How to feed cucumbers during the flowering period

Topping cucumbers during flowering and fruiting is of great importance for cucumbers. During this period, they are especially in need of nutrients. Which substances to add and in what quantity depends on the soil, the rate of development of the culture and climatic conditions.

  1. Feeding Features
  2. Root top dressing
  3. Foliar top dressing
  4. Top dressing during flowering
  5. Recipes
  6. Fertilizing during fruiting
  7. Recipes
  8. Conclusion

Подкормка огурцов в период цветения и плодоношения

Topping cucumbers during flowering and fruiting

Features of top dressing

Top dressing is carried out starting from the planting of seed material before removing the last fruit from the garden.

The rules for feeding cucumbers, flowering and fruiting (setting and fruit formation):

  • Alternate the application of organic and mineral substances.
  • Do not use all available fertilizers at the same time .
  • Nourish the plants at the same time as watering.
  • Follow the intervals between nutrients.
  • Use root and foliar top dressings, depending on the weather.
  • Do not overfeed plants with one or another type of nutrient.

Root dressing

Often the weather These conditions make adjustments to the process of feeding cucumbers.

It is better to introduce nutrients under the root when the weather is dry and hot.Cucumber bushes consume a lot of moisture, so root nutrition in such weather, combined with watering, favorably affects the harvest.

Foliar feeding

Adding micro and macro elements is carried out once every 5-7 days throughout the flowering and fruiting period.

In cloudy, damp weather, foliar top dressing is used. Solutions for spraying cucumber beds should be less concentrated to avoid burns on the leaves of plants.

Top dressing during flowering

Yellow flowers appear on cucumber seedlings. They are variegated and staminate. The second, the so-called male, do not give ovaries. Without them, no ovaries appear in female, pistil, flowers.

During this period, the foundation for the future harvest is laid. If there are a lot of empty flowers on the plant, and there are few flowers with ovaries, the number of fruits that can be removed from the beds will be very small, so you should not neglect the introduction of the necessary micro and macro elements under the cucumber bushes during this period.


Подкормку можно готовить самостоятельно

You can prepare the dressing yourself

During the flowering period, cucumbers are fed with nutritious mixtures, which include potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. At the same time, we must not forget about other nutrients.To provide plants with the necessary substances, gardeners use both dry mixes and liquid solutions.

The recipe for feeding cucumbers during flowering: 3 parts of ammonium nitrate and 4 parts of superphosphate are taken for 1 part of potassium salt. This mixture is laid in the grooves made between rows of flowering cucumber bushes, then they are watered and sprinkled with dry soil.

A solution of boric acid is also used at the rate of ¼ part of a tablespoon per 10 liters of water. This solution is sprayed with cucumber beds, which are already blooming profusely.

Along with the compositions of our own production, there are ready-made mixtures produced by chemical plants. Phosphorus-based mixtures and solutions are easy to use. In order not to harm the cucumber beds, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosages specified by the manufacturer.

The introduction of nutrients during the flowering of cucumbers is carried out twice: at the beginning of flowering and at the end of the formation of flowers. Together with applying fertilizers to the soil, foliar nutrition of cucumber beds is also used.

Fertilizing during fruiting

The long-awaited period of plant development is the appearance of the first fruits. At this point, the culture needs food more than before, because the cucumber picks up a large amount of nutrients.

Cucumber beds continue to be fed. It is recommended that nutrients be added twice at the fruiting stage of the plant.

The first feeding of cucumbers during fruiting should be done as soon as the ovary has appeared on the plant. This is done to improve the taste of the crop. The second introduction of nutrients is carried out when the volume of the harvest from the beds decreases. This procedure is designed to extend the fruiting term of the cucumber bushes.


Удобрения надо использовать с осторожностью

Fertilizers should be used with caution

Fertilizing cucumbers during fruiting is of great importance. Now cucumbers need nitrogen, potassium and magnesium, so there are a huge number of ready-made fertilizers produced by chemical plants on the market.

Experienced vegetable growers recommend using:

  • urea;
  • compost;
  • superphosphate;
  • ash;
  • chicken droppings.

The main rule is not to apply all fertilizers at the same time : this will lead to oppression of the plant, its destruction.


During the fruiting period, cucumbers need more potassium. It affects the taste of cucumber fruits, increases the degree of resistance to garden pests and diseases.

The plant signals the lack of this element as follows:

  • copious formation of green mass, lack of ovaries;
  • acquisition by the plant of a dark green color;
  • the appearance of a dry yellowish-gray border on the leaves.
  • pear-shaped fruit.

To replenish potassium reserves, gardeners feed cucumbers with potassium sulfate. The powder is highly soluble in water and does not contain chlorine. If you add 10 g of potassium sulfate to a bucket of water and pour it with such a solution of the plant, the vegetable crop will receive a sufficient portion of potassium. If the appearance of the cucumber has improved, fertilizer is applied throughout the cucumber bed, otherwise a different nutrient solution is used.

Nitrogen (urea)

To supply the plant with nitrogen, use a urea solution. To do this, take 30 g of fertilizer, dissolve it in a bucket of water, after which the cucumber beds are watered with the resulting solution. For spraying, the concentration of the solution is reduced, the urea content is reduced by 2 times.

Chicken droppings

Chicken droppings are a very good fertilizer for cucumber beds. A mother liquor is made from it at the rate of 20 parts of water per one part of fertilizer. To feed cucumbers, 2 l of the mother liquor is diluted in 10 l of pure water.

How to feed cucumbers
STRAWBERRY. Care, feeding during flowering and fruiting

Bread dressing

Nowadays, feeding cucumbers with bread yeast is gaining wide popularity. 1 kg of such yeast is dissolved in 10 l of water, and then the plants are watered with the resulting solution. Many vegetable growers speak out positively in favor of this innovation, but yeast does not contain all the substances necessary for garden crops, so you cannot replace all plant nutrition with yeast.


Timely the introduction of nutrients brings good results. The process of eating cucumbers during flowering and fruiting does not require much effort. The main thing is to choose the right feeding formula. If you follow the recommendations, you can really get a rich and healthy crop.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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