Face mask with honey

For many centuries, this product has been used by humans to treat various pathologies, for cosmetic purposes. A self-created honey face mask will bring much more benefit than an expensive remedy from a well-known brand. To cook at home, you will need a minimum amount of a unique product and very little of what you have at home. Oatmeal, cognac, eggs, lemon, vegetable oil, sour cream and even aspirin are used.

The benefits of honey masks

The beneficial effect is due to the large amount of nutrients present in the composition of the beekeeping product, which is preserved in a honey mask. By adding one of the presented ingredients, the action is activated, which makes it possible to obtain a quick and beneficial effect:

  • microelements, vitamins, which are in the composition, quickly penetrate the epidermis, having a beneficial effect, activating the regeneration (rejuvenation) of cells;
  • after using a honey mask, a thin film forms on the surface of the face, which prevents the evaporation of moisture, but does not clog the pores;
  • normalizes water balance;
  • is a natural lifting agent, helps to restore to mature skin its former elasticity, eliminates wrinkles, the face acquires a healthy complexion;
  • this remedy is suitable for any type of face, acne disappears in adolescents.

But there are some restrictions that require care when using masks with honey. If a woman is allergic to honey or other products that make up the mask, then it is better to refuse to use it.

Terms of Use

Face mask with honey

In order for the honey mask to bring the optimal effect, you must follow simple rules:

  • prepare the mask immediately before use;
  • before applying, pre-prepare the face by cleaning it;
  • honey mask should be applied according to the type;
  • fresh honey that has not undergone crystallization is better;
  • do not heat it, since at temperatures above 65 degrees, the product loses its useful properties;
  • honey mask will be beneficial if applied regularly, one procedure will not give the desired result.

Each course is designed for several sessions. Usually these are two procedures a week for one or two months. Then take a break, repeat if necessary. For prevention, once every six months is enough.


Face mask with honey

Many recipes have been tried many centuries ago. They were carefully preserved, passed down from generation to generation and became available to contemporaries. Although not a single honey mask presents any difficulties in preparation. Even a girl can cope with the task. They are useful for teens who have acne or pimples on their face. It is important to monitor not only the quality of honey, but also control the products used to make a mask from honey.

Honey with yolk

Face mask with honey

A similar honey mask with an egg is suitable for dry face. You will need the yolk of a home-made egg at room temperature, a spoonful of honey. Combine the ingredients, after stirring the yolk, apply to the cleansed face. Soak for about 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, apply a nourishing cream designed for a specific type of face.

The course is designed for a month, two procedures per week. Take a month break and repeat if necessary. For prevention, it is enough to make a mask twice a month. The remaining protein can be whipped, add honey for the mask. Tightens pores, removes acne, acne. But such a tool dries, it is better to use it for oily skin.

Honey composition with aspirin

Face mask with honey

This honey mask has a rejuvenating effect. This remedy must be kept for no more than 10 minutes, so as not to provoke the appearance of an unwanted rash on the face from the action of aspirin. To prepare it, you need to crush one or two tablets and combine the powder with a small amount of warm water to form a slurry. Add one spoonful of honey, mix thoroughly and apply to cleansed face.

Subject to the recommendations, it will help get rid of acne, acne. Ideal for young girls use.

Honey and olive oil

Face mask with honey

It is a natural remedy suitable for any face. Nourishes, moisturizes, helps to get rid of the signs of aging of the face. It is recommended for all women, especially those with signs of aging. For cooking, it is enough to add the same amount of olive oil to a spoonful of honey. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed, apply on face. Keep the mask on for about 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

After such a mask with honey, applying a nourishing cream is not necessary. The course is designed for a month, apply twice a week. Then you can take a break for 1-2 months and repeat.

Honey with lemon juice

Face mask with honey

Lemon juice is ideal for face whitening. Helps fight pigmentation and freckles. Using a honey mask with lemon, you can quickly achieve a beautiful matte shade. Freckles, acne disappear, pores close. Such a product dries, therefore, a mask for oily skin is recommended. If a woman with a dry type of face uses it, then after use it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream.

