Green carpet of salt – care

We often see some indoor plants, but almost no one knows their names. These include salt or helksin. It is often confused with nerta, because both plants are low with small leaves.


Farmer karindalziel

Salleurolium belongs to the nettle family. The genus is named after the captain of Soleirol, who discovered this plant. Growing, it covers the entire surface of the soil and hangs beautifully from the flowerpot. Flowers are solitary, small and inconspicuous. The leaves are rounded, very small, about 0,5 cm. But in general, the plant is very attractive, grows quickly. Bred varieties with silvery and golden leaves. Height Рno more than 5 cm, so it is sometimes called grass. The optimum temperature for growing salt̩rolia in the spring-summer period is 18-25 degrees, in winter Рabout 20, but not lower than 10. It is placed in well-lit places, but in summer it is shaded from direct sunlight. She also tolerates partial shade, grows well on northern windows. Saltrolia is poured with soft water in a pan, abundantly in spring and summer and a little less in winter. If you forget to water at least once, she may die.

Green carpet of salt - careSoleirolia

Farmer Kirus of Surik

Loves spraying. But in winter, in order not to provoke the development of rot, spraying is stopped. From March to September, every 2 weeks, saline is fed with a complex fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants. They are transplanted annually in spring into loose moist soil in shallow wide containers, since its root system is superficial. Dredge – 1 part of clay, sheet soil and sand. Drainage is imperative. After 2-3 years, salt lily loses its decorative effect, so it should be rejuvenated by planting young cuttings. Pests are rarely affected. It is unpretentious in leaving. To prevent the twigs from stretching out, regular pinching is necessary.

Saltrolia is propagated in the spring during transplantation by dividing the bush or cuttings, which are placed in a moist substrate, several in one pot. For better rooting, cuttings can be covered with a glass cover or plastic bag.

Green carpet of salt - careSoleirolia

Farmer Elina

This plant is often grown in terrariums and gardens in bottles, placed in hanging vases, planted in large pots along with large plants, especially those with a bare stem. Solleyrolia, when it grows, can interfere with the growth of other small plants. By the way, saltium intensively absorbs carbon dioxide and other harmful substances, while at the same time releasing a lot of oxygen.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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