Flower stalk orchids

Flowering of indoor plants is a decorative value. A healthy orchid flower stalk is the key to a large number of buds. Content Characteristics of …

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Phalaenopsis Mix Care

House flowers not only decorate the room, but also serve as an additional source of oxygen. Orchids are popular residents of homes, because It’s easy …

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Paphiopedilum Orchid Care

Orchid Paphiopedilum (Venus slipper), like most other varieties, is considered a whimsical culture. For the proper development of the flower, the gardener must provide him …

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Orchid Zygopetalum

Zygopetalum orchid is one of the eccentric species of plants with lush flowering and delicate aroma. This is an epiphytic species that can also live …

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Luba is a perennial herbaceous plant from the orchid family, widely used in folk medicine due to its healing properties. Content Botanical characteristic Locations of …

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