Features of growing pumpkin Smile

Pumpkin Smile was bred in Russia, at the Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Production. The variety was included in the state registry of the Russian Federation in 1998. For two decades, the vegetable has gained popularity due to its unpretentiousness in care and excellent taste.

  1. Description <
  2. Growing cultivars
  3. Planting <
  4. Care <
  5. Harvesting and storage of the crop
  6. Advantages and disadvantages

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Features of pumpkin growing Smile


This the variety belongs to early ripening – from the appearance of the first seedlings to harvesting it takes about 80-90 days.

The culture has a bush form, which is important in small gardens – the lashes do not take up much space and not other growth of plants.

Features of the variety:

  • the shape of a flattened ball;
  • orange color;
  • large green leaves with a pattern ;
  • fragrant yellow or orange flowers;
  • not very high content of white oval-shaped pumpkin seeds;
  • fruits weighing from 0.7 to 1 kg, appearing in the stem itself;
  • on the bush ripens from 7 to 10 vegetables;
  • on the skin there are white veins.

Inside the vegetable is also orange. Its flesh is not very juicy, crispy. The taste is sweet with the aroma of melon and fruity notes. During storage, it does not deteriorate, but even becomes richer.

The peel is quite thin, it cleans well. Thanks to its strength, the pumpkin is protected from damage.It also allows transporting the crop without any problems.

Unlike other varieties, Smile pumpkins are characterized by their small size. This means that a vegetable can be prepared 1-2 times without thinking how to preserve its parts.

This species is resistant to disease. But with high humidity, the pumpkin can be affected by rot. For prevention, observe the watering regime, remove weeds and lay boards under vegetables.

Cultivating the variety

To plant this crop on its plot, the garden is cultivated in autumn.

First, choose a place for the vegetable. This pumpkin is a large-fruited vegetable, so it needs the warmth and light of the sun. The well-lit side of the bed in the south is best suited.

The soil is dug up to a depth of 25-30 cm, adding organic fertilizers and ash. Check the acidity and structure of the earth – the variety will not grow on heavy clay soil.

If the soil has a poor composition, additives are added to reduce acidity and to achieve looseness. You can use dolomite flour, peat, lime for this. Improve soil and green manure sown after harvest.


Для посадки пригодны только здоровые семена

Only healthy seeds are suitable for planting

For planting, choose healthy, full-bodied seeds. They should not have dark spots, damage.Preparation consists in soaking them for a day in warm water or growth stimulants. Seeds are wrapped in cloth and covered with a film – so the moisture will not evaporate.

Planting in this way is done in late May or early summer. The temperature of the earth at a 10-cm depth should be warmed up to 11-12 ° C.

It is possible to grow using seedlings. Sowing begins in the first half of May. Young pumpkin plants do not tolerate planting – delicate roots break easily. To prevent damage, the seeds are planted in peat pots – they can be broken without damaging the root system of the culture.

Seedlings are ready for further work approximately 3 weeks after sowing. It has a strong and low stem, on which 3-4 green leaves appear, the internodes should be short. Seedlings are planted in early summer, when there is no frost at night, and in the afternoon the soil temperature warms up to 12 ° C at a 5-cm depth.

For seedlings or seeds, dig holes 70×70 cm. 2 seeds are put in one hole. If both bushes grow, the weaker one is removed. Planting depth is 5 cm. Part of the seeds or sprouts are placed a little deeper to avoid damage by frost. Sprinkle the top of the hole with soil and pour it with heated water.


Planted seedlings or sprouts coming out of the seeds are covered if there is a risk of frost. Any material is suitable for this – paper, a bottle, from which the bottom is cut off.

Description of the pumpkin A smile indicates that it is not whimsical to care for. The main thing she needs is regular watering and removal of weed grass around the site. Under a ripening fruit, lay a plate or other object made of natural material, which protects the pumpkin from rotting on moist soil.

The variety is drought-resistant, but demanding on watering. Powerful roots of the culture well produce moisture from the soil, but large leaves quickly evaporate it. Vegetable watered with warm water. If it is cold, you can lose the whole crop.

To improve the quality of this bush pumpkin, pinch the top of the growth. To do this, count 5 leaves from the first ovary, and the rest is removed. Due to this, there is an increased formation of shoots on which the flowers will be female.

After pruning, the vegetable needs top dressing. To do this, use a fermented infusion of herbs with the addition of ash. If the pumpkin is planted on well-fertilized soil, there is no need for food.

Harvesting and storage

The pumpkin is removed from the bush as it ripens. Achievements of maximum size are not expected – this allows new ovaries to actively form and increase the number of fruits. During harvesting, they handle the crop with great care so as not to damage the peel.

To ensure long-term storage, the pumpkin is well dried and placed in 1 layer in a box or on the shelf.

Advantages and disadvantages

The cultivation of this vegetable is possible in almost any area.The variety has many advantages over other species:

  • good resistance to cold, which provides a crop in areas with sharp temperature changes;
  • early ripeness;
  • undemanding to care;
  • excellent taste;
  • melon aroma;
  • strong peel that guarantees the integrity of the fruit during transportation;
  • storage at room temperature .

There is only one drawback of the variety – susceptibility to rot at high humidity.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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