How to plant garlic in Siberia

Winter garlic is saturated with volatile production, which makes it very useful. It is actively used for the preparation of various culinary delights, in the treatment of colds. Planting garlic in Siberia is practically no different from planting in other regions. Cold-resistant plants have zoned varieties suitable for growing in different areas.

  1. Winter garlic
  2. When to land
  3. Landing recommendations
  4. Early landing
  5. Site selection
  6. Variety selection
  7. Preparation of planting material
  8. Preparation of soil
  9. Planting
  10. Care <
  11. Conclusion <

Посадка чеснока в Сибири

Planting garlic in Siberia

Winter garlic

Some farmers argue that planting winter garlic is useless, It’s bad, but it’s not at all. Spring garlic gives a comparatively less yield. In addition, some varieties of winter garlic are stored for 9 months without losing their quality indicators, and spring only for 7 months.

Winter varieties are divided into :

  • shooting;
  • not shooting.

When to land

Traditionally landing garlic for the winter in Siberia is carried out from 20.09 to 14.10. However, in 2017, the autumn was warm. In this regard, the landing dates are shifted. Properly plant winter garlic 30-45 days before persistent cold weather. It is necessary to carry out the adjustment of the planting dates, according to the lunar calendar and synoptic forecasts.

Landing recommendations

During landing, the ground should cool down to 10 ℃. It is very important to observe the timing of planting, so that the plants have time to form a powerful root system before the onset of cold weather. If there are roots 6–9 cm long, without the formation of the surface part, the vegetable can tolerate any winter.

If garlic is planted in winter in Siberia at a later date, the plants do not have time to form a sufficiently strong root system, as a result, root crops may freeze.

Early planting

Early planting leads to the rapid formation of the ground part. Plants can freeze already at the first frost. Many farmers try to follow the lunar calendar when planting root crops. In Siberia, planting winter garlic is usually carried out on a waning moon. It is not recommended to plant vegetables:

  • on the full moon;
  • on the new moon;
  • when the Moon is in Aquarius.

It is better to land when the Earth’s satellite is in the constellation Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio or Pisces. All of these signs are considered productive. Planting these days will provide a good harvest, with strong immunity.

Select a site

First you need to choose a good lighted area, with fertile soil. The plot is fertilized before planting the previous plant. It is not recommended to plant garlic after potato crops, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and onions.Culture is returned to its original place in 3-5 years. You need to plant the root crop after garden crops that require abundant fertilization:

  • squash;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage.

The root crop grows well on soils with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. The plant is demanding about the presence of nitrogen in the soil, but it is not recommended to introduce manure immediately before planting. Qualitative indicators may suffer from this. During ripening, manure gives off heat, due to which garlic quickly forms the ground part, which leads to a decrease in plant immunity.

The highest yield indicators are observed on sandy loamy soils and loams. Heavy soils are additionally fertilized with sand, rotted compost, leaf humus. It is not recommended to plant the crop in areas with close underground water table.

Variety selection

Сорт обязательно должен соответствовать климатическим условиям

The variety must necessarily meet the climatic conditions

For Siberia, choosing a variety of winter garlic, it must be borne in mind that the culture is quite difficult to adapt to new climatic conditions. This may cause a decrease in yield. In connection with this feature, you need to select varieties zoned for your region.

Recommended varieties of winter garlic for cultivation in Siberia:

  • Siberian shooter;
  • Novosibirsk 1 not shooter;
  • SIR-10;
  • reliable;
  • autumn;
  • alcor;
  • Scythian.

Preparation of planting material

The choice of good seedlings plays an important role in obtaining a good harvest. The plant propagates with cloves or bulbs. The larger the planted cloves, the better the yield. Landing with whole heads heals planting material, therefore it is recommended to alternate planting with cloves and heads annually.

The heads are divided into cloves immediately before planting. Each tooth should have a piece of heel. To sanitize the seed, it is immersed in a saline or alkaline solution for 2 hours. Saline solution is prepared by adding 3 tbsp. To 5 l of water. l salt. To make an alkaline solution, 0.5 kg of wood ash is diluted in 2 l of water and boiled for 30 minutes.

