Is psoriasis treated with natural honey?

The nature of this ailment remained undetected for a long time. And only today, doctors have classified psoriasis as an autoimmune disease that has a chronic course with pronounced periods of exacerbations. The disease mainly affects the skin, presenting in some cases a serious cosmetic problem.

Treatment of psoriasis with honey refers to folk methods to alleviate the condition of a sick person and achieve a stable remission.

The content of the article

  • 1 Features of the disease
  • 2 Medotherapy
    • 2.1 Ingestion
    • 2.2 External application
      • 2.2.1 bath
      • 2.2.2 Ointment
  • 3 Complex use of bee products

Features of the disease

This type of dermatosis is not contagious to others (it is a non-infectious disease). It manifests itself by the formation of red spots on the skin, which, when merged, form plaques. The skin in these places is extremely dry, and the plaques themselves protrude above its surface. In appearance, the affected area resembles frozen wax or paraffin, has a whitish tint.

About four percent of the world’s population suffers from psoriasis. The first symptoms make themselves felt before the age of twenty to twenty-five years. 10-15% of people suffering from skin manifestations also suffer from psoriatic arthritis.

The main cause of the pathology is genetic predisposition. The trigger can be stress, other chronic diseases, decreased immunity, hormonal disruptions.


The disease cannot be completely cured. During periods of remission, the patient’s condition improves until the moment of a new exacerbation. Remission can last from several months to several years.

Only the attending physician is able to determine whether honey can be used for psoriasis in one form or another.

Please note that any folk remedies are not a panacea and cannot be the only remedy! Improper treatment and lack of medical care are likely to lead to disability and disability.


The most serious contraindication for the use of natural honey is intolerance to the body of this beekeeping product . But in small doses it is eaten even with diabetes mellitus, naturally, controlling blood sugar levels.

The introduction of honey into the diet contributes to the enrichment of the body with vitamins and microelements (the latter to a greater extent), strengthening the immune system, normalizing sleep, and establishing the correct functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the bee product is capable of destroying viruses, pathogenic bacteria, and fungal infections.

The usual single dose is one teaspoon to one tablespoon without the top. The exact dosage is selected depending on the age. It is not recommended to give a bee product up to a year, with rare exceptions.

Read more: About the daily use of honey and its amount

External application

Natural honey is used for massage treatments . It is rubbed into the affected area with gentle movements. It is best to do this after a bath or bath.

After the procedure, the reddened plaques are treated with a moisturizer to soothe the skin.

This massage can relieve acute symptoms. Improvement is observed after just a few sessions.


Baths with the addition of a honey product have proven themselves well . For one course, you need to take 10-15 baths. The procedure is performed twice a week.

200-300 grams of natural honey is added to water pleasant in temperature, stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.

Baths improve the condition of the skin, calm the nervous system, and have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.


Ointments based on natural honey help not only moisturize the skin, but also start healthy regeneration processes.

For the head

Plaques on the head can be treated with a composition with the addition of egg yolks.

Taken in equal proportions:

  • natural honey;
  • Burr oil;
  • whipped yolks.

The ointment stays on the head for at least half an hour. Then remove the cap and rinse the hair thoroughly with a suitable shampoo.

For body

For the base of the ointment, use any baby cream.

It is taken:

  • 10-15 grams of cream;
  • 40-50 grams of vaseline without aromatic additives;
  • 1.5 grams of celandine herb in a powdered form;
  • one egg white;
  • a tablespoon of honey product.

The ointment is applied to the plaques twice a day for ten days. Then a two-week break is taken and the treatment is repeated.

Often, it is advised to add solidol to homemade ointments. Patients use such an exotic component at their own peril and risk, since initially the solid oil is not intended for treating the skin.

Complex application of bee products

The Bee Products Treatment Reference Guide lists the following recipe.

It is necessary:

Take a tablespoon of honey product mixed in half with pollen (pollen) daily for two to three months.

At the same time, the affected skin areas are treated with 10% propolis ointment based on lanolin or vegetable oil (10 grams of propolis per 100 ml of base; mixed at 40 degrees in a water bath; stored in the refrigerator).

At the same time, 0.5 to 2 grams of purified propolis is chewed in the mouth (the greater the body weight, the higher the dosage).

The course of treatment, as already mentioned above, is two to three months .

Treatment Scheme:

  • in the morning the plaques are treated with propolis ointment;
  • half an hour before breakfast, a polish with a honey product is eaten;
  • 20-30 minutes after breakfast, propolis is chewed;
  • at lunchtime, half an hour before a meal, a polish with a honey product is eaten;
  • 20-30 minutes after lunch – propolis;
  • before dinner in thirty minutes – obnozhka-honey;
  • after dinner, 20-30 minutes later – propolis;
  • at night – treatment of plaques with propolis ointment.

There are many options for alternative treatment for psoriasis. The attending physician will help you choose the best one. Do not self-medicate! Beware of substances not intended for skin contact or ingestion. This will most likely harm your health, even if open sources indicate that “the remedy helped someone.”

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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