Growing Peppers Caliph F1

Japanese breeders bred a hybrid culture – Khalif pepper, which immediately won the favor of many vegetable growers due to its many positive characteristics. The plant is actively grown in many suburban areas, bringing its owners a decent harvest.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Bush <
  3. Fruits <
  4. Yield <
  5. Advantages and disadvantages
  6. Growing seedlings
  7. Conditions <
  8. Terms and technology of planting
  9. Seedling care
  10. Transplanting seedlings
  11. Care
  12. Watering
  13. Feeding <
  14. Pruning and bush formation
  15. Pest and disease control
  16. Harvesting and storage
  17. Gardener reviews

Выращивание перца Халиф F1

Caliph pepper cultivation F1

Variety characteristics

Each plant has certain characteristics that are taken into account when growing it. Knowing the description of the crop, the gardener has the opportunity to get an excellent crop.

Caliph Pepper is classified as an early maturing species. Fruiting begins after 90-95 days from the moment the first seedlings appear.

Vegetable cultivation is possible both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. The fruiting period is longer.


The bush has the following characteristics:

  • the height of the plant is 50-90 cm;
  • it is compact, but requires formation.


Description of the fruits:

  • vegetables have a cuboid shape, dense in structure;
  • the color of the fruit at the stage of technical ripeness is milky white, light green, biological – rich red;
  • the flesh is juicy, without the characteristic bitterness of pepper;
  • vegetables are seasoned, perfectly stored , are able to tolerate long transportation without losing their taste and marketability;
  • fruits are universal in application: they can be used fresh or for preparing winter preparations.


Under favorable conditions, the yield of Caliph pepper f1 pleases gardeners with high rates: from 1 m² per season you can collect more buckets of selected vegetables. Large, fleshy fruits weigh 100-200 g. Collect them better at the time of technical maturity, which will not delay the formation of subsequent ovaries.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages The following peppers are distinguished:

  • the hybrid plant forms ovaries well in almost any growing conditions;
  • the variety has increased resistance to a disease such as tobacco mosaic;
  • under favorable conditions, the plant is able to yield the highest crop for such crops.

Among the main affluence note a weak root system and the need for tying up and forming a bush.

Growing seedlings

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We plant seedlings

The Khalif f1 pepper variety is recommended to be grown in seedlings due to the long growing season of the plant. This method allows you to plant strong seedlings that can adapt quickly to new conditions.


In order for the seedlings to be healthy and strong, it is necessary to observe a number of conditions for growing them :

  • the optimum temperature for seed germination should be 25-28 ° C;
  • containers for sowing and the soil in which the seeds will be placed, it is advisable to pre-disinfect by steaming (pour hot solution of potassium permanganate, disinfect with hydrogen peroxide or other antis by optical means) or calcination (the soil is kept for 30-40 minutes in a hot oven);
  • before planting the seedlings, it should be fertilized with organic fertilizers at least 2 times.

Timing and planting technology

Sow the seeds of the vegetable should be 50-70 days before transplanting the seedlings to a permanent place. Sowing begins in March and April.


  • Seeds are recommended to be soaked before sowing for 15-30 minutes. in a weak solution of an antiseptic (potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) with the addition of a growth stimulator (“Kornevin”, “Epin”, etc.);
  • after disinfection, the seeds are dried, if desired, they can be germinated. To do this, they are placed in a damp cloth and put for 1-2 days in a warm place. During this time, the material cannot be allowed to dry, therefore it is necessary to regularly moisten the seeds with warm water using a spray gun;
  • the seed is placed in a common container or in separate containers in moist soil at a depth of 1-1.5 cm. After this planting cover with film material and place in a warm, darkened place until the first shoots appear. During this period, it is advisable to ventilate the seedlings daily;
  • after the appearance of young sprouts, the film is removed from the container, and the seedlings are placed in a well-lit warm place.

Care for seedlings

Young and immature seedlings require increased attention. Regularly it is necessary to water them with warm, settled water, preventing overmoistening or drying out of the soil. If the sprouts look weakened and lifeless, they offer to fertilize the soil with liquid top dressing with organic substances.

If the culture was sown in a common box, after 2-3 seedlings appear on the seedlings, they are dived (transplanted) into separate containers with a volume of 0, 3-0.5 liters. The root system of young peppers is sensitive to damage, so picking is extremely careful.

After transplanting, the pepper may stop growing.During this stressful period for crops, you can apply spraying with Epin or another substance that stimulates their growth.

Transplant seedlings

Сладкий и вкусный перец в удобренной земле

Sweet and tasty peppers in fertilized soil

Sweet Khalif peppers grow well in light, loose, well fertilized soil. In the fall, organic and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are preliminarily introduced into it. In spring, it is advisable to enrich the soil with ammonium nitrate (30-40 g per 1 m).

5-7 days before transplanting seedlings, it is recommended that the soil be disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate (1 tbsp. Per 10 liters of water) .

Seedlings are transplanted into the open ground when the soil has warmed up well and the risk of night cooling is minimal (late spring-early summer). For greenhouse cultivation, you can plant pepper in early April.