For cooking, you need to squeeze out the juice of one lemon. You will need two tablespoons of juice and the same amount of honey. Apply to cleansed face and rinse off after 15 minutes with warm water.

Professional cosmetologists do not recommend a honey mask with lemon more than once every three weeks.

Cream and honey

Face mask with honey

For such a honey mask, it is better to add homemade sour cream. What a modern retail chain offers is not of good quality. The presence of natural sour cream guarantees that the person receives an additional portion of nutrients:

  • a large vitamin group (A. B, E, C), which has a beneficial effect on the state of the epidermis;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus.

After a cream-honey mask, the face becomes clean, velvety, acne and acne disappear. The product guarantees optimal hydration. Ingredients are taken in equal amounts and mixed thoroughly. Then apply to cleansed face. Soak for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water or herbal decoction. The mask is not recommended for oily types, as it clogs the pores.

Honey composition with cinnamon

Face mask with honey

Cinnamon is able to stimulate blood circulation in all layers of the epidermis, due to this, skin cells are quickly saturated with useful substances present in honey. After applying the mask with honey and cinnamon, pigmentation, acne disappears.

For preparation, it is enough to mix a tablespoon of honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply to cleansed face. Soak for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure twice a week for a month. Take a month break and repeat if necessary. For preventive purposes, it is enough to use 2-3 times a year.

Honey and soda

Face mask with honey

This mask is designed for deep cleansing of the skin. Regular use gives the same effect that can be obtained after procedures in expensive salons. The face is cleansed, the pores are narrowed, they are quickly saturated with the beneficial substances that make up the honey.

The baking soda mask is not recommended for a sensitive type of face, as it can provoke signs of irritation in the form of redness or unwanted peeling.

To prepare the mask, you must first dissolve two large tablespoons of soda in 100 grams. Warm water. Add enough honey to make a cream-like texture. Apply to cleansed face. Keep it for no more than 10 (!) Minutes. Wash off with warm water or herbal decoction. Apply a nourishing cream. Repeat the procedure once a week for a month. Four treatments are enough for a visible rejuvenating effect. Acne, pimples disappear after the first week. If necessary, repeat no earlier than two months later.

Honey with oatmeal

Face mask with honey

Oatmeal flakes are used for anti-aging procedures. This is due to the composition, which contains:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • phosphorus;
  • retinol.

The effect of the components is enhanced if you add a couple of tablespoons of honey to the gruel and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply to cleansed face, rinse off after 10 minutes with warm water.

Honey and salt

Face mask with honey

This honey mask is also effective for deep cleansing of the skin. It can be compared to the effect after the procedures done by the professionals in the beauty salon. In addition, salt has a rejuvenating effect. The product is effective for mature women with characteristic signs of aging. With regular use of the mask, elasticity returns, color improves, fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

For cooking, you need to dissolve a small spoonful of salt in warm honey. Apply to cleansed face, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Such a mask has a prolonged effect, that is, it provides a long-lasting effect even after rinsing. The ingredients penetrate deeply into all layers of the epidermis and continue to benefit even after the mask is removed from the face.

Aloe with honey

Face mask with honey

Aloe is an exceptional remedy for facial rejuvenation, as it contains a large amount of useful substances:

  • vitamins A, E, C, large group B;
  • zinc;
  • iodine;
  • iron;
  • silicon:
  • fluorine;
  • copper;
  • amino acids;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • retinol;
  • lignin.

Such a composition provides a quick activation of the regenerative processes in skin cells, which are noticeably improved when honey is added to the juice of the plant. After using a honey mask with aloe, the face is saturated with vitamins, the synthesis of new cells is activated, the regeneration process is carried out much faster or is restored if used by women of mature age. The pores are narrowed, wrinkles are visibly smoothed, acne disappears.

