Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

This product is difficult to find in shopping malls, stores. Consists of two components: honey and royal jelly, which are the result of the work of bees. How this mixture is obtained, what is the usefulness, how it is applied – a number of questions to which we will try to find answers.

What is honey with royal jelly

The basic component (royal jelly) is created by honey bees, which receive it with the help of adapted allotrophic glands after collecting pollen. This nutrient is vital for the entire bee family. It is a jelly-like mass of white color with a slightly acidified taste.


The main feature of the element is that it is not kept in its natural state for long, since after a couple of hours it loses its individuality, that is, it loses its healing power. The nectar mixed with it is a preservative that retains important qualities.

Useful properties and value of products

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

This mixture of beekeeping is a natural biostimulant that activates the biological and anatomical functions of humans. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in honey with royal jelly, the structure consists of a vitamin – mineral complex, enzymes and important organic acids. The calorie content is 284 kilocalories per 100 grams.

How to distinguish fake honey with royal jelly

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

Whitish, slightly yellowish, possibly light pastel color, with a sweet – creamy aftertaste (very reminiscent of condensed milk with honey). This should be the product after mixing the ingredients.


Whipped honey, which is prepared according to a recipe using mechanical action, is not the same thing with the subject of interest to us.

Settled (last year’s) honey is taken for processing, and not new, collected recently. He has to “release” the sugar. If crystallization does not occur, then unripe honey has been collected. But there are sellers who are interested in a large sale of products, use unscrupulous technology in the form of heating to thicken the nectar, pouring in fake thickeners, gelatinous formers. The original elements, accordingly, lose their attractiveness and originality.

It’s easy to choose a good product. Remember the rules:

  1. It is not recommended to purchase the product with an unnaturally white color.
  2. When the mixture is added, an aqueous solution remains transparent, without sedimentary or floating impurities, turbidity, then the product is genuine.

Recommended varieties of nectar

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

The list of varieties or types of nectar classification is large, depending on the origin:

  • geographical (Altai, Bashkir, etc.);
  • botanical (linden, sunflower, buckwheat, etc.);
  • from the specific collection point (mixed, floral, honeydew);
  • from temporary collection (May);
  • from monoflorism (collection from one plant species, for example, hawthorn).

But this is far from a definitive list. Today, invented honey compositions are created (with the addition of pulp or juice of exotic fruits, berries). Sugar fantasies look pretty ridiculous.

Let’s dwell on those types of honey, the options we are interested in, involved in our case – royal jelly with white honey.

What is white honey. Linden, raspberry, clover, alfalfa, white acacia, narrow-leaved fireweed and others – these plants are considered the best melliferous plants.

The flowers of these honey plants are multi-colored, but this does not in any way affect the receipt of light honey by the bees.


Honey nectar is brownish in color, even grayish. Crystallization (sugaring) makes honey light, without losing its peculiar taste and quality. In this case, it becomes much more useful. It would be wrong to say that the product immediately turns out to be dazzling white. When combined with royal jelly, the mixture forms a creamy white hue.

Taiga honey

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

The soil of the forest is rich in minerals. Therefore, the entire flora is literally saturated with organic properties – these are raspberries, fireweed, sage, angelica, forest geranium and others. The value of taiga honey is increasing due to the extraordinary effects of medicinal plants.

Fireweed honey

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

Honey from this group is quite rare. It rapidly becomes sugar-free, forming snow crystals. Although fresh, it resembles ghee (slightly greenish color) or bacon. Honey collected by bees from fireweed flowers (ivan-tea) had the status of a great healer in Russia. It was widely used in medicinal drugs, due to its saturation with vitamins, tannins, antioxidants. It is also popular in modern medicine and cosmetology.

Linden honey

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

In the first place in the list of traditional pharmaceutical “assistants” is honey of this class. When collected, a harsh aroma and specific taste are felt. Appearance of linden honey: liquid, amber-yellow in color, sometimes with a greenish tint. It crystallizes quickly while retaining its medicinal properties. Honey is suitable for those with a sweet tooth, helps to keep the weight normal, and to lose weight by almost five kilograms in a ten-day course of treatment. In its pure form, it is used for cosmetic procedures: wraps, baths, massages.

White Bashkir honey

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

Bashkiria is a melliferous land. He earned fame, thanks to the Burzyan wild bees, unpretentious to weather conditions, to diseases. A sufficient amount of nectar is collected in a short period of time.

This variety is unique, pollen and nectar are useful. Bashkir honey with royal jelly was highly appreciated by experts in beekeeping products.

Accurate honey

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

This is rare even in places of origin – Kazakhstan, Bashkiria, Central Asia. It is difficult to find in bazaars, since the areas of the plant are small in area.

Nectar is collected by bees from the flowers of drupe psoralei, otherwise called akkray. Essential oils are present in the juice of this flower, which saturate the product with a peculiar, incomparable aroma.

After sugaring, it looks like cream or ice cream with a yellowish tinge.

The variety is an essential option for people who are indifferent to honey-containing products, but are interested in an effective result.

Cooking Rules

This product decomposes under the influence of factors unfavorable for it. Therefore, a method has been found that preserves useful qualities.