It is very important to ensure that before planting there are no pieces from the mother’s bulb on the cloves. A dry hard bottom will impede the passage of moisture and rooting. Before planting, the teeth are sorted by size. Only external teeth are suitable for landing, and internal ones are used for food. The standard number of planting teeth is 40-50 pcs. per m2.

Soil preparation

In autumn, you need to dig the soil. Before this, they bring in a bucket of compost and humus per 1 m2, about 1 st. lsuperphosphates and potassium, 1 tbsp. ashes. To make the soil reaction neutral, 200-300 g of lime-fluff are introduced in the spring under the previous culture. For heavy soils and loams, it is recommended to add 1 bucket of sand and peat each.

Winter garlic is grown on beds 15 cm high in increments of up to 1 m. So the plants will be uniformly heated from all sides. Rows range from north to south so that in summer the crop can receive enough sunlight. Long cloudy weather significantly reduces productivity.


Heads or teeth are laid out in trenches with a step of 2 cm and sprinkled with well-loosened soil. Planting depth depends on the size of the planting material:

  • large teeth – 6-7 cm;
  • shallow – 3-4 cm.

If root crops are not planned to be dug this coming fall, then the distance between the cloves is increased to 4 cm. Planting too close can reduce yield, heads will be small. In addition, when the tops are too close, the path blocks the sun’s rays, and root crops do not receive enough nutrients.

They plant their teeth in small grooves. A distance of 25-30 cm is left between the rows. Then, the soil is mulched with humus or sawdust. Deep planting will contribute to the rapid rooting of plants and protect against freezing. It is not necessary to press planting material into the furrows with force, this will delay the formation of the root system.


Care is a very important point. To get a good crop, you need to provide the plants with good care. If you live in a region with snowy winters, mulching the soil is completely optional. During the winter, you need to check whether the crops are well covered. If necessary, cover them additionally:

  • sprinkle with last year’s foliage;
  • toss with snow.

The first shoots of winter garlic appear in spring, when the snow is still didn’t get off. Sprouts are pink-violet. While the soil has not yet warmed up, in the spring, it is fertilized with a nitrogen solution. For 1 m2 you need 1 tsp. urea.

Throughout the summer, you need to loosen the soil and remove weeds. This ensures optimum soil aeration. Garlic is a moisture-loving plant, therefore, after the appearance of the first shoots, planting is watered 3-4 times with an interval of 10-15 days for 1.5 months. Watering plentifully, water is poured into the aisle. Then water the plants as needed.

After each watering and rainfall, you need to loosen the soil. This prevents the formation of a hard crust. Shooting varieties start arrows in June. If the vegetable is grown in order to collect planting material for the next year, they are left until fully ripe, if not, removed. Removing the arrows allows you to increase the weight of root crops by 40%.


Varieties of winter garlic are perfectly adapted to the conditions of Siberia, they can be planted in any part of the region. Planting vegetables in the fall allows you to enjoy fresh garlic throughout the summer. It has a high keeping quality and is well transported. You can choose a variety with or without arrows.When choosing a variety for planting in Siberia, it is necessary to take into account that winter garlic undergoes acclimatization for a long time, therefore it is recommended to use only zoned varieties.

Planting is carried out 30-45 days before the onset of persistent cold weather. Landing usually begins on the 20th of September. However, every year the autumn is getting warmer, so the dates are starting to shift little by little. Too early planting, as well as late planting, will provoke a decrease in productivity. For planting, choose the largest heads or teeth from the outside.

Soil is prepared in the spring, fertilizing it under the predecessor plant. Damp soils that are too moist are completely unsuitable for growing crops. When planting winter garlic, it is important to follow the rules of crop rotation. It is not necessary to carry out a crop landing in the same place. Cultivation in cold regions requires additional mulching of the soil after planting, especially if there is not much snow in winter.

The planting depth is adjusted depending on the size of the planting material in the region. In the western part of Siberia, it is recommended to increase the depth. This will help plants take root better. You need to plant the cloves at a distance of about 5 cm from each other so that the roots can develop normally.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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