How antlers on honey are used in apitherapy

Natural honey is a truly unique and versatile product. It is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, while being perfectly combined with other medicinal components.

Today we will consider the use of antlers on honey – the so-called “strong honey” containing about 300 irreplaceable biologically active substances.

The content of the article

  • 1 What are antlers
  • 2 Useful Properties
  • 3 Areas of use
  • 4 How to cook and save
  • 5 How to use
  • 6 Противопоказания

What are antlers

First of all, let’s define what antlers are.

In Siberia and Altai, there are entire maral breeding farms engaged in breeding marals – the largest subspecies of red deer. It is these beautiful animals that most often give a person antlers – not yet ossified horns, covered with a light down. Their young deer are discarded during maturation. This is what happens in the wild. And on farms, the horns are carefully cut at the right time, without harming the pets.

Since the end of the 18th century, antler reindeer breeding has been one of the most profitable agricultural businesses in Altai. But in the countries of Southeast Asia, deer antlers have been used in folk medicine for two thousand years. Antlers are believed to be a great way to prolong life and preserve health.

Also valuable medicinal raw materials are obtained:

  • near red deer;
  • in the north;
  • and sika deer.

Useful Properties

By the way, deer antlers are recognized as curative by traditional medicine. On their basis, such pharmaceutical preparations as “Pantokrin” and “Pantogematogen” are produced.

After grinding, they are added to herbal balms, alcohol tinctures, honey infusions. Used in concentrated form for baths.

This is a valuable source:

  • micro and macro elements (magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, and others);
  • phospholipids;
  • hormones;
  • amino acids (glutamic, aspartic acid, tyrosine, methionine, cysteine);
  • protein compounds, including neuropeptides, and fats;
  • pantocrine;
  • glucosamine (amino sugar).


The main medical purpose is general strengthening and toning of the body during periods of mental and physical exertion.

To enhance the healing properties, powdered deer antlers are poured with Altai honey collected in ecologically clean mountainous regions.

To read:

Honey from Altai – features of a bee product

Packaging of such a product weighing 1,5 kilograms is sold at a price of 4 rubles and more.

Areas of use

The tool is used:

  • to correct impaired functions of the pancreas;
  • to prepare the female body for childbirth (this application has been known since the times of Ancient China);
  • to rejuvenate the body;
  • to increase the tone of the intestines and stomach;
  • to improve digestion in general;
  • to normalize metabolic processes;
  • to normalize urinary functions;
  • to relieve unpleasant symptoms with menopause;
  • to relieve tension of the nervous system;
  • to normalize the work of the heart muscle;
  • for healing wounds and ulcers, accelerating tissue regeneration;
  • to accelerate the fusion of bones after fractures;
  • for the normalization of blood pressure;
  • to regulate blood cholesterol;
  • to improve memory and concentration while learning;
  • with joint swelling and chondrosis;
  • to improve potency in men;
  • to increase libido in women.

How to cook and save

You can use any kind of honey product, for example, flower May. And then apply it for medicinal purposes by adding a small amount of chopped antler.

ready-made product

The proportion is as follows:

  • 280-300 grams of liquid honey;
  • 15-20 grams of powder from young deer horns.

The same amount of the finished product will cost about 1-600 rubles on the market.

The mixture is stored for no longer than two years at low temperatures in a dark place. Better if it is a temperature regime from +10 to +12 degrees.

How to use

The usual dosage is one teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach… The course is 3-4 weeks. After a two-week break, you can repeat it.

Another way to take for adults as a dietary supplement is a source of glucosamine: 6 grams (no top teaspoon) three times a day half an hour before meals for three weeks… Effective for strengthening joints and ligaments, relieving pain when they are damaged or inflamed.

But keep in mind that this folk remedy has contraindications.

It is also undesirable to seize it and drink it with water. Hold the honey in your mouth, slowly dissolving it. This speeds up and simplifies the absorption of the food supplement by the body. And only after 15-20 minutes you can drink tea or have a full breakfast.

Important! Pieces of antler must be chewed thoroughly. They taste like pressed wood.


Natural honey is a beekeeping product that causes food intolerances in about two, three people out of a thousand.



How to recognize and treat honey allergies

Other contraindications:

  • diabetes mellitus (allowed only under the control of blood glucose levels);
  • pregnancy and lactation (due to a possible allergic reaction in the mother or child);
  • severe hypertension (caution and consultation of the attending physician is required);
  • violation of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system;
  • acute diarrhea or prolonged intestinal upset;
  • tumor processes;
  • bleeding disorder.

Do not self-medicate! After all, honey antlers are not a medicine, but just a bioactive food supplement. It is undesirable to use it without consulting a doctor, even if the purpose of ingestion is prevention.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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