“Blue Tango” is a beautiful name for a very decorative variety of Echmei of the Bromeliad family. Ehmeya “Blue Tango” is a plant with dense, leathery, belt-like leaves, collected in a funnel, from which a powerful peduncle is formed with a spectacular inflorescence of small flowers of bright blue shades. This extraordinary plant can be a wonderful decoration for any living room or winter garden. In addition, this ehmei variety is one of the most unpretentious and easy to grow.
Inflorescences of Ehmeya “Blue Tango”. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Dwight Sipler
Ehmeya (Aechmea) Is a genus of perennial plants of the Bromeliad family (Bromeliaceae), common in Central America and South America. Includes about 300 species.
Conditions for growing echmea “Blue Tango”
Ehmeya “Blue Tango” loves a lot of sunlight, briefly tolerates the direct rays of the sun, and grows fully in partial shade. Its optimal location is the sills of the south-east or south-west exposure. When located on a windowsill with a southern exposure, it requires shading from the direct sun.
In summer, it is advisable to put ehmeya on a balcony, terrace or garden. At the same time, you need to know that a plant that has been in a semi-shady place for a long time should gradually get used to bright light. In summer, the favorable temperature for keeping this type of echmea is 20-27 ºС, in winter – 17-18 ºС, at least 16 ºС. Low indoor temperatures in winter stimulate the formation of beautiful and lush flower stalks.
Inflorescences of Ehmeya “Blue Tango”. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Scott Zona
In spring and summer, ehmeya needs to be watered with warm filtered water as the upper layer of the substrate dries up. A leaf funnel is first filled with water, and then the soil is well moistened. Accidental overdrying of the substrate will not bring much harm to the echmea, but prolonged drying for the plant can be disastrous. By autumn, watering is gradually reduced. In winter, the flower is rarely watered, sometimes sprayed, the rosette of leaves during this period should be dry.
After flowering echmea, before the onset of the dormant period, the water is drained from the funnel, otherwise excess moisture will lead to its decay. Ehmeya is fed with fertilizer for bromeliads, it is possible for flowering indoor ones, but at the same time use a half dose. Feeding is carried out every 2 weeks, combining them with watering.
Inflorescences of Ehmeya “Blue Tango”. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Scott Zona
Ehmeya prefers humid air at 60%. For her, spraying with water at room temperature from a fine spray is very useful. You can also increase the humidity around ehmea by placing the flower pot on a pallet with moistened expanded clay or small pebbles.
The container for planting echmea should not be deep and filled with a loose substrate containing equal amounts of light earths: peat, turf, leaf, humus with the addition of fine-grained sand. Can be used for echmea and commercially available bromeliad substrate.