Fragrant dracaena, or Fragrant – bright and fragrant care

Bright stripes on wide leaves collected in rosettes above perfectly straight thin trunks of fragrant dracaena, or Fragrans, look very catchy. This plant is often compared to corn, but the beauty of the dracaena fragrance deserves better epithets. Bright and catchy, it immediately stands out in silhouette and color. And fragrant, albeit rare, bloom. Despite its popularity, this species cannot be attributed to the most unpretentious dracaena. Dracaena fragrance suffers from even small errors with overflows and suboptimal lighting. But if you maintain comfortable moisture in the soil and air, it will reveal its special beauty.

Fragrant dracaena, or Fragrant – bright and aromatic. Farmer ikea

Description of the plant

Evergreen Beauty fragrant dracaena (Dracaena fragrans) – the most common of the broad-leaved species of dracaena. It is grown in rooms of any size, shape and purpose. This dracaena is so versatile that it fits perfectly into any interior style without overloading the space.

Fragrant dracaena – evergreen shrubs with powerful roots, gradually bare straight shoots and broad-lanceolate leaves collected in rosettes – are common in nature in tropical regions of Africa.

The height of the dracaena fragrance depends on the method of its formation. With age, all dracaena lose their compactness and stretch, exceeding 1 meter without control. In winter gardens, these false palms can grow up to 3-5 meters. They branch themselves only after flowering or damage to the shoot, but you should not wait for a natural separation in room conditions.

Dracaena fragrance is restrained by creating “multi-headed” forms on rather low trunks by cutting off the top of the central shoot.

The leaves of the fragrant dracaena are several times wider than those of the “dragon tree” and marginates – up to 6 cm wide with a length of up to 40 cm in varieties and up to 1 m in basic forms (in nature, the leaves are twice as large). Arcuate, curving, broadly lanceolate, rigid leaves with a central vein that stands out on both sides conquer with a glossy sheen, and wavy edges, and brightness of color with wide, uneven stripes. All shades of grassy, ​​light green and light green, white and yellow are mixed in the varieties, creating an unforgettable palette.

Dracaena fragrant got its name for the intense honey aroma of cream, with a simple perianth, strikingly graceful flowers with beautiful numerous stamens. Tall peduncles (up to 1 m) with a rare elegant panicle of inflorescences are a real surprise and a rare pleasure at home.

Dracaena fragrant is considered one of the best indoor filter plants. She became famous for her ability to absorb harmful impurities from the air.

Dracaena fragrant (Dracaena fragrans), variety "Victoria" (Victoria)Dracaena fragrant (Dracaena fragrans), variety “Victoria” (Victoria). Farmer the_magician_o
Dracaena fragrans, variety "Massangeana"Fragrant dracaena (Dracaena fragrans), variety “Massangeana” (Massangeana). Farmer PlantVine
Dracaena fragrans (Compacta)Dracaena fragrans (Compacta). Farmer Plant Generation

Dracaena varieties

Simple green-leaved dracaena fragrants are very rare. This plant is most often represented in rooms by decorative forms and varieties:

  • “Victoria” (Victoria) with light cream stripes along the edges of the leaf blades.
  • Massanjeana (Massangeana) with variegated leaves decorated with a central bright yellow stripe.
  • “Compact” (Compact) Is a dwarf variety with different shades of green.

Read also our article Dracaena – species, growing conditions and care.

Growing conditions for dracaena fragrance

Conditional shade tolerance, which is often attributed to dracaena fragrance, is not typical for variegated forms. But even the most common fragrant dracaena are easily pulled out in low light. Significant distance from windows is not for this view. Bright illumination of the eastern and western windowsills without direct sun (or similar places) will allow the Dracaena fragrance to remain compact and reveal its colors.

For the winter, it is advisable to increase the lighting by rearranging the dracaena to a lighter place. This species tolerates artificial light well, it can grow completely in supplementary lighting.

