Glass wool as a substrate for growing plants – Hydroponics

Glass wool as a substrate for growing plants

Glass wool – fibrous mineral substrate with a maximum density in a loose state not more than 0,13 g / cm3… To obtain glass wool, the same raw materials are used as for the production of ordinary glass (sand, soda, dolomite, limestone, borax) or glass industry waste. Fibrous ones are obtained by steam blowing molten glass ejected from a centrifuge.

The properties of glass wool as a substrate are similar to those of mineral wool, except that the fibers can be of different sizes, which affects the water-holding properties.

Glass wool has a high chemical resistance.



  1. William Texier. Hydroponics for everyone. All about home gardening. – M .: HydroScope, 2013 .– 296 p. – ISBN 978-2-84594-089-5.

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Anna Evans

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