How to make a hydroponic greenery solution

The problem of growing herbal crops hydroponically has long gone beyond the boundaries of amateur interest. The technology is widely used in small and large farms, which introduce their own author’s know-how and innovative implementation schemes. At the same time, it can sometimes be difficult for a simple gardener to understand all the intricacies, especially when the question concerns the nutrient solution.

Hydroponics is literally interpreted as “the work of water.”

The liquid is the basis of all technological processes of the method and is a balanced solution consisting of micro and macro elements necessary for the plant. For each culture, it requires an individual one, taking into account its needs for a particular element. Our article will tell you how to properly prepare it for greens and what substances it consists of.

Nutrient solution for greens

The progressive method of growing plants without soil in specially designed installations with the supply of the optimal amount of nutrients was invented a long time ago. However, it has gained widespread use and popularity only in the past few years.

The hydroponics method makes it possible to grow many types of greenery, among which the most popular in our region are:

green onions;
melissa, etc.

Also, in a landless plant, lavender, watercress and many other spicy annuals are excellently cultivated.

The modern market for mineral fertilizers offers a wide selection of ready-made concentrates designed specifically for growing in hydroponics. They are not difficult to use – it is enough to dilute the nutritious concentrated liquid with water in a clearly prescribed proportion, and you will receive the optimal set of nutrients for your green culture.

Spicy garden greens are very easy to grow on a windowsill or in a small greenhouse using ready-made or homemade hydroponic plants. If you do not want to suffer with the correct dosage of components, which requires weighing to the nearest hundredths and tenths of a gram, take ready-made fertilizers.

They come in different forms of release. Powdered and liquid complex preparations can fully cover the needs of green crops in calcium nitrate and other vital elements. They have a number of advantages:

  • instantly saturate the water base with minerals;
  • have a balanced composition, excluding underfeeding or overfeeding of plants;
  • strengthen the protective properties of grown green crops and activate the growth of the root system;
  • stabilize the level of water hardness and remove excess salts from it.

During the operation of hydroponic equipment, it is necessary to constantly monitor the volume of liquid in the system and the concentration of nutrients in it.

The latter are regulated by a conductivity indicator (TDS / EC). A normal solution is characterized by instrument readings in the range of 1,5 – 3,0 mS. Depending on the type of plant, the nutrient solution needs to be completely replaced every few months.

How to prepare a solution

Some growers who want to delve into the biological and physical processes of plant development in more detail prefer to prepare a nutrient solution for hydroponics with their own hands at home. All the ingredients you need are freely available in almost every garden store.

To prepare the desired solution from a store concentrate, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Strictly observe the dosage indicated on the label by the manufacturer.
  • During the feeding period, the fertilizer concentration is raised by a quarter relative to the usual proportion.
  • Saltpeter is diluted in a ratio of 0,25 kg per 1 liter of water. This solution includes fertilizer at the rate of 2 ml. per liter of liquid.
  • It is convenient to use a conventional medical syringe to prepare the components.

How to make a hydroponic greenery solution

If you plan to make the basis for hydroponics with your own hands, then the proportions of mineral elements should be selected according to the existing formulas, which were developed on the basis of many years of research by scientists. All salt components are stored in separate vessels and mixed in a strictly defined sequence. The best recipes for mineral fertilizers that are suitable for most types of greens will be presented below.

Water requirements

To prepare a solution for a soilless plant growing system, a specially formulated water is needed. The ideal option would be distilled liquid or passed through modern filtering installations. If one is not at hand, then you can take an ordinary tap, the main thing is to let it settle for several days.

For fast and high-quality absorption of nutrients by greens, it is important to closely control the pH level. Its indicator should be in the range from 5,5 to 6,5. For accurate measurement, use a special pH meter or a liquid tester.

If the study shows an overestimated pH level, then you can use a special concentrate that can significantly reduce and equalize the pH values. It is called “pH Down”.

Also, the above-described electrical conductivity of the feed water should be normal. With its high-quality regulation, it is possible to both reduce and increase the sweetness, size and appearance of the fruits obtained.


If something went wrong with the plant, its biological parameters began to deviate from the norm, then a complete replacement of the nutrient solution with pure water is recommended.

In it, the culture, without additional nutrition, should stand for at least a few days, after which improvements will be visible.

List of ingredients

In order for the greens to be healthy and actively develop, they need to receive all the vital components evenly, namely:

copper, etc.

Element ratio

Today, there are many combinations of nutrients that can significantly shorten the time from planting to harvest. Each of the formulas has been tested by time and contains an optimal set of elements.

In the process of preparing the solution, it is advisable to add all the components included in it separately.

In a properly made mixture, there should be no sediment.

One of the most capricious elements in this regard is iron – it provokes a rusty coating. However, if you replace it with ferrous sulfate, then the problem will disappear. The content of micro and macronutrients in the liquid may vary depending on the seasonality of growing greens.

In winter

In the frosty season, a specially developed winter solution is used. Its main components are:

  • potassium and magnesium sulfate – 314 g.;
  • calcium – 238 gr.;
  • ferric chloride or ferrous sulfate – 8 g.;
  • superphosphate – 274 g;
  • potassium nitrate – 166 gr.

How to make a hydroponic greenery solution

In the summer

In hot months, the following recipe is used:

  • potassium and magnesium sulfate – 170 g.;
  • calcium – 300 gr.;
  • iron vitriol – 10 gr.;
  • ammonium sulfate – 30 g.;
  • potassium – 150 g;
  • superphosphate – 340 gr.

Hydroponics is an effective method of cultivating green crops at home, requiring little effort and has proven itself among professionals and amateur gardeners.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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