To prepare the mask, you must choose a large leaf of the plant, which is at least three years old. A younger plant does not have such a rich composition. Cut the leaf, separate the pulp with a spoon and chop it to a state of gruel. Take two tablespoons of the component and add a spoonful of honey, mix and apply to cleansed face. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Aloe mask can trigger an allergic reaction. A test must be performed before the procedure. It is enough to apply the product to the wrist. If after a few minutes there is no redness or itching, it can be applied to the face.

Honey with the addition of cognac

Face mask with honey

Despite the fact that this is an alcoholic drink, the mask with the addition of cognac is considered royal. The product was developed by a professional beautician. It is desirable to add to the composition:

  • cognac – 2 spoons;
  • honey – 1 spoon;
  • cream or sour cream – 30 ml;
  • egg yolk;
  • a spoonful of fresh lemon juice.

Apply to cleansed face, leave for 15 minutes and rinse. It is possible to use only two main components in the presented amount. But cognac dries the skin. Therefore, a professional has introduced cream, yolk, which soften the action a little and have additional benefits for the face.

Honey with glycerin

Face mask with honey

Most women use glycerin for hand care. The quick effect is amazing. The skin of the hands becomes smooth and soft after the first application. The same effect can be achieved by making a mask of glycerin with the addition of honey. Possesses unique properties:

  • Smoothes wrinkles;
  • removes traces of pigmentation;
  • tightens pores;
  • eliminates the signs of a rash, acne disappears;
  • rejuvenates.

It is enough to take the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio, mix and apply in the usual way.

Honey with clay

Face mask with honey

A natural remedy used by women centuries ago. One of Cleopatra’s favorite masks. Maybe it was thanks to honey and clay that the woman managed to maintain her beauty over the years. Different types of clay are sold in pharmacies. It is necessary to give preference to the one that has certain effects:

  1. White contains kaolin, magnesium, zinc, silica and magnesium. Promotes rapid regeneration, therefore it is suitable for older women.
  2. The composition of blue clay is enriched with nitrogen, silicon, phosphate and iron. Normalizes metabolism in the skin, improves blood circulation in the epidermis. Promotes smoothing of wrinkles, eliminates signs of acne.
  3. There are many tonic substances in yellow clay. It is used to relieve inflammation.
  4. Green cleanses pores, has regenerating properties, rejuvenates, smoothes wrinkles, removes acne.

For cooking, you can use those types that are most suitable for achieving specific goals. Clay is diluted with a spoonful of warm water to a slurry consistency and a spoonful of honey is added. Apply to cleansed face, stand for 20 minutes. The course is designed for one month. It can be repeated after a month’s break.

Banana honey

Face mask with honey

Mash the banana pulp with a fork. Combine the proportions in equal parts and apply to cleansed face. Hold for 20 minutes and rinse. The mask is suitable for a fading face. Evens out the color of the skin, normalizes metabolism, saturates, tones, activates the regeneration process. Use twice a week for a month. After a month’s break, the course can be repeated.

Turmeric, starch and honey

Face mask with honey

A honey mask containing turmeric and starch has a botox effect. Refreshes, tightens the oval, smoothes wrinkles, gradually removes nasolabial folds. It is necessary to take all the ingredients in equal parts, mix thoroughly and apply on the face. After 20 minutes, wash off with warm water. The stunning effect is visible the first time. Therefore, many women consider such a pre-holiday mask. But lasting results can be achieved with regular use. This is twice a week for a month.

With the addition of gelatin

Face mask with honey

Gelatin contains a lot of collagen, so this mask is useful for aging skin. Gelatin is pre-soaked in water. After swelling, add an equal amount of honey. Mix thoroughly and apply to cleansed face. Soak for 15 minutes and rinse. The complexion is noticeably improved, fine wrinkles are smoothed, pores are narrowed, acne disappears. It must be repeated twice a week for a month.

