Favorable days for picking eggplant in March

Most gardeners currently prefer the classic eggplant method, which involves picking. It is usually held in spring, sometimes in late winter, but the best option is to pick eggplants in March.

  1. Pick Date
  2. March picking rules
  3. Plant recovery after a picking
  4. Lunar calendar for growing eggplant
  5. Conclusion <

Благоприятные дни для пикировки баклажанов в марте

Auspicious days for eggplant picking in March

Pick date

Very important correctly choose the most favorable time for diving. This will shorten the period of adaptation, improve the condition of plants. The best dates should be based on the climatic conditions directly in your area:

  1. The temperature should not be lower than 18 ° C.
  2. There should be at least one leaf on the sprouts, you can also wait for the full unfolding two or three.
  3. At the time of transplantation, each plant should have a wide root system, transplant a sprout with a piece of land.
  4. To dive eggplant in March, you need to sow seeds in February or January , depending on the variety and region.

To calculate the date of transplantation and sowing, you need to know odolzhitelnost the growing season of your varieties of eggplants.

It varies from 70 to 156 days. The first half will be a favorable time for diving seedlings.Accordingly, early varieties are transplanted at the age of 30-50 days, later – at 60-75 days. If we take into account the time for adaptation, it is possible to accurately calculate when the harvest will be.

We must not forget that early transplantation threatens with a significant decrease in yield, and late transplantation will be harmful to seedlings. Overexposed seedlings can greatly outgrow, which complicates the separation of the roots of one seedling from the roots of another.

Dive rules in March

It is also worth considering the permissible density of seedlings. In the case of undersized varieties, dive 5-6 bushes per square meter. meter, tall eggplants (over 1.5 m high) are grown 2-3 bushes in the same area.

If the plant was grown in peat, then it is placed in the ground with it. General requirements for soil for sowing: it must be fertile, light, loose and pH close to neutral. We must not forget that if the vegetable has a central root of more than 1 cm, then you need to pinch it.

Restore plants after a dive

Баклажаны очень прихотливые растения

Eggplants are very fastidious plants

Eggplants are fastidious vegetables, they have a fragile root system that requires more recovery time than many other plants.

Usually this period is 2-4 weeks, but in cold regions it is even longer.These plants, even without such factors, are sensitive to a lack or excess of moisture in the soil, and transplantation makes them even more painful.

To accelerate their recovery after a dive, they need to:

  • give access to bright, scattered light;
  • monitor the absence of drafts and air temperature;
  • sprinkle with a thin layer of peat and pritenit for a day.

Direct sunny rays and heat are unacceptable, you need to carefully use artificial lighting – standard for tomatoes or peppers 12-14 hours of exposure can ruin eggplant, but in low light conditions the sprouts grow weaker, turn pale, become more prone to diseases and sometimes even die.

It is also necessary to closely monitor the state of the soil during this period – pour 1-2 times a week with warm water, use growth stimulants (one week after transplantation). This is an excellent preventive measure, although well-grown and timely pickled seedlings are unlikely to be too demanding and prone to diseases.

Lunar calendar for growing eggplants

A new lunar calendar is created annually. Seedlings can be dived either on a growing or waning moon, but a growing one is preferable, because it helps to strengthen the root system and crown. Better to choose a time when she is in the sign of Virgo. No need to transplant seedlings in the full moon or new moon.

In 2018, the favorable days in March were:

  • 1
  • 8-10;
  • 15-16;
  • 19-20;
  • 28-30.

In 2019 in March, the optimal days are:

  • 8-14 ;
  • 17;
  • 23-25.

HOW TO PICK AN EGGLISH AND WHEN Olga Chernova’s video lesson March 10, 2017
Sow peppers and eggplant in March
How to Dive Eggplant. Pickled Eggplant.


Picking is an important part of growing eggplant, as well as choosing the right time for it. Knowing its principles and rules and checking the lunar calendar, you can significantly improve the condition of vegetables and their harvest. And a good option would be to hold it in March, on the favorable days described above.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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