The minimum allowable temperature for dracaena fragrance is about 15 degrees, but in the cool, the plant can begin to twist and shed its leaves. Stable heat from 16 to 20 degrees – ideal for winter. In summer, fragrant dracaena tolerates medium and high temperatures well, but only under the condition of increased air humidity and frequent ventilation.

Dracaena is very fond of fresh air, but it cannot stand sudden changes in conditions. For the summer, it can be moved to protected areas in the garden.

A significant distance from windows is not suitable for fragrant dracaenaA significant distance from windows is not suitable for fragrant dracaena

Dracaena fragrance care at home

Fairly ranked among plants that are better to underfill than overflow, the fragrant dracaena is modest in its care requirements. If you keep the basic procedures in mind and control the condition of the soil, problems should not arise.

Watering and air humidity

Dampness, fragrant dracaena does not forgive overflow, but the usual care with draining excess water from the pallets is perfect for her. The plant tolerates drying of an earthen coma much easier than waterlogging, small delays with watering are not afraid of it. Ideally, water the plant so that the top third of the substrate dries up. In summer, watering should be abundant (no more than 2 times a week), in winter they should be reduced depending on the air temperature.

For this type of dracaena, watering with hard water is unacceptable. It is better to check its temperature, which should be equal to or 2-3 degrees higher than the air temperature in the room.

Dracaena greens must be kept clean by wiping or washing off the dust at least once a week.

The air humidity for fragrant dracaena should ideally be medium, but without misses in watering and strong heat, it adapts to ordinary rooms. During the heating season, it is better to introduce spraying or put a pallet with wet pebbles.

Top dressing and composition of fertilizers

Fertilizers for dracaena fragrance are selected from a number of special mixtures for decorative deciduous plants. This species is sensitive to excess phosphorus. Top dressing in the summer is carried out at a standard frequency, once every 1-2 weeks. In autumn and winter, they can be abandoned in the first year after transplantation, from the second – reduced to reduced dosages and 3 feeding in 1-4 weeks.

Dracaena fragrant is modest in its care requirementsDracaena fragrant is modest in its care requirements

Pruning and shaping dracaena fragrance

In order to create multi-stem shapes, most varieties need topping to produce new heads. The height of the trunk is chosen based on the desired size of the plant, usually – when the trunk is exposed by 25-30 cm, the top is cut off, leaving 4-5 leaves.

You can also grow several plants in one pot.

Transplant, containers and substrate

This plant is not transplanted, but transferred with the preservation of an earthen coma. Transfer is carried out in the spring, but only as needed – with the growth of the rhizome, the appearance of roots in the drainage holes. Fragrant dracaena is usually transplanted every 2-3 years, replacing annually only the top layer of soil in pots.

For dracaena, fragrance is better to choose a loose, nutritious substrate with a multicomponent composition. The preferred reaction is weakly acidic (pH 5,0 to 6,0). Perfect for dracaena is a fragrant soil mixture based on leafy soil with turf and sand (2: 1: 1). Drainage is required.

For dracaena, fragrance needs tall, but not wide pots. The size is increased by 2-3 cm with each transplant. Fragrance adults often need tubs.

Read also our article by Dracaena Sander, or “the bamboo of happiness.”

Reproduction of dracaena fragrance

The offspring of fragrant dracaena can be obtained in the same ways as in other dracaena – by re-rooting the top, rooting stem cuttings or air layers. Cuttings can be rooted both in soil and in water. On average, the first roots do not appear earlier than the 4th – 5th week, so it is better to be patient when propagating this plant.

You can root cuttings of fragrant dracaena both in soil and in waterIt is possible to root cuttings of fragrant dracaena both in soil and in water. Farmer aj_theplantmama

Diseases, pests and growing problems

Pests on dracaenas are rare. Spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs always indicate care errors and require repeated treatment with insecticides.

Fragrant dracaena sheds leaves only in cases of extreme dampness or with a very long drying out of the substrate. Usually, this plant reacts insignificantly to small mistakes in the selection of conditions or care – by drying out the edges of the leaves and “fading” of growth.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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