ° С, whereas in the warm period the permissible temperature should not be higher than 30 ° С -35 ° C. In the summer, the culture is sprayed. A yellow orchid is watered twice a week, while water is poured into the pan of the pot. In the normal state, the roots of the flower are green, and a silver color warns of moisture deficiency.


Fertilize the flower after the first day of flowering, which is important for newly acquired plants. Sometimes, due to stress, the epiphyte begins to fade flowers, which is considered normal. When the epiphyte blooms for a long time, top dressing is carried out already during flowering. When applying complex orchid fertilizer at a time, only a quarter of the dose indicated on the package is used.

An incorrect concentration of mineral or organic complex fertilizers provokes inhibition of metabolic processes in the plant: the substrate is washed once a week with warm water.

Diseases and pests

A lot of diseases and parasites attack the Orchids: rot is often found, as well as lesions by mealybug, ticks, aphids, spiders, etc. .

  • When a parasite appears istya epiphyte become sticky and covered with dark spots, because the parasite feeds on the cell sap vacuoles.
  • Powdery mildew is characterized by the appearance of a whitish film on leaves, buds and aerial roots.
  • Sooty fungus provokes the appearance of black spots. Usually it is a companion of other diseases, further weakening plants.
  • Mechanical damage or heat provokes decay of the tissues of all organs.
  • With bacterial spotting, leaf blades become covered with ulcers and rot.


Prevention measures are defined as follows:

  • creation of regular levels of temperature and humidity of air and soil;
  • periodic inspections of the plant;
  • optimal lighting conditions;
  • the use of drugs and complex fertilizers according to as necessary;
  • flower propagation to preserve it in case of a possible disease.

Orchids. My new Phalaenopsis orchids. Charmer and LimeLight. (Part 1)
A yellow orchid or a long-awaited dream came true !!!!!
My new Phalaenopsis orchid. Yellow beauty


The yellow orchid is the most unpretentious of the phalaenopsis, it is easy to care for and feels good in a transparent pot containing a special substrate. ndatsiya growing and content at home phalaenopsis culture delight necessarily frequent and beautiful flowering.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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