Ginger and honey

Face mask with honey

The presence of ginger in a honey mask accelerates blood circulation, improves metabolic processes. The mask gives the effect of quick rejuvenation and cleansing of the skin. Chop the root on a fine grater or use a blender. Mix with honey in equal amounts. Keep on the face for no more than 10 minutes. Gives a fast, long-lasting anti-aging effect.

With milk and rice

Face mask with honey

Boil a small amount of rice in water. Drain but do not empty the water. Make gruel from boiled rice, add warm milk and honey in equal amounts. Apply to cleansed skin and wash off with rice water after 15 minutes. Regular use eliminates many age-related problems, smoothes wrinkles, improves color, and acne disappears.

With added yeast

Face mask with honey

It is better to use fresh yeast, a small amount of which is diluted with warm milk or water. The same amount of honey is added to the resulting gruel and applied to the face. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. Gives a quick anti-aging effect that lasts with regular use.

Honey and cottage cheese

Face mask with honey

The mask is rejuvenating, whitens the face. For cooking, you must use homemade cottage cheese. Take the ingredients in equal proportions, mix thoroughly and apply to cleansed face. Soak for 15 minutes, rinse.

Apple and honey

Face mask with honey

The apple-honey mask whitens, fills the deep layers of the epidermis with useful components, and regenerates. The positive effect is noticeable after the first use. Long-lasting results are possible with regular use. For cooking, you need to peel the apple and grate on a fine grater, mix in proportions 1: 1, hold for 15 minutes and rinse. Use 2 times a week for at least a month.


Any honey composition has practically no contraindications. An exception is the individual intolerance to honey and beekeeping products. It is also necessary to consider: such phenomena:

  • allergy to the products that make up the composition;
  • signs of a vascular network on the face;
  • diabetes.

For people suffering from psoriasis, the use of masks should be started after consulting a doctor. There are no more contraindications.

Recommendations, useful advice from cosmetologists on the use of honey masks

Face mask with honey

The honey composition is recommended by professional cosmetologists for all women, regardless of age. Masks help young ladies to cope with negative age factors, remove acne and acne. Honey masks help women who have already crossed the Balzac age. The tool has no special warnings, but useful recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. If the honey mask is applied for the first time, be sure to test the product. Apply a small amount to the wrist. If an allergic reaction does not appear after half an hour, you can use the recipe.
  2. A lasting result is possible only after several procedures.
  3. Do not use often. Twice a week for a month is enough. Take a break.
  4. A greater effect can be obtained if the agent is present in a bath or sauna. Steam, high temperature expand pores, honey composition acts faster.
  5. Do not forget about the neck and décolleté. They also need care. Therefore, prepare the funds a little in large proportions.
  6. The same honey masks can be applied to the lips.

This is quite enough to get a positive anti-aging, cleansing effect.


The beneficial effect is confirmed by numerous reviews.

“I preferred expensive salons. But the financial situation deteriorated sharply. I had to look for an alternative way. I decided to use products containing honey. I began to add various ingredients one by one. I especially liked the honey composition with lemon and apple. The result was not long in coming. My skin now looks healthy and radiant. The need to visit beauty parlors simply disappeared. My friends are jealous of how I look in my age. Began to be interested in the coordinates of my beautician. To which I replied that my beautician is natural honey.

Svetlana, 43 years old. Permian».

“I have been living in Novosibirsk for a long time. The local climate does not always have a beneficial effect on the condition of the facial skin. Creams and expensive cosmetics did not bring the desired results. I used a honey recipe. I prepare masks myself. This amazing natural remedy has helped me solve many problems. Frost and piercing winds are no longer afraid of my face and lips. I cook and take with me to the bathhouse. The face looks great at any time of the year.

Olga, 48 years old. Novosibirsk».

Do not rush to spend your own funds on expensive masks available in the retail network. There is sure to be a natural remedy in the house that will do much more good. One such product is a natural beekeeping product and other components presented here. Do not ignore the benefits that nature gives to man for health and beauty.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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