Growing Dendrobium Phalaenopsis

Dendrobium Phalaenopsis is one of the varieties of orchids. The plant is often grown for sale and for room decor. During cultivation, sometimes there are difficulties associated with long flowering and development, so it is so important to know how to care for the Dendrobium Phalaenopsis orchid at home.

  1. Characteristics of the plant
  2. Growing a flower
  3. Planting seedlings
  4. Growing orchids from seeds
  5. Tanks for planting
  6. Soil for planting
  7. Caring for the orchid at room
  8. Lighting
  9. Temperature
  10. Watering
  11. Fertilizing
  12. Humidity
  13. Pruning <
  14. Transplant <
  15. Diseases and pests
  16. Diseases
  17. Pests
  18. Preventive measures
  19. Conclusion

Выращивание Дендробиума Фаленопсиса

Cultivation Phalaenopsis dendrobium

Characteristics of the plant

Dendrobium Phalaenopsis orchid is a perennial plant with sympodial growth characteristics. It has a large number of branches that grow densely from the roots. Flowering is plentiful, with a duration of 3-4 months. During this time, direct peduncles form on the upper part of the plant. They count from 5 to 40 flowers. The flowers themselves have 8 petals. Their color is white, pink, yellow and purple.

The orchid variety Dendrobium Phalaenopsis has several advantages:

  • long flowering period;
  • beautiful flowers with a pleasant smell;
  • unpretentiousness in leaving.

There is also a minus: old sprouts die off for a long time, which spoils the appearance of the orchid.

Growing a flower

Dendrobium Phalaenopsis is grown with seeds and seedlings. Each method has its pros and cons.

Planting seedlings

In indoor conditions, it is advisable to choose the planting of seedlings on the block so that the root system does not begin to rot. When choosing a pot, massive orchids are taken into account. Large flowers after drying the substrate fall out of light containers, such as plastic ones, so clay pots are recommended.

A mixture of coniferous tree bark and charcoal is used as a substrate, sometimes coconut chips are added. Perlite or polystyrene pieces will do. These elements increase the permeability of air to the substrate. If the moisture level in the room is low, moss is added to the substrate to increase the moisture capacity.

Growing orchids from seeds

The dendrobium has small seeds. In appearance, they resemble dust. If you sow them in natural conditions, there is practically no chance that they will take root and sprout, so the flower produces up to a million seeds per season. All of them have no nutrients.So that the embryo begins to ripen, it is infected with a fungus that creates mycorrhiza. It grows inside the embryo, creates a seedling with water and all important minerals.

Growing Dendrobium Phalaenopsis at home causes a number of problems:

  • seeds are easily infected with diseases;
  • for growing, it is necessary to create sterile conditions that are difficult to obtain in the apartment;
  • the formation of seedlings is delayed by 9 months.

Capacities for planting

A large pot is not needed for an orchid

Pot for planting a small tree in Room conditions usually take plastic. When the plant grows, it is transplanted into a stronger clay container. The container size should be from 10 cm to 15 cm. They are repelled from the parameters of the flower itself. The inside should be 3-4 cm larger than the orchid itself. When planting, the flower is set so that the growth side of the pseudobulb is near the center.

Planting soil

Dendrobium Phalaenopsis loves loose soil with a high content of nutrients. A mixture based on pine bark, peat and moss is used for the soil substrate. It is desirable to add charcoal to it. Calcium should not be in the ground, because the orchid does not respond well to it. Prepared soil must be disinfected.To do this, it is doused with hot water and allowed to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Then the earth is allowed to dry, only then the plant is planted. A thick layer of sphagnum is placed at the bottom or supports are installed.

Caring for an orchid at room

Dendrobium Phalaenopsis is undemanding in care, however, for good growth it is important to observe some features . Flower care is as follows:

  • lighting;
  • watering;
  • treatment and prevention of diseases;
  • temperature;
  • air humidity;
  • transplanting and cutting;
  • fertilizing.


Dendrobium Phalaenopsis does not tolerate direct sunlight. A suitable place for development is the southeast side of the room. The flower grower has the opportunity to see where the plant will feel good and where it will feel bad by setting the flower on different windowsills of the house. In winter, light is not enough for full development – an orchid slows down in growth. In such cases, artificial lighting is used.


The temperature regime during the development of the Phalaenopsis Dendrobium is also a feature, therefore it is important to control it. The flower quickly gets used to any temperature, but 16 ° С-32 ° С is considered optimal. The plant loves heat and dies at a temperature of 10 ° С-12 ° С.


Watering is an important feature when caring for a flower.If the room where the plant lives is hot, the amount of watering is increased. Water should be soft and warm. It is recommended to use a hot shower.

After watering, make sure that the water does not accumulate in the pan, but dries. To determine whether to water the flower, the stick is placed in a container with the ground. If it is dry, watering is carried out.


During the period of vigorous development, from April to September, feeding the Dendrobium Phalaenopsis. They are fed 2 times a month. To do this, use complex fertilizers specifically for orchids.

A strong concentration of mixtures leaves burns on the root system — the proportion is made 2 times less than what is written in the instructions. In winter, the flower is fertilized with phosphorus-potassium substances.


The flower does not tolerate dryness

The orchid has 50-55% moisture content. If it is dry in the room where the flower lives, use a household air humidifier to create the necessary conditions or install a pot on a expanded clay tray and place a cup of water next to it.


A flower of this variety does not need pruning. You cannot remove flower stalks yourself, new or old sprouts: they contain a large supply of nutrients that help the tree to develop and bloom properly.


Flowers are bad for the transplant, so it is carried out no more often than every 2-3 years and at the beginning of the growing season. The pick is carried out carefully, because damage to the peduncles is possible, because of which the plant dies. For transplantation of Dendrobium Phalaenopsis use the land intended for orchids. Pine bark, peat, coal and sphagnum are added to the soil. At the bottom of the tank install drainage. The pot for transplant is taken ceramic or plastic, but not transparent. It should be tall and fit in size.

Diseases and pests


The flower begins to hurt when there are poor care .

  • Fusarium appears due to excess water. The disease destroys the root system, then the flower dies. It is impossible to cure it.
  • Urticaria appears on the leaves in the form of large spots. The cause of the disease becomes the wrong temperature and humidity. For treatment, the care conditions are met.
  • Botritis appears as dark spots on the foliage, after which they begin to fade. The reason is poor ventilation.

Often there are non-communicable diseases that develop due to improper watering and temperature conditions.


  • Mealy Worms. These are insects that are easy to spot. Leaves turn yellow and fall off. For treatment, a soap solution is prepared, with which the plant is wiped.
  • A spider mite.It forms on the foliage traces of a web of silver color. You can cope with insects with a soap solution or Acaricid.
  • Thrips. Because of them, spots of brown color are formed. You can destroy parasites with the drug “Actellik.”
  • Thyroid. Tubercles form on the foliage. For treatment, use a soap solution.
  • Slugs. Insects eat a flower. Remove them by force of the prepared substrate from cucumber or carrot. When a slug crawls onto a vegetable, it is removed.

Preventive measures

The flower of this variety is rarely sick, unlike other species, but observe preventive measures not prevent. The owner should inspect the flower every day and for some time keep it separate from other plants, control the temperature and humidity in the room. Observe the amount of water when watering to prevent the death of the roots.


The flower pleases with beauty and gives comfort to any room, the main thing is to take care of it properly.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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