Gooseberry, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Gooseberry is a perennial, multi-stemmed
shrub with a long fruiting period and high
yield – up to 20-25 kg from 1 bush. Gooseberry bushes
reach up to 1,5 m in height and up to 2 m in diameter. Gooseberry
– plant of temperate latitudes, tolerates slight shading,
but rather hygrophilous. Gooseberry root system
located at a depth of 40 cm.It is best placed
along the fence at a distance of 1-1,5 m from the bush bush. With
over time they grow, forming a solid prickly

Gooseberry varieties: English yellow, Emerald, Russian,
Change, Honey, Pink early, Moscow, Red,
Pink 2, Spring, Souvenir, Dessert, Chernomor.

In our country, gooseberries were introduced into the culture of many
centuries ago. There is information that it was grown
in the monastery gardens in the XI century. In the XV century. under Tsar Ivan
III gooseberries were cultivated in Moscow gardens. The greatest
it became widespread in the .th century, when in England
a large number of large-fruited varieties were bred.

At the same time, large-fruited gooseberry varieties of Western European selection
were brought to Russia and gradually began to replace unproductive
local varieties. After penetration in 1900 into our country from Ireland
such a dangerous gooseberry disease as powdery mildew (spheroteka),
the area under this crop has sharply decreased. When in 1914 it was
a means of combating this disease was found, and then spherotek-resistant
varieties, gooseberry culture began to revive again.

Useful properties of gooseberries

Fresh gooseberries contain:

Calories 44 Kcal

Vitamin C 27,7 Potassium, K 198 Vitamin
B3 0,3 Phosphorus,
P 27 Vitamin B5 0,286 Calcium, Ca 25 Vitamin
B6 0,08 Magnesium, Mg 10 Vitamin
B1 0,04 Sodium,
On 1

Full composition

Gooseberry berries contain vitamins: C
(up to 60 mg%), group B,
provitamin A. In gooseberries
up to 15% of sugars, minerals and trace elements are present
iodine, sodium,
zinc, a lot
and copper),
organic acids (malic and citric), a lot of folic acid,
tannins, flavonoids.

Dark-colored berry varieties contain a vitamin
P and a large amount of pectin substances that contribute to
elimination of salts of heavy metals from the human body.

Gooseberry berries contain hypotensive and capillary strengthening,
anti-sclerotic P-active compounds (anthocyanins
and leuksanthocyanins). Thanks to this, gooseberries are effective
for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis
and other cardiovascular diseases. Infusion of fruits
gooseberry removes excess cholesterol from the body.

Ripe gooseberries contain 1,8-3,8 mg% serotonin,
having an antitumor effect. Ascorbic
acid in mature gooseberries is 2 times more than in immature ones.

Gooseberry has a mild laxative, diuretic
and choleretic property, therefore it is recommended for people,
suffering from diseases of the kidneys, bladder and liver.
Gooseberries have a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory
and restorative action.

Gooseberry juice mixed with honey is useful for anemia, skin rashes, and frequent hemorrhages.
Drinking gooseberry juice promotes excretion
from the body of salts of heavy metals and relieves the condition
people exposed to radiation; he helps
remove radionuclides from the body. And the diluted juice
gooseberry with water (1: 2) is used as a refreshing
means that normalizes metabolism.

Gooseberry leaves contain tannins and dyes.

For chronic constipation (as a mild laxative and
pain reliever) use a decoction of gooseberry berries:
pour 1 tablespoon of berries with 1 glass of hot water,
boil for 10 minutes over low heat, cool and filter.
Drink 50 g 4 times a day.

Gooseberry broth and fresh fruits effectively use
in the fight against lingering menopausal bleeding
and to normalize the menstrual cycle.

Gooseberries are consumed fresh and in the form
decoctions for hypovitaminosis, iron deficiency in the body,
phosphorus, copper, metabolic disorders (for example, with
obesity), chronic constipation, gastroenterocolitis,
dropsy, bleeding.

Gooseberries are consumed fresh and processed
for compotes, jams, preserves, marmalade, juices.

Dangerous properties of gooseberries

To avoid exacerbation of ulcers
stomach and duodenum, colitis and enterocolitis
it is not recommended to eat gooseberries for people with similar diseases.

For diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, the use of
gooseberries in small quantities.

Also, you can not eat gooseberries.
with individual intolerance.

This video will tell you how to plant gooseberries and how to properly care for them so that you always enjoy the harvest.

See also the properties of other berries:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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