How to plant carrots without thinning

The process of thinning vegetables on the beds is time-consuming and often ends up pulling out young seedlings and losing a potential crop. Nevertheless, this action is necessary, since thinned vegetables produce good quality crops. There are several ways to plant carrots so as not to thin out them during the growing process.

  1. Sowing with seeders
  2. Homemade seeders
  3. Sowing after germination
  4. Sowing with tape
  5. Sowing in a bag
  6. Planting with pellets
  7. Conclusion <

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How to plant carrots without thinning

Sowing with seeders

The most preferred option for sowing carrots is to do this with a hand seeder. These mechanized devices help to plant the seeds, deepening them in an open field soil at a given distance, thanks to:

  • the spikes in front, forming a furrow,
  • the dosing of seeds falling out of the holes,
  • the presence of a smooth wheel at the back that evens out and tamps the ridge.

The process of sowing the area using manual seeders is 5-10 times faster than other methods of sowing.

Manual devices for sowing seeds ensure the rapid penetration of seed with its uniform distribution in even rows, without damage seeds, in keeping with the distance necessary for the growth of vegetables without thinning.

Homemade seeders

Do it yourself with a hand seeder, for which a simple plastic bottle is used, in the lid of which holes are cut to the size of the seed.

Make sowing easier and improvised household tools help to prevent the need for subsequent thinning of plantings: salt shakers, tea strainers, colanders and toothpick containers. All of them have holes that can serve as a dispenser for sowing.

The downside of homemade and improvised tools is the need to control the number of seeds falling out of the holes.

Sowing after germination

Семена могут быть как сухими так и пророщенными

Seeds can be either dry or sprouted

An alternative to mass uncontrolled planting of seeds in soil is the spot planting of previously germinated seed material. To do this:

  • the seeds are soaked for several hours in warm water,
  • laid out on a damp cloth, then covered from above,
  • maintain humidity by constantly spraying the top a layer of a napkin so that it does not dry.

A densely planted carrot prevents vegetables from fully growing and developing.

When the seeds first sprout temper, keeping in the refrigerator for 10-12 days.After hardening, the sprouted seed is planted on the beds at the recommended distance for growing carrots, so that the subsequent thinning of the row is not necessary.

Sowing with tape

Planting carrots with a special seed – An easy way to sow seeds so that later rows of seedlings do not have to thin out. The tape is cut into strips the length of the bed.

Instead of garden sowing tape, toilet paper is sometimes used on which seeds are laid on a paste made from starch with water (1 tsp starch per 200 g of water) .

The seed material is spread pointwise with an interval between seeds of more than 2 cm from each other. Furrows are formed on the ridge to a depth of 25-30 cm, ribbons with sowing are laid on them, sprinkled with a layer of earth and watered. The first seedlings appear after 7-10 days.

Sowing in a bag

Carrots are planted without subsequent thinning in canvas or linen bags, where seeds are put in the spring and, digging up a small the hole is left for germination. After 15 days, the shoots sprout.

The distance between the seedlings at which the carrot seeds are sown affects the size of the vegetables: the larger it is, the larger and smoother the root crops.

Sprouted material is taken out and mixed with sand, further scattering the mixture over previously prepared furrows. The ridges are covered with film.After a week, the first sprouts appear under the film, which are planted in the ground in a permanent place.

Planting with granules

Does not require any special tools for planting carrots without subsequent thinning with granules. For granular seeds sold in finished form, each seed in the process of technological processing is covered with a hard shell. It contains dry hydrogel and fertilizer complexes so that the carrots quickly ascend.

The granule sowing process is controlled by their bright color.

The granules must be planted in open soil 1-2 pcs. Carrot is sown so as not to thin out, every 8-10 cm in grooves 20-25 cm deep, then they are covered with soil and watered on top.


Planting a vegetable crop without thinning the seedlings saves time and provides seed conditions for full growth.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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