Growing Beijing cabbage in the Urals

Beijing cabbage is grown in the central and southern parts of Russia. This variety can be grown in the northern regions of the country, if you follow the rules of care. We will discuss the conditions under which Chinese cabbage should grow in the Urals.

  1. The influence of climatic conditions
  2. Existing planting options
  3. Using seedlings
  4. Seeds
  5. Growing rules
  6. Care recommendations
  7. Prevention of parasites
  8. Conclusion <

Выращивание пекинской капусты на Урале

Peking cultivation cabbage in the Urals

The influence of climatic conditions

The yield of each crop depends on the climate in which it is grown. the mouth is no exception. Once severe frost sets in, the development of the plant slows down significantly.

The climate of the Urals can be varied. In this region there can be both hot weather and frosty. All this can negatively affect crop productivity : at high temperature, bushes begin to form arrows. As a result, most of the nutrients will be directed to the inflorescence, and not to the head of cabbage. If an arrow has appeared on the plant, then the yield of this bush will be minimal.

In order for the cultivation of Beijing cabbage in the Urals to bring high yield indicators, several basic rules should be taken into account:

  • water the site on time;
  • regularly fertilize;
  • do not transplant bushes, becausethis negatively affects their growth;
  • only select soil with a neutral level of acid-base balance: if the alkali level is more than 4%, lime should be added to the ground.

Existing planting options

The cultivation of Beijing cabbage in the Urals depends on the correct planting. It can be carried out in several ways: using seeds or seedlings.

If you plant March 10-15, then the harvest will be in August. To harvest in the fall, planting is necessary in early June.

You should not use a common container. Give preference to landing in separate containers. This will reduce the risk of root system damage during transplantation, otherwise root damage will lead to slow growth of the bush, and the fruiting period will shift by several months.

Using seedlings

Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out only after 2-3 pairs of leaves appear on the plant. Planting depth should be no more than 8 cm so that the lower leaves are above the ground. The distance between the rows should be 50 cm, and between the holes about 60 cm.


Seeds should be planted to a depth of 5 cm. Planting pattern 40×50 cm. Planting area should be cover with a dense layer of plastic film to create optimal conditions for germination. Every day, you need to open the film for 2 hours so that oxygen enters.After 20 days, when the first shoots appear, the film can be removed.

Growing rules

Обеспечьте растения хорошим уходом

Provide the plants with good care

Planting Chinese cabbage in the Urals is a complex process. To ensure that the crop is as high quality as possible, you should adhere to certain recommendations.

  1. Pay attention to the light. A large amount of sunlight will lead to premature flowering and lower yields, so the cultivation of Beijing cabbage in the Urals should be carried out in such conditions that daylight is scattered.
  2. Temperature conditions. At a temperature of about 28-30 ° C, the culture shoots. In open ground, it is difficult to normalize the temperature regime, so it is better to plant seedlings in places where the shadow periodically falls. If this is not possible, plant in a greenhouse. Optimum temperature: 20-25 ° C..
  3. The soil must be pre-treated with a manganese solution (5 g per 10 l of water). On 1 m2 about 7 liters of the drug. Such treatment will make it possible to disinfect the earth and reduce the risk of diseases and parasites.

Care recommendations

You can grow a quality vegetable crop by following the basic rules for care .

  1. Watering should be 1 time per week. At least 2 liters of warm water should be poured under each bush (for better adhesion to the ground).
  2. Feeding should be carried out using organic fertilizers. Mineral components should be abandoned, because this can lead to excessive growth of the bush. 15-18 days after planting, humus must be introduced into the ground (5 kg of fertilizer per 1 m2). With the beginning of the formation of the fetus, humus or bird droppings (3 kg per 1 m2) should be applied.
  3. After each watering, it is important to loosen the soil and remove weeds. This will allow oxygen and all the necessary nutrients to enter the roots.

Prevention of parasites

To prevent pests from disturbing the yield, you should follow a few basic measures :

  • sprinkle bushes with wood ash (from butterflies and beetles);
  • add tincture of calendula or chamomile (400 g per 10 liters of water) to the water for irrigation;
  • plant a crop next to garlic, onion or tomato – an unpleasant odor will drive away all the pests.


There is a huge number of different varieties of Beijing cabbage. If you follow all the above recommendations, you can grow a quality crop.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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