Features of orchid care in winter

In the cold season, indoor plants require an appropriate microclimate. Caring for an orchid in winter at home differs from leaving in other seasons, because the culture is thermophilic. The actions of gardeners depend on the plant variety. For some species, the changes are non-cardinal, for others, the conditions of detention change significantly.

  1. General
  2. Watering and humidification
  3. Temperature
  4. Lighting <
  5. Other winter care
  6. Conclusion <

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Winter orchid care

General information

The culture is striking in the variety of varieties. Care for orchids in winter, taking into account the distribution of plants into the following groups:

  • those that do not fall into a dormant state (Paphiopedilums (bash munchies), phalaenopsis, miltonia, vanda);
  • with a mild dormant state (oncidiums, Cattleya, dendrobiums and Lelia);
  • with a pronounced dormant state (tunia, calanthus, pleion and several types of dendrobiums).

For the first group, winter care activities are slightly different from those in the warm seasons. For the second, reduce watering and top dressing. In order to look after species that are in a state of complete dormancy, it is worth observing some rules. If you add water in the previous quantities, the plants will not have time to consume it. For this reason, the dose and frequency of watering is reduced to a factor of 1.5-2 weeks.The need for culture in water is determined by the color change of the roots. Healthy ones have a light green or purple hue. If the roots turn gray, they must be watered.

The plants are saturated with moisture, placing the pots in vessels with water, then let the liquid drain. Immediately after watering, it is forbidden to place an orchid on the windowsill, because in winter the temperature near the window decreases. The roots will continue to absorb the already chilled fluid from the container under the pot. This will entail the development of fungal and bacterial diseases. To prevent them, foam is placed under the vessel, and the flower is placed in a pot with a special recess. This provides him with thermal insulation and does not allow the roots to become cold.

Varieties characterized by a pronounced state of rest do not water at all. They require complete drying of the soil. This is done so that new shoots erupted in the spring, because the leaves disappear completely.

Central heating reduces air humidity by 30-40%. This factor provokes infection of the plant with a spider mite. In order to neutralize pests, the flower is irrigated with water dust, not a stream.Humidity is increased in the following ways:

  • a plant is installed near an aquarium or a decorative fountain;
  • a wet towel is periodically hung on the battery;
  • equip pallets in which pebbles are poured , fill with water and cover with a wire rack, put a flower pot on top;
  • use special appliances.

If plants are placed under a warm shower (only species that don’t fall into hibernation), after the procedure they are left in the bathroom for the night. Due to this, the culture is saturated with moisture. They also prevent the development of rot in this way: excess water evaporates overnight.

Temperature conditions

Caring for orchids in winter provides for optimal temperature. According to these conditions, 3 groups are distinguished:

  • Heat-loving. Indicators for representatives of this class should not fall below 15 ° C. This includes phalaenopsis, slippers, hemaria, anectochylus, etc.
  • Those that perfectly tolerate a wide range of temperatures. The optimal indicators at which plants feel good in winter are 12-15 ° C. They also adapt to higher temperatures.
  • Cold-loving. Indicators should not exceed 10-12 ° C. Violation of the temperature regime for varieties of this group entails the absence of flowering. Representatives include coelogin, odontoglossum, cymbidium, etc.They are placed in the apartment at the bottom of the window opening, if there is no battery nearby.

Keep indoor plants on the windowsill so that they do not come into contact with the glass. In cold winters, the orchid is completely removed from the window or they are protected using polystyrene.

The flowers respond well to fresh air. If a window is opened for the purpose of ventilation, the plants are removed from the windowsill for a certain time, otherwise they will freeze. The culture also does not accept drafts.

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Temperature conditions for orchids in winter


When growing an orchid, caring for it in autumn and winter provides for additional illumination. Daylight hours are provided for 10-12 hours, otherwise the plant will not lay flower buds. For this purpose, fluorescent lamps with an average power of about 60 watts are used. They are placed on top at a distance of 20-30 cm. Under artificial lighting, the culture can overwinter far from the window.

If they do not produce additional illumination, for better illumination the flower is placed on the windowsill on the south side. On the north window, the plant will be too dark. When the culture does not have enough light, external signs appear: the leaves stretch out and become dull.

Other winter care features

When preparing for a cold period in the fall, the stem after flowering shorten.This contributes to the secondary appearance of flowers. Also, under favorable conditions, children may appear.

During the wintering of the crop, in most cases, top dressing is not performed. It is stopped after the plant has bloomed, because the need for nutrients is reduced. To stimulate growth, fertilizing is not worth it. Representatives of varieties that do not hibernate are fed. For this, the concentration of funds is reduced by 4 times. They are used once a month.

Orchids in winter are undesirable to transplant. It is better to provide them with peace, so that the plants get stronger before the onset of an active flowering period. Many species in the fall come out of dormancy and begin to grow peduncle. It is formed for several months, then flowering falls in the winter. During this period, they are also not disturbed. Transplantation is carried out in a number of cases:

  • the root system is sick;
  • the top rot;
  • the culture does not hibernate.

A flower is transported in winter according to certain rules. At temperatures from 5 ° C to -5 ° C, the plant is packaged in several layers of paper, which is fastened. In frost, it is also wrapped in a plastic bag. At rates below -5 ° C, thermal insulation material is provided over the paper. At home, packaging is not removed immediately so that the plant does not suffer from a sharp temperature drop.


To look after an orchid in winter is worth its appearance. For each determine the irrigation mode, temperature. There are recommendations that apply to all varieties. The most common type of phalaenopsis often suffers in the winter from pest invasion and disease damage. Their development is prevented by properly caring for plants. These manipulations contribute to good flowering after a period of rest.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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