Feeding carrots in June

Feeding carrots in June plays an important role in the formation of root crops. The quality of the crop, its characteristics and quantity depend on the correctness of the action. For the entire period of growth, plants are fed 4 times. Three of them are produced in June, and they are the most important.

  1. Features of the June feeding
  2. The best compounds and fertilizers
  3. The first feeding
  4. The subsequent feeding
  5. Symptoms mineral deficiency
  6. Conclusion <

Подкормка моркови в июне

Feeding carrots in June

Features of the June feeding

Among the features of cultivation, the need for timely introduction of minerals and abundant regular watering is singled out. pay maximum attention because:

  • Nitrogen is required in plants during active growth.This substance is found in abundance in organic fertilizers: cow dung, bird droppings, infusion of weeds with yeast, as well as in chemicals : nitrogen nitrate or urea.
  • During the growing season, root crops need potash fertilizers. This trace element is found in potassium nitrate, potassium permanganate, and in wood ash.
  • Together with the above two elements, the root crop needs phosphorus. Superphosphate, bone meal and nitrophoska contain a large amount of this element, so their use in carrot farming is mandatory.

The skillful and proper combination of the trace elements listed above can improve the growth rates of root crops.Due to the balance of nutrients in the soil, the harvest is well stored, and the fruits remain juicy, fragrant and sweet for a long time.

The best compounds and fertilizers

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Choose fertilizers that are suitable and convenient for you

Feed the carrots in June, and with it and Beets can be obtained using organic substances or using fertilizers produced in the chemical industry. The latter are available in the form of solutions, granules or powders.

Among the ready-made mineral complexes of high concentration, the compositions made by the Agricola, Hera, Fasko or Agrovita concerns are most often used. They do not have a special name, and on the packages it says “For feeding carrots and beets.”

First feeding

The first feeding of root crops, incl. beets are produced when the plant releases a second pair of true leaves. Root crops are fertilized with the following composition:

  • 15 g of urea;
  • 20 g of potassium nitrate;
  • 15 g of double superphosphate.

The resulting amount of mineral substances is dissolved in 10 l of warm water. Aisle is watered with a solution, avoiding liquid getting on the leaves.

Subsequent fertilizing

The second fertilizer is applied after 10 days after the first.

It is also the root. Fertilizer is prepared from half the norm of the substances listed above, or use any complex preparation in which phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen are present. The quantity is determined according to the instructions.

The third application of fertilizers is carried out 7-10 days after the second. If the first soil treatment was carried out in early June, feeding the plants for the third time will be correct in late June or early July. This time, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are added. If there is no shortage of deciduous mass, nitrogen fertilizer is not used at this stage.

Signs of a lack of minerals

To understand which mineral the plant needs most, refer to featured mineral deficiency. The most common manifestations:

  • Potassium deficiency is manifested by the defeat of the tops of fungal diseases and pests. Due to the low concentration of this mineral, root crops respond to a lack of moisture and stop growing during these periods. A characteristic sign of a lack of potash fertilizers is the formation of a tight peel and core compaction.
  • Nitrogen deficiency is manifested by yellowing, twisting and falling of the tops. Underground at this time, the fruit grows deeper and overgrows with a large number of fibrous roots. Root crops also become soft and lose color, and they also produce little carotene.
  • A small amount of phosphorus leads to the fact that the root crop is not able to form the correct root system, so you can’t count on a good harvest.

The consequences of a lack of mineral substances or their improper, irrational introduction into the soil on beds with carrots are:

  • poor preservation of the crop;
  • small fruits;
  • bitter taste;
  • woody core;
  • root vegetables with multiple roots and irregular shape.


Feeding carrots in June is important. During this period, root vegetables consume the maximum amount of nutrients and form the root system.

The most important minerals for the plant during this development period are potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. The use of balanced compositions and ready-made complexes of trace elements will make it possible to fill the lack of substances in the soil and provide root crops with the necessary nutrition.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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