Planting scheme for young Caliph peppers f1: 3-4 shrubs are placed per 1 m². It is necessary to place the seedling in the hole to the same depth at which it grew in the nursery, not exposing the root system and not hiding the root neck in the soil. Immediately after transplanting, it is advisable to water and attach the culture to a support installed next to it.

Peppers are prone to over-pollination, therefore it is not recommended to plant several varieties nearby.

It is advisable to plant this vegetable after legumes, early cabbage, herbs or onions.


Proper care of the pepper will make it possible to get the maximum harvest of quality vegetables. This contributes to the fact that the culture will have good immunity, less exposed to typical diseases and pest attacks typical of these vegetables.


Moistening the soil should be regular, but moderate. Excess moisture can lead to bacterial diseases of the root system of the culture, and its lack will weaken the vegetable – the leaves will turn yellow and crumble and yield will be much lower.

Watering is carried out in the morning or in the evening with warm rain or settled water. It is desirable to alternate it with loosening and weeding. This will save moisture in the soil for a longer time, and air access to the rhizome will improve. Some growers mulch the soil with straw.


Перцы нуждаются в постоянном уходе

Peppers need constant care

During the season, peppers are advised to fertilize at least 3-4 times. Systematic monitoring of the state of the plants will allow you to quickly determine which substance is lacking in the soil.

In the phase of emergence of 1-2 true leaves, the first top dressing is carried out using this solution: 2-3 g of superphosphate are added to 1 liter of water, 0 5 g of saltpeter, 1-2 g of potassium substance.After 2 weeks, top dressing is repeated, increasing the amount of mineral fertilizers up to 2 times.

Popular among gardeners feeding pepper with nettle infusion, chicken manure solution (1:10). It is advisable to alternate them with mineral supplements (1 tbsp. L. Nitrophosphate per 10 l. Of water).

Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers must be regularly applied to the soil, which affect the number of ovaries on the crop and the quality of vegetables.

Trimming and forming a bush

The Khalif pepper bush is described as compact, but this does not save the gardener from the need for regular pinching (trimming) of the crop. Its essence is to remove lateral shoots, which accelerate their growth in wet weather. It is not advisable to pinch in the heat: the presence of additional foliage on the bush protects the soil from the rapid evaporation of moisture.

The lower, longest shoots should be pruned, you must try to achieve maximum illumination of the bush by sunlight. To delete is also worth the extra branches of culture. Pasynkovka spend 1 time in 7-10 days, if necessary – more often.

Caliph variety requires the formation of a bush with its subsequent tying. Upon reaching the culture height of 20-25 cm, the apex, which is located on the main stem, is removed. Of the remaining strong shoots, it is recommended to leave no more than 3-4 stepsons.

To accelerate the ripening of vegetables, gardeners advise once again to additionally remove the top of the bush plant after half the fruiting period.

Fight against diseases and pests

Among the diseases exposed to the vegetable produce gray and white rot, downy mildew, late blight, black leg, etc. The Caliph has increased immunity to such a characteristic disease for peppers as tobacco mosaic.

It is much easier to carry out preventive measures that prevent the occurrence of the disease, Th m cure an already infected culture. As a prophylaxis against diseases, the following treatments are carried out:

  • 0.05% solution of potassium permanganate;
  • “Previkur”;
  • 4% solution of copper oxychloride;
  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • charcoal, etc.

As a warning of diseases, it is imperative to take into account the planting scheme of the culture, not to overmoisten the soil, carry out regular ventilation of greenhouses. A systematic examination of vegetables will make it possible to notice the disease at the first stages of its development.

Among pests that can negatively affect the productivity of pepper, aphids, spider mites, slugs, Colorado beetles, etc. They are regularly treated with special fungicides, combining them with alternative methods (infusions of garlic, onion, dandelion, celandine, etc.).

Harvesting and storage of crops

Depending on the region and the conditions under which the Khalif variety is cultivated, fruiting begins in mid-late July and continues until the first frost. Vegetables in a state of biological and technical ripeness are suitable for harvesting. In the second case, the fruits should be set aside for ripening.

Harvesting is carried out every 6-8 days using a sharp knife. This will prevent the possibility of damage to the pepper or its stalk, which can cause a shortened storage period.

Vegetables are stored in wooden cases in a cool and ventilated place. Inspection is regularly required to remove damaged fruits from a common container. If the Khalifa sweet pepper is properly organized, it can retain its qualities for up to 2 months.

Reviews of gardeners

Those who were involved in the cultivation of the variety noted the high taste qualities of the fruits, their good keeping quality and transportability. Vegetable growers recommend carefully monitoring the external condition of the plant, carrying out all necessary nutrition.

Particular attention should be paid to the formation of the bush and its garter. Abundant productivity can provoke breakage or damage to crop branches. It is advisable to tie not only large stems, but also weaker branches to the support.

Caliph is a great option for a beginner gardener. Observing the basic growing rules that are relevant for all hybrid plants, you can enjoy a rich harvest of healthy and tasty vegetables.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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