Recipe for making honey with royal jelly

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

Excluding the specialized technology for creating a miracle product, we propose to prepare the mixture ourselves. Two options are noteworthy.

Pour the wax queen cells into a dark (possibly colored, wrapped in thick, opaque paper) glass jar. Fill with slightly warmed to a liquid state (shrunken) honey in such a way that it is completely filled and the mother liquors are completely covered, close hermetically with a lid.

For the most optimal method, it is worth following the following ratios: one hundred to one:

  1. Royal jelly 1 gram;
  2. White honey – 100 grams;
  3. Stir and, as mentioned above, pour into containers.

You can take a little more milk, but not more than five grams.


To buy fresh one of the main components – royal jelly – is the main difficulty!

At the end of spring and all summer, when honey collection takes place (May – August), by agreement with the beekeeper, such a possibility is quite likely. It will be great if the mixture is prepared in your presence. It is informative and will put your doubts about the product aside. Then the product is processed (frozen), therefore, it loses its effect.

Ways to use honey with royal jelly

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

There are contraindications! Consultation of a specialist – apitherapist is required:

  • in the presence of allergic reactions;
  • tumors;
  • increased blood clotting, blood clots;
  • Addinson’s disease;
  • acute infections.

There is no unambiguous intake of the mixture, since, depending on the characteristics of the diseases, there is a dosage, as well as general recommendations:

  1. use in the first half of the day, as a miracle – the remedy has an invigorating property with increased tone;
  2. it is advisable to hold the substance in the mouth until it is completely dissolved, do not swallow it immediately;
  3. can not be washed down and seized.


According to the definition of apitherapists, the daily rate is ten grams, the course is from two weeks to two months. During the year – three or four courses.

Dosage for children and adults

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

For adults

  • one teaspoon of the mixture half an hour before meals three times a day, but no more than two tablespoons;
  • during treatment – the intake rate should not exceed one hundred grams.

In pregnancy


Honey with royal jelly should be taken by pregnant women under medical supervision with care so as not to harm the unborn child.

In the first trimester with toxicosis:

  • course – within ten days;
  • diluted in cool water;
  • three times a day before meals, five grams.

In the second trimester:

  • half a teaspoon before meals three times a day;
  • course – within a month.

Children (depending on age)

Twice a day before meals, half (quarter) teaspoon (no more than two teaspoons per day).


In the absence of contraindications, it is allowed to give royal jelly to babies from the first month of life for positive dynamics of development, accumulation of body weight (especially for premature babies), but keep in mind that honey is contraindicated for children under two to three years old. Consultation of a pediatrician is required.

Medical use

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

The miraculous substance cannot be used as a panacea for all ailments. Only, having received the advice of the attending physician, as an auxiliary or preventive measure, can it be combined with medications.

Actualization of the use of the mixture:

  • for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for pneumonia, colds and otorhinolaryngological diseases;
  • with radiation exposure;
  • for the prevention of oncological processes;
  • rehabilitation measures after heart attacks and strokes;
  • anemia;
  • upset gastrointestinal tract: liver disease, stomach ulcer, pancreatitis;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system: reducing the amount of harmful cholesterol, helps to reduce vascular spasms, blood clots, actively acts in the treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • weight issues (obesity, anorexia);
  • insomnia;
  • providing a beneficial effect in case of physical, moral exhaustion;
  • diseases of the reproductive system: erectile dysfunction, prostatitis, impotence, low sperm activity, infertility;
  • with the development of hyperglycemia.

Consequently, the elixir promotes healing through its mild action and healing power.

Used in cosmetics

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

It has an excellent, beneficial effect in the conduct of cosmetic procedures. Since the times of Ancient Egypt, recipes for using honey with royal jelly have come down to us. Regenerating, rejuvenating masks for face, neck, décolleté, and the whole body. Simple recipes for masks.


  • Milk grams thirty – fifty,
  • any cream, lotion.
  • Stir well and apply with massaging movements. The result will be visible soon.

The second:

  1. one hundred milliliters of royal jelly;
  2. one hundred milliliters of honey slightly warmed up in a water bath;
  3. twenty milliliters of infusion of a string (daily infusion);
  4. apply the mixture before going to bed on the face and neck for fifteen minutes;
  5. wash off with warm water.

For hair beauty, pour the product into a suitable mask. The look of healthy and shiny hair is guaranteed. Compresses with the use of a pharmaceutical resource for skin diseases, wrapping and massage with the use of apiproducts are of a recommendatory nature.

Dear ladies! Apply a drop of the magic remedy to the pulsation sites (mixing in equal proportions):

  • beeswax;
  • royal jelly;
  • olive oil.

The secret of conquering men’s hearts is revealed!

Storage conditions

Honey with royal jelly: benefits and how to distinguish a fake

Due to the safety of the product, it is easy to learn:

  1. Store on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator or in the pantry.
  2. The container is opaque, tightly sealed with a lid.
  3. Penetration of prolonged direct sunlight and open air is inadmissible.

In conclusion, we recall that honey is a useful product, and in combination with royal jelly, it is simply a healer. However, it should be taken with caution. An overdose or dose reduction will not do any good. Be healthy!

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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