How to grow onions hydroponically at home

In fact, only the lazy hasn’t used hydroponics at least once in his life. True, we did not even know about it. 

There was nothing easier than taking an onion, glass or plastic container suitable for the size, filling it with water, lowering the onion and placing the structure on the windowsill. It remained to periodically add water and wait for the appearance of onion feathers.

Therefore, onions are the easiest crop to grow hydroponically. Novice hydroponists practice the technology on it.

Hydroponic onion growing technology

You can make a container for growing onions yourself at home. For this, a sealed container 40X80 cm is suitable, respectively, in width and length. Other proportions are possible, but the height of the sides should not be less than 20 cm for the formation of the root system.

  • The container should have a tight-fitting lid and a solid bottom.
  • Outside, it is wrapped in opaque material, for example, foil, so that the roots are in complete darkness.
  • In the lid, markings are made using a pencil and a ruler, then using a template, which can be a regular stack, cut holes for the bulbs with a sharp knife or scalpel.
  • In the standard sizes we indicated, the boxes should turn out to be 50-60 holes.

As a lid, you can use a sheet of polystyrene with a thickness of at least 5 cm that is fitted to the size. Tapered through holes for the bulbs are made in the lid.

How to grow a feather onion

Growing onions using hydroponics is not difficult at all. 1 m2 10-12 kg of root crops can be placed in order to then harvest up to 10 kg of green feathers. The standard distance between the bulbs is 2 cm, between the rows is 4 cm.

For growing onions in hydroponics, they take varieties suitable for forcing: Arzamassky, Spassky, Bessonovsky, Soyuz and others.

How to grow onions hydroponically at home

For planting, purchased special mats, such as “Agros”, are often used. They are great because they are reusable. Before planting, they are abundantly saturated with a nutrient solution and subsequently ensure that the artificial substrate always remains moist.

Bulb preparation

For distillation, take medium-sized bulbs, 2-3 cm in diameter, obtained as an autumn harvest. Seed preparation Luke carried out in several stages:

  • Selected bulbs of approximately the same size – 1 kg.
  • They cleanse them from the covering scales, leaving one or two layers.
  • Soak in a bucket or tank with warm (+30 – 380C) water with the addition of 6 tablespoons of wood ash or in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or sodium chloride. Ideally, turn on the compressor for 14 hours so that the water oxygenates the bulbs. This process is called bubbling.
  • Cut off the tops as much as possible and clean the bottoms without damaging the flesh. 

How to grow onions hydroponically at home

These manipulations are carried out in order to “wake up” the bulbs. So roots and greens will appear faster. 

Do not take very large amounts of onions at the same time.

Otherwise, bubbling will be difficult due to the small amount of water, and the onion may simply go bad as a result.

Planting bulbs

Pads, also called growing mats, are well spilled with nutrient solution. Then the bulbs are placed. The heads should fit snugly.

The planting is covered with not a thick layer of vermiculite. It is a natural insulation that absorbs moisture well. It contains only environmentally friendly substances and useful for plants salts of magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, etc.

Things to Consider When Growing Onions Hydroponically

For the first week and a half, the hydroponic plant is kept in a dark, cool room for intensive development of the root system. After this time, the “bed” with onions is transferred to the light.

There is usually enough natural light to forge a green feather. Sometimes, if they want to increase the growth rate of greenery, artificial lighting is used.

How to grow onions hydroponically at home

In this case, the light should fall from above, side illumination can lead to the fact that the feathers fall to the side.

Do not make too many holes, as the rigidity of the structure suffers because of this, it can bend and even break under the weight of the seed.

Temperature conditions

The ambient temperature has a significant effect on the growth rate of the pen.

Optimal temperature

+25 – +270C.

When this threshold is exceeded, feathers will dry out and curl.

However, at the initial stage, about 10 days, when the formation of the root system takes place, the temperature should be much lower – up to +200C.

An aquarium water heater can be used to maintain a constant temperature for small plantations. 

Nutrient solution

A compression unit is placed at the bottom of the container to supply the liquid with oxygen. It will need to be turned on daily for at least 30-35 minutes. Due to the saturation of the solution with oxygen, active growth occurs.

A nutrient concentrate is added to the water, which is used in hydroponics. These are special fertilizers that are sold in specialized stores.

An air gap between the surface of the solution and the lid will help the roots not to rot, but also not to dry out. Only the roots will be in the water; the bulb itself should not touch the solution.

You can not cut off onion feathers all at once, but gradually, as needed. Old bulbs must be removed and replaced with new ones. Otherwise, the solution may deteriorate from rotten plants.

How to grow onions hydroponically at home

If properly adjusted conditions, the first greens can be obtained in two weeks. And in the future, the onion bed will bring a regular harvest of vitamin green onions all year round.

You will get good results in the smallest area in a short amount of time.

Many, having got a taste, open their own small business. With low costs and invested labor, it will bring a stable income. Hydroponically grown products are in high demand as environmentally friendly.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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