How to remove a queen in a hive-bed without orphaning a bee colony

In nature, worker bees start raising queens in three cases: 1) if the “queen” is lost by the bee colony; 2) if the family is preparing to swarm; 3) if there is a quiet change. In the first case, cultivation is carried out from already developing larvae, and in the rest from an egg laid by the bee “queen” in a specially prepared cell – a bowl.

The content of the article

  • 1 Artificial Inference Methods
  • 2 Where non-orphan output is used
  • 3 How to prepare a family
  • 4 How many larvae can you give out at a time
  • 5 Important points of vaccination

Artificial Inference Methods

Amateur and industrial methods of growing bee “queens” in most cases are based on the first two natural states of bee colonies:

  • loss of the uterus;
  • or in preparation for natural swarming.

The most popular methods among amateurs are:

  1. Full retraction of the “queen”, imitating her loss. It is called orphaned inference.
  2. Temporary withdrawal until the larvae are taken into foster care, after which the “queen” returns to the family in the isolation ward. This method is called partial orphan inference.
  3. And, finally, the third way – with the transplantation of the uterus behind the separating lattice without removing it from the nest. This is the conclusion without orphanhood, which we will talk about in more detail today. It is close to the natural quiet change of the “queen”.

Where non-orphan output is used

The method of withdrawing a new “queen” without removing the old one is based on the creation of artificial inferiority of the uterus already working in the hive.

You can only use:

  • in beehives-loungers;
  • and in multi-body hives.

In multi-hull houses, a frame with unsealed brood is installed. After the appearance of fresh queen cells, the grafting frame is placed in the third or fourth building.

The grafting frame consists of cells with young one-day-old larvae, fixed with heated wax on cartridges or pointed matches.

The withdrawal of queens without orphanage in the lounger hives is performed as follows:

  1. The free space of the hive is divided into two parts using a dividing grid.
  2. One part contains a grafting frame or an unsealed brood.
  3. And in the second, the old “queen” continues to work. The egg-laying area for her is reduced due to the lattice – artificial inferiority is created.

The dividing grid is a sheet of tinplate or plastic 0,3 millimeters thick with holes measuring 4,3 by 4,4 millimeters. Working bees move freely through them. And for adult “queens” and drones, the grid is an insurmountable obstacle.

How to prepare a family

The preparatory work in the family-educator begins precisely with the isolation of the old “queen” behind a dividing grid. In this case, the ratio of different ages of insects in the nest practically does not change, since the young continue to grow in the same volumes.

An important point! Such a family will take on a smaller number of larvae for raising than nests with complete orphanhood, in which there is no longer an open brood. On average, up to 50% of the planted larvae are accepted (according to the data of the Gorky University).

How many larvae can you give out at a time

The number of larvae planted directly depends on the following factors:

  • weather conditions;
  • the quality and quantity of honey collection;
  • the strength and characteristics of the selected bee colony;
  • bee breeds.

If you overdo it with the quantity, the quality of the rebuilt queen cells will definitely deteriorate and, accordingly, the new “queens” will be bad.

The optimal amount for a strong and active colony is from 20 to 30 larvae. Much depends on the characteristics of the breed.

In practice, it was found that southern breeds, for example, Kuban or Italians, accept a larger number of grafting cells than high-altitude and northern (Central Russian, Carpathian, Caucasian).

The possibilities of a family-educator can be assessed by the number of fistula and swarm mothers being laid.

The more of them in natural conditions, the higher the chances of artificially raising many healthy females of normal weight. In the above example, in a strong bee colony, up to thirty young “queens” weighing up to 170-180 mg grow.

Important points of vaccination

The main disadvantage of the method is the poor reception of the larvae given out for education in the first hours after the isolation of the old “queen” behind the separating lattice.

Do not give out the grafting frame immediately after installing the grate! This is done five to six hours later. Violation of this rule leads to mass restructuring of fistulous mother liquors.

Depending on the breed of bees, the following number of larvae can be produced at a time:

  • 20-25 in early spring, 30-35 in warm weather with abundant bribe – Central Russian breed;
  • up to 50-60 pieces – Kuban, Italian breed (with repeated grafting in the same year, it is issued 5-10 percent less).

There should be an open entrance and honeycomb frames with unsealed brood near the grafting frame. Then, young nurse bees accumulate in this zone, which provide the optimal temperature for the development of a new queen.

Another heating option, used after sealing, is to move the frames on both sides. By increasing the streets, more bees gather in these places.

The lounger is always divided into two compartments of unequal volume. In the first one there are 4-5 honeycomb frames – here the old “queen” is isolated. And in the large compartment there are brood honeycombs – here working insects accumulate. If necessary, the brood is taken from other hives.

Note: In addition to the standard dividing grille, you can use a diaphragm with a 150 x 100 mm window cut into it, closed by a grill with holes of the required size.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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