Fighting aphids on eggplant seedlings

Aphids on eggplant seedlings both in open ground and in the greenhouse lead to a lack of yield, loss of culture. The extermination of the insect should be carried out at the beginning of its development. Chemical and popular methods will help.

  1. Description of the pest
  2. Biological and physical methods of control
  3. Chemicals
  4. Folk remedies
  5. Conclusion <

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Fighting aphids on eggplant seedlings

Pest Description

Eggplant infects 2 species of aphids. Green peach attacks eggplants at the beginning of the season in medium and southern latitudes.

The insect is light green and light pink in color. The color of the insect affects the color of the pest, and the color also changes due to air temperature: the lower it is, the darker the color.

The stage of the life cycle of an insect affects the presence of wings. at the top of the abdomen there is a dark spot.

Melon or cotton aphid on eggplant appears in the southern regions in mid-summer, because She needs high air temperature for development and reproduction. Insects within the species differ in size and shape. Adults come with or without wings. The color of the pest can be either green-yellow or black. The darker the insect, the larger it is in size.

Small light individuals slowly grow, multiply, move.

Their colony rarely grows before causing great damage to the plant.

Large pests of dark shades of blue, green, brown, black multiplies rapidly. They can destroy eggplant plantings in a few days.

Both species cause significant damage to the plant:

  1. Insects suck out the juice, weakening the eggplant. The culture slows growth, dies.
  2. The product of the vital activity of the pest is a sticky pad. Aphids on domestic eggplant seedlings lead to the appearance and development of black mold, which slows down photosynthesis.

The parasite carries viral (tobacco mosaic), fungal diseases.

Biological and physical methods of struggle

The biological method will help reduce the population – attracting ladybugs to natural seedlings’ enemies. For them, aphids are a source of food. Most aphids eat insect larvae – up to 100 pests. In the case when the ladybugs could not be lured into the garden, other control methods are used.

Due to the fact that the pest is slow and does not have a protective shell, it is not difficult to physically destroy it manually. Eggplant is cultivated in small beds, so the procedure will not take much time.

The flushing method is also effective. Insects have weak legs, so they easily fly off the plant. Cold tap water will not work. Water is used at room temperature. As a tool – a spray gun.Strong flow from the hose can damage the delicate leaves of the culture. Water is directed so that insects are not carried away to other crops.


Обработка проводится в сухую погоду

Processing is carried out in dry weather

Some chemical insecticides are dangerous to humans. They are used to deal with severe insect damage to plants when sparing folk and physical remedies are not effective.

Drugs are not applied during flowering and fruiting. Processing is carried out in dry, calm weather in the early morning or late evening. The working fluid is prepared outdoors.

Chemicals are divided according to the principle of action:

  • contact – penetration through the chitinous cover;
  • intestinal – entry into the digestive system with subsequent absorption into the blood;
  • systemic – long-term impregnation for 3-4 weeks of the plant that the insect eats.

The drug Prestige has a systemic effect on aphids. Before processing it is diluted 1×15 / 20. Bushes are evenly sprayed. The tool protects the plant from aphids for 40 days.

Aktara insecticide is applied to the soil, they spray the culture. 1 packet of substance is dissolved in 1 liter of water. This is a mother liquor. Before spraying take 200 g of the mixture, add 4 l of water. Close the lid tightly and spray.

Actellik is used both outdoors and in the greenhouse. It acts on the intestinal tract of the insect, causing paralysis.

The solution is prepared by diluting 1 ampoule with room temperature water. The tool is mixed. In severe cases, 2 ampoules are used.

Use other chemical, no less effective drugs: Karbofos, Decis Profi and others. They are diluted according to the instructions.

Folk remedies

A mixture of soap and water helps fight aphids on domestic eggplant seedlings. Use any container that is filled with warm water. A dishwashing detergent is added in a ratio of 2 tsp / 1 liter of water. The dishes are covered with a lid, mixed thoroughly. Start to spray the beds from the lower leaves in an upward direction. Then they process the upper parts of the leaves, shoots, trunk. The tool kills the parasite in an hour.

The procedure is carried out in the early morning or on a cloudy day. Direct sunlight in combination with a detergent can burn the plant.

A mixture with oil is prepared as follows: mix 1×1 warm water with oil. Suitable vegetable, horticultural. Plants process in the same way.

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Aphids on eggplant !!!!
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Tool from onion and garlic is one of the most effective. You should take 1 small onion, 2 cloves of garlic. The plants are chopped. Add 1 tbsp. baby shampoo, pour 2 cups of warm water. The solution is stirred in a blender, allowed to infuse overnight.

Before spraying, the precipitate is filtered, squeezed. The thick mixture is diluted with a small amount of water.

After treatment, the plant is washed with clean warm water. Spraying washes away dead insects and a tool.

Fighting aphids on eggplants grown in a greenhouse will help fumigate the room with tobacco smoke.Insects cannot tolerate smoke, die within an hour.


Preventive measures are important to prevent the appearance of aphids on eggplant seedlings. Before planting a new culture, the plant is inspected for pests, because the pest has the ability to spread throughout the garden. Planting umbrella plants such as parsley, carrots, fennel scared away the parasite. Proper regular feeding minimizes insect damage.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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