In Ivan tea, leaves, shoots, and
root. In folk medicine, it is used to treat ulcers, colitis, prostatitis,
insomnia, headache. To this list for outdoor use
a medicinal plant, conjunctivitis, bedsores, psoriasis are added.
The success of Ivan tea in the treatment of these and other diseases gave rise to scientists
more seriously engage in scientific study of the healing potential of this herb.
Useful properties of ivan tea
Composition and nutrients
Basic substances:
Vitamin PP
C 2.2 Fats 2.75 Magnesium 156 Vitamin
19, 22
A 0,18 Food
10, 6
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B9
Calories, Kcal
Vitamin B1
What exactly is used and in what form
An infusion or decoction based on leaves and herbs of willow tea is prescribed
for both indoor and outdoor use – in the form
rinses, lotions. The infusion is also used for medical washings,
compresses, when treating wounds. A decoction of willow-tea flowers is also
used both internally and externally.
Medicinal properties
In terms of chemical composition, ivan tea leaves contain: carbohydrates, mucus,
triterpenoids, oleanolic, ursolic, hydroxyursole and hydroxylean
acids; caffeic, coumaric, ellagic and phenylcarboxylic acids;
flavonoids: sexangularetin, kaempferol, quercetin, myricitin;
glucoside rhamnoside and arabinoside quercetin; Ramnoside kaempferol;
tannins, alkaloids, ascorbic acid and carotene.
The components of ivan tea leaves are also mineral salts:
iron, copper, manganese, nickel, titanium, molybdenum and boron. Flowers
fireweed contain anthocyanins, roots – proteins, salts of phosphorus, calcium
and cobalt. The seeds contain fatty oils. The composition of the roots
ivan tea includes organic
acids, polysaccharides, starch.
A significant amount of tannins and mucous substances explains
anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of ivan tea. Apply
a plant for catarrh of the stomach with high acidity, for diseases
lungs; for rinsing with angina,
sore gums; with otitis media, inflammation of the middle and external
ear canal; with nosebleeds and sinusitis.
Eczema is treated with water decoction,
rashes on the skin. Ivan tea is effective for migraines,
and oligomenorrhea.
The substance hanerol, contained in the inflorescences of fireweed, actively affects
on tumors, and, having low toxicity, inhibits their growth[2,5].
In official medicine
Among the pharmacy products that contain ivan tea – herbal
raw materials produced under the name “Herb of narrow-leaved fireweed».
Herbal raw materials of ivan tea are crushed and assigned to provide
sedative, antispasmodic, antipyretic, anticonvulsant
impact. Contraindications to the use of herb fireweed are
the state of pregnancy and intolerance to plant components
and the associated possible allergic reaction.
In folk medicine
- With an ulcer
stomach, colitis
and gastritis
use a decoction of ivan tea: 15 g of herbal raw materials per glass
boiling water. Drink a tablespoon 3 times a day before taking
food.. - With prostatitis
in a glass of boiling water, brew a tablespoon of chopped dry
herbs of ivan-tea. Let it brew, strain and take two at a time
tablespoons three times a day before meals. - For inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract 3 tablespoons
steamed chopped herbs in 200 ml of boiling water. Cook the broth
in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, let it brew and cool, strain.
Assign two tablespoons three times a day before meals. - With adenoma
prostate recommend a decoction of 1,5 tablespoons of dried
leaves and flowers of fireweed per 200 ml of boiling water. Take 1 glass
morning and night. - For headaches, 3 tablespoons of dry herbal raw materials
pour a glass of boiling water. Cook in a water bath for
a quarter of an hour. Drink 2 tablespoons three times a day. - For chronic fatigue syndrome, 2 tablespoons of the herb
Ivan-tea pour 400 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil on a small
fire. Take a third of a glass three times a day before meals. - To improve bowel function 2 tablespoons minced
Pour 400 ml of boiling water over the roots of willow tea. Let it brew for 3 hours.
Take 3 tablespoons of the broth on an empty stomach in the morning.
- With anemia
steamed a tablespoon of fireweed herb in 200 ml of boiling water. Insist
within 2 hours. Take three times a day for a tablespoon.. - In combination with anticancer therapy, the following collection is advised:
fireweed flowers, St. John’s wort
with flowers, plantain leaves
large, white acacia flowers (in proportions 2: 2: 2: 1). Tea room
Brew a spoonful of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain
and take a glass a day. - RџSЂRё
for insomnia, pour a tablespoon of chopped ivan-tea roots
a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, drain. Drink around the canteen
spoon three times a day before meals. - For hypertension, the famous fireweed honey is recommended, which
normalizes blood pressure and is also useful for insomnia. - With sinusitis, brew two tablespoons in 0,5 liters of boiling water
Ivan tea herbs, bring to a boil and leave for half an hour. Drink
a third of a glass three times a day half an hour before meals. - With pneumonia
brew 1 g of Ivan-tea herb in 15 glass of boiling water and infuse
60 minutes. Drink a third of a glass three times a day 20 minutes before
food. - For migraine, take herbal raw willow-tea and clover
in proportions 1: 1. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water,
let it brew for half an hour, drain. Take as regular tea
up to two glasses a day. - For menstrual irregularities, tea is recommended:
a spoonful of herbs and flowers of willow tea and linden flowers are brewed in a glass
boiling water. Take the filtered infusion in a cup three times a day. - In adnexa
a tablespoon of a mixture of dried willow tea leaves and fern
pour 200 ml of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes in a water bath. Drink
a quarter glass three times a day before meals. - With climacteric neurosis, tea made from willow tea leaves is useful
and blackberries. A teaspoon of chopped dry leaves of fireweed and blackberries
brew in 200 ml of boiling water, insist and drink three times a cup
per day..
- For bedsores, steam 2 tablespoons of chopped willow tea leaves
in a glass of boiling water. Cook the broth over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
Let it brew, strain. Use as rinsing fluid
bedsores. - With conjunctivitis
steamed a tablespoon of chopped leaves and flowers in 200
ml of boiling water. Cook the broth over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
Let it brew. In strained and cooled broth, moisten
cotton swab and rub your eyes.. - In psoriasis,
neurodermatitis, eczema prepare a bath: 0,5 kg of dry herb ivan tea
and oregano are steamed in a bucket of boiling water. Insist
for about an hour, the strained infusion is added to a full bath. Accept
a bath for a quarter of an hour.. - For the preparation of a decoction for lotions, rinses, compresses
