general description
Dried apricots are dried fruits made from apricot fruits.
by naturally drying for a week in the sun.
Central Asia and North China are home to the apricot tree.
Today apricots for the production of dried apricots are grown
in the gardens of the Krasnodar Territory., in the Caucasus, the Far East,
Central Asia and the Crimea.
There are several types of dried apricots:
- 1
dried apricots – dried with the bone
small apricots; - 2
astrologically – dried apricot halves
seedless. Usually, large fruits are used; - 3
which – dried whole apricots,
from which the bone is pre-extruded.
Selection and storage of dried apricots
When purchasing dried apricots in a store or in the market, you should pay attention
on several main indicators of high quality product:
- 1
color dried apricots should be natural
dark orange or dark brown, without bright shades of orange
or red. The presence of such colors indicates a chemical
product processing; - 2
peel should be without dark
stains, dirt, unnatural shine and elastic structure.
To check dried apricots for dyes, they must be dipped
in cold water for 5-10 minutes. If the water has changed its color, then
the product has been chemically stained.
In cooking
Dried apricots are used both as an independent product and in combination
with meat, rice, fish. It is used to make desserts,
sweet salads, pastries and compotes. Before eating dried apricots
it is necessary to rinse with cool water or fill with water for 1-2 hours.
Calorie content of dried apricots
The calorie content of dried apricots is 232 kcal per 100 g of product. Due to the increased
content of carbohydrates dried apricots can cause obesity
with excessive use.
Nutritional value per 100 grams:
Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 5,2 0,3 51 4 20 232
Useful properties of dried apricots (apricots)
Composition and presence of nutrients
Dried apricots are significantly inferior in vitamins to fresh fruits
apricots, but the composition of micro- and macroelements is one step
above. It includes vitamins: A,
minerals: potassium,
fiber, fatty and organic acids.
Useful and healing properties
Nutritionists advise to eat dried apricots daily (4-5 pcs.) In the autumn-spring
period for the replenishment of nutrients in the body, prevention
diseases of the eyes, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, thrombophlebitis
and atherosclerosis. In this case, dried apricots (100 g) should be chopped in a meat grinder
and add honey (2 tbsp. l.). It is necessary to take such a mixture in 1
Art. l. 2-3 times a day. The treatment course lasts for a month.
Then you need to take a break for two weeks, then repeat the reception
another month.
Regular consumption of dried apricots normalizes hormonal balance,
removes bad cholesterol, preventing the occurrence of a heart attack and
improves the general condition of patients with diabetes, thyroid dysfunction
glands and kidneys.
Some substances of dried apricots can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
For these purposes, dried apricots must be taken in combination with others.
dried fruits. To do this, it is necessary to grind dried apricots through a meat grinder
(200 g), prunes (100 g) and peeled walnuts
nuts (100 g). Add honey (2 tablespoons) to the ingredients and mix.
Store the mixture in a tightly closed container in the common compartment of the refrigerator.
Best taken in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bedtime.
1 century. l.
Using dried apricots for cooking compotes
and uzvarov, helps
fight urolithiasis. Together with fluid from the body
slags and toxins are removed, and the pectin substances of dried apricots are capable of
remove heavy metals and radionuclides.
In dietetics
Dried apricots, due to their dietary properties, are included in many
effective diets. It is used in the general complex of the diet and as
the main ingredient of the fasting day. For this, dried apricots should be
(300 g) chop in mashed potatoes and add peach
or apricot juice (500 ml.). Divide the resulting gruel by 3-4
reception during the day.
In cosmetology
This product is also used for the preparation of tonic and
anti-aging face and hair masks. To prepare a mask you need
chop to a state of puree 200 g of dried apricots, add dry
milk (2 tsp.
l.) and evenly apply on the skin of the face or scalp for 15 minutes.
Then rinse with warm water.
Dangerous properties of dried apricots (apricot)
Excessive consumption of dried apricots can cause an attack of diarrhea
and upset stomach. It should not be given to children under one year old, and
people with individual intolerance to apricot. This can cause
diathesis in children or allergic
reactions in adults.
Dried apricots are contraindicated in hypotension and asthma,
since it has the property of lowering blood pressure.
A video on how to properly cook dried apricots at home so that it is well ventilated and dries quickly.