Forcing lilies of the valley at home – care

I have a lot of lilies of the valley at my dacha. They delight with their flowering and aroma in May. And in order to make a present for myself and my relatives by March 8, I drive out lilies of the valley and prepare bouquets at home.

For forcing I use rhizomes of lilies of the valley with blunt-pointed flower buds. I knit the selected sprouts into bundles, cut the root system by 2 cm, put them in a vertical position in the sand together with sprouts and store them at a temperature of +1 .. + 2 ° С in a cold basement.

A bouquet of lily of the valley May. Farmer nath calahansa

I start distilling at the end of January. 10 days before planting, I freeze the sprouts with rhizomes at a temperature of -3 ..- 5 ° C, sprinkle with snow. I bring it into a closed room and after slow thawing (1-2 days) I release it from the sand and cut off the roots at room temperature, leaving 8-9 cm.

Little secret: to accelerate the flowering of the rhizomes after pruning, I place it for 12 hours in a container with warm water. This stimulates the development of the leaves. Without such a “bath” during early distillation, May lilies of the valley often do not produce leaves, but form only one inflorescence.

Forcing lily of the valley mayForcing lily of the valley May. Farmer Matt Mattus

I plant the rhizomes in warm light soil (sand, peat and turf in equal proportions), deepening the sprouts by half a centimeter. After planting, I water it with warm water so that it goes into the pan, after which I must drain the water.

The air temperature in the room where the lilies of the valley grow should be 20 … 22 ° С, and the soil temperature during distillation should be + 25 ° С. This is achieved by heating the soil (I put the bowls on the battery). As it dries, I water the ground with warm water. For uniform moistening, the sprouts are mulched with peat for the first time. Spraying is mandatory, since lily of the valley develops best in conditions of excessively humidified air.

Lily of the valley rhizomes for distillationLily of the valley rhizomes for distillation. Farmer Matt Mattus
Lily of the valley rhizomes planted for forcingPlanted for forcing rhizomes of lily of the valley. Farmer Matt Mattus

Usually lilies of the valley bloom on the 23-25th day. From the beginning of forcing, for the development of longer peduncles and obtaining delicate leaves, the plants are slightly shaded.

When the first buds bloom, the temperature is gradually reduced to 16..18 ° C, I water less often, but I do not allow the earthen coma to dry out. As soon as half of the flower brushes open, I begin to cut the flower stalks.

These small bouquets warm the soul very much when it is still cold outside the windows.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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