Halibut, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Halibut is a marine fish of the flounder family. Feature
this fish is that both eyes are located on
the right side of the head. Its color varies from olive
to dark brown or black. Halibut average width
makes up about one third of its body length. The mouth is big,
located under the lower eye, the tail is crescent-shaped.
The length of an adult of this marine fish ranges from
70 to 130 cm, and weight – from 4.5 to 30 kg.

Only in appearance can a halibut be mistaken for a clumsy creature,
but when prey is nearby, halibut turns into a rapid
the killer. The fish is able to live at a depth of 2 meters.
Only in summer do they rise slightly to the surface.

The areola of this fish is widespread from the northern part of the Pacific
ocean to the coast of Japan and the Bering Sea. Inhabits
halibut at or near the bottom at great depths. Preferred
the water temperature for halibut is from 3 to 8 degrees. Feeds on
small larvae and molluscs, which it finds at the bottom.
Spawning takes place in winter. One female sweeps
about 500000 – 4 million eggs, of which after 2
halibut photoweek fry appear.

All halibuts can be divided into several categories:

  • White halibuts are the largest type of halibut reaching
    4,5-5 meters in length with a mass of 350 kg.
  • Arrowtooth halibuts are one of the smallest species
    halibut has an average length of 70-75 centimeters and weighs
    2,5-3 kg.
  • Black halibuts are a medium sized halibut that rarely reaches
    1,5 meters long. Its weight, as a rule, does not exceed
    45-50 kg.
  • Halibut-like flounder.

Useful properties of halibut

Halibut is an amazingly tasty fish, the meat of which is practically
does not contain bones and contains over 5% fat.

Halibut meat contains valuable Omega-3 fatty acids,
which normalize the metabolism in the human body.
Halibut contains 7 amino acids (aspartic acid,
glutamic acid, alanine, valine, leucine, lysine,
arginine), which play an important role in the fight
with cancer. Halibut rich in vitamin B12,
and also contains vitamin D, E,
micro and macro elements such as sodium,
potassium, calcium,
magnesium, phosphorus.

Adequate amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids
contributes to the preservation of vision even in old age.

In addition, the use of halibut can reliably protect
the body from the development of diseases of the central nervous system, for example, such
like Alzheimer’s.

Some nutritionists recommend eating halibut
for people with vitamin D and selenium deficiencies.

It is believed that when frying, the calorie content of such fish can
increase by 4 times, as these types of fish absorb
a lot of oil, which must be taken into account when compiling

For lovers of leaner fish, you can choose white-haired
halibut, the meat of which is less fatty than the rest
types. Halibut is good in any form – smoked, fried,
salty – and, undoubtedly, will decorate any table.

Part of the catch is sold fresh, part is prepared
frozen, sometimes followed by hot smoking,
the rest is salted, sometimes with additional cold
smoked. Halibut liver fat contains 200 times
more vitamin A than cod fat.

Dangerous properties of halibut

Halibut is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the body.
In addition, people with hepatitis
and acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors do not recommend
overuse halibut due to its high fat content, so as not to cause

Also known the harm of salted and smoked
halibut for hypertension, kidney and liver diseases.

It is important to know that smoked and salted
products are not advisable for small children and people in

Video about fishing and how we managed to catch a halibut weighing 195 kilograms!

See also properties of other fish:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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