How to treat bee stings at home

Bee venom is not only the only remedy available to hardworking insects, but also a medically recognized medicine. Poison is used with caution, only when necessary and in small doses.

People tolerate bee stings in different ways. Along with a local reaction on the skin, general symptoms of poisoning can also be observed: unbearable itching, urticaria, edema, shortness of breath, severe weakness, twitching of the limbs and involuntary muscle contraction. Multiple bites are usually fatal as a result of a person’s respiratory center failure.

The content of the article

  • 1 The benefits of poison
  • 2 Bite points
  • 3 Indications and contraindications
  • 4 Portability check
  • 5 How is the treatment carried out
  • 6 Compliance with diet
  • 7 Bee stings and prostate adenoma
  • 8 Bee stings and varicose veins
  • 9 Bee stings and gout
  • 10 How to use bees in winter

The benefits of poison

For a long time, traditional healers have used bee stings as a treatment for various diseases associated with the common cold. First of all, these are rheumatic diseases. The poison is able to quickly relieve the inflammatory process, which leads to the elimination of pain in the muscles. Poison is also effective in curing diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, and genitourinary systems.

Many drugs have been developed based on the poison. It is used in the form of ointments and tablets, as well as by inhalation and electrophoresis. In folk medicine and apitherapy, treatment with bee stings is the most popular.

In the absence of allergic reactions and contraindications, poison is of great benefit to the whole body:

  • improves blood formation;
  • stimulates the work of the heart;
  • normalizes the activity of the adrenal cortex;
  • improves blood supply to all tissues by expanding small capillaries and blood vessels;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • completely or partially relieves pain;
  • increases appetite;
  • improving sleep;
  • lowers blood viscosity and clotting;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • increases the amount of hemoglobin;
  • eliminates foci of inflammation.

Bite points

For home treatment, special points are used on the human body.

Bee sting is traditionally carried out:

  • in the lumbar region;
  • in the area of ​​inflamed joints;
  • along the nerve endings.

The choice of a place for a bee sting depends on the nature of the disease. Most often, a bee sting is performed on the outer thighs and shoulders.

In this case, a repeated sting in the same place should occur every 4-5 days! It is necessary to carefully choose and change the places of attachment of insects.

Recommended points on the human body, depending on the disease:

  • the area behind the auricles and the lower back – with hypertension;
  • the area of ​​the temples – with eye diseases;
  • the abdomen (2,5 cm below the navel) – with bedwetting in children;
  • the area of ​​the sacrum, coccyx, solar plexus – with prostate adenoma;
  • an area 4-5 cm from the edge of the wound surface – with trophic ulcers and wounds that do not heal for a long time;
  • the area above the thyroid gland, to the right and left of it, as well as the lumbar region – in diseases of the thyroid gland.

Indications and contraindications

Poison treatment is indicated:

  • with rheumatism;
  • with varicose veins;
  • with prostate adenoma;
  • in gout;
  • at neuralgias;
  • in myositis;
  • in radiculitis;
  • with thrombophlebitis and other diseases.

Before starting the course, you should take into account possible contraindications.

Bee stings are prohibited:

  • if you are allergic to this bee product;
  • diabetes;
  • with mental illness;
  • in the presence of acute infections;
  • with chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • with blood diseases and cardiovascular pathologies;
  • with oncology;
  • during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Portability check

Before using bee stinging, you should consult your doctor! It is also advisable to control the use of poison by a laboratory method.

The first test for the body’s sensitivity to poison is as follows. First, a person is exposed to a short-term bite of one insect – the duration of a bee sting is no more than 5-10 seconds! Then the next day the bite will be repeated, but its duration is increased to 60 seconds.

After that, a general urine test is taken in the clinic – it is necessary to control the level of sugar and protein. If the bites have been well tolerated and the composition of the urine has not changed, you can start treatment.

How is the treatment carried out

At home, for the treatment of bee stings, the following technique is used:

  1. Places (points on the human body) are washed with warm water with baby or laundry soap.
  2. Prepared bees are taken from the jar with their fingers behind the back (tweezers can be used) and applied with their belly to the points necessary for therapy.
  3. After the bite, the sting is removed from the skin in about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Each sting site is carefully treated with boric petroleum jelly.
  5. For another 20-30 minutes after the sting, it is necessary to be in a supine position, especially with high sensitivity to pain.

One course takes ten days. The break between courses is 3-4 days. Three times more insects are taken on a repeated course. On average, up to 180-200 stings are performed in two courses.

Treatment Scheme:

  • 1 day – one sting (one bee);
  • 2 day – 2;
  • 3 day – 3;
  • 4 day – 4;
  • 5 day – 5;
  • 6 day – 6;
  • 7 day – 7;
  • 8 day – 8;
  • 9 day – 9;
  • Day 10 – 10 bites;
  • 11-14 days – break;
  • Day 15 – 3 bites;
  • 16 day – 6;
  • 17 day – 9;
  • 18 day – 12;
  • 19 day – 15;
  • 20 day – 18;
  • 21 day – 21;
  • 22 day – 24;
  • 23 day – 27;
  • Day 24 – 30 bites.

If, after completing two courses, recovery did not occur or the patient’s condition did not noticeably improve, treatment with bee stings at home should be stopped completely.

Compliance with diet

For the effectiveness of therapy, the patient must eat a lot of plant and dairy products rich in minerals and vitamins. All spicy and spicy foods are excluded from the diet.

Along with the stings, it is recommended to consume natural honey in an amount of 25 to 100 grams per day. You can dilute it in cool water and drink it on an empty stomach.

It is forbidden to consume alcohol, take narcotic substances (including painkillers) and smoke!

Shown are massage, therapeutic baths, therapeutic gymnastics.

Bee stings and prostate adenoma

Treatment of prostatitis with bee stings is effective in the absence of contraindications and increased sensitivity to poison.

According to the reviews of patients who have undergone such therapy, a long-term remission occurs or a complete recovery occurs. Official medicine is not so optimistic about this technique, but you can try it if you want.

Bee sting is performed at acupuncture points: groin, solar plexus, elbows, coccyx. A more radical method is a bite in the foreskin (not the head!) Of the penis. Through the cavernous bodies of this organ, the poison is delivered directly to the prostate, which leads to the elimination of blood stasis and the removal of inflammatory processes.

The video will tell you about the “descending” treatment regimen, precautions and other features of therapy:

The treatment regimen is selected on an individual basis. Such apitherapy is especially painful in the first two or three sessions. But over time, there is an addiction to the poison and relief of the symptoms of adenoma.

Bee stings and varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins with bee stings begins according to the general scheme with one bite into the painful area near the venous nodule. If the test is successful, proceed with further apitherapy.

The poison thinns the blood, which leads to the release of pressure on the walls of the veins and blood vessels. Small knots may disappear completely after completing the course. With an advanced stage of the disease, the positive effect of apitoxin will also be felt – all painful formations will decrease in size by reducing tissue swelling and accelerating blood supply. The maximum number of stings in one session is 30-35 bees.

It is advisable to treat varicose veins with bee venom in specialized medical centers, since a full examination of the body and medical supervision during therapy are required. Blood and urine tests are taken every week! When changing the composition of the analyzes, the doctor must adjust the treatment regimen or completely cancel it.

Bee stings and gout

Treatment of gout with bee stings is carried out through a sting in the area of ​​swollen joints. The poison is able to lower the level of uric acid in the body and reduce inflammation.

It acts in several directions at once:

  • apamin tones up the nervous system, which leads to the synchronous work of all organs and the improvement of metabolic processes;
  • adolapine (a natural anesthetic) reduces pain in sore joints;
  • Miletine relieves inflammation (the substance is 100 times more effective than hydrocortisone!).

Treatment is carried out according to the general scheme, daily increasing the number of stings. One course consists of 7-10 days of treatment. If necessary, repeat it after 3-4 days.

It should be noted that beekeepers state an obvious fact – from the first bites in the spring, received while working in the apiary, and until December, exacerbations of gout disappear.

How to use bees in winter

In winter, insects can be used after preheating. To do this, the required number of bees is caught with tweezers in a hive placed for the winter in a special room, put them in a medicine bottle and close it with a piece of porous sponge or foam rubber.

When removing insects from the hive, a red flashlight or a lamp under a red polycarbonate shade should be on!

You can also put the bees in a half-liter jar with a tablespoon of kandy at the bottom, and then cover the container with a plastic lid with ventilation holes – in such conditions, insects live up to two to three weeks. After heating at room temperature, they are completely ready for therapeutic “injections”.

Bee sting treatment is a great way to get rid of persistent colds annoying in the cold season, chronic problems with joints, lower back and spine (rheumatism, sciatica, arthritis).

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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