Fighting midges on cabbage

Settling small black midges on the cabbage are called cruciferous fleas. These pests cause great damage to the plant, and subsequently death. Various methods of control are used to get rid of insects.

  1. Description of the pest
  2. Chemical fertilizing
  3. Bankol
  4. Lightning
  5. Actellic
  6. Pochin
  7. Decis Profi
  8. Folk remedies
  9. Conclusion <

Борьба с мошками на капусте

Fighting cabbage midges

Pest Description

These pests can be easily recognized by their appearance. The small size of the midges allows them good to jump in. Dark color sets them on green foxes and cabbage head. In the warm season, they are especially active.

A real treat for the cruciferous flea is young leaves of cabbage. The affected vegetable is covered with many small holes. Subsequently, the plant slows down, starts to dry and dies .

A large amount of cabbage midges can destroy the entire crop in a couple of days. Fleas overwinter under a layer of fallen leaves and on the upper balls of soil. If you do not destroy the affected leaves during the harvest, in the spring they will spoil the sprouts again.

Chemical fertilizing

If the cruciferous flea hit the cabbage, its leaves can be treated with various preparations. Chemicals will help save the harvest. The most popular are presented in the table.

In order to increase the degree of protection, drugs should be used not only for the treatment of affected areas, but also for prevention.

Folk remedies

Зола поможет в борьбе с вредителями

Ash will help in pest control

Among the methods of controlling cruciferous flea, folk remedies are very popular, the use of which is safe for plants and human health

  1. Celandine. Sprinkle the cabbage with powder prepared in advance from a dried medicinal plant.
  2. Ash, woodcorn and tobacco dust. Mix wood ash and tobacco dust in a 2: 1 ratio. It is worth sprinkling this mixture on the crop after preliminary treatment with water.
  3. Fir oil. First you need to make an aqueous solution. Add 15 to 20 drops of oil to a bucket of water. To make when watering plants.
  4. Vinegar 70%. With a weak solution in the ratio of 1 tablespoon of vinegar to 10 liters of water, cabbage and the soil under it are sprayed. The acidic environment does not allow insects to reproduce.
  5. Chicken droppings. It should be applied as top dressing for planted seedlings. Litter is diluted with water in the ratio of 0.5 kg per 10 liters of water.
  6. Bitter red pepper. Water infusion of 1 liter of water at room temperature and 1 – 2 pods of red pepper, previously ground into powder. This mixture is infused for 2 to 4 hours. To the finished solution you need to add 30 g of soap. Treat affected plants in the garden.
  7. Dandelion leaves. Infuse 70 g of finely chopped fresh dandelion leaves in 1 liter of water for about 2 hours.The prepared liquid process the culture every 2 to 3 days.
  8. Garlic. It is necessary to cultivate the soil and pests on the plant with a mixture of 1 chopped head of garlic and 2 liters of water. Insist 1 hour. Then spray the garden.
  9. Tansy. Powder from the crushed medicinal plant is sprinkled with vegetables affected by cabbage midge. The procedure should be performed several times.
  10. Naphthalene. Apply to the entire crop with the calculation of 50 g of funds per 10 m² plot. . After a few days, the procedure is repeated.


Save the harvest from cruciferous fleas can be any of the following methods. Timely struggle with the problem will help preserve the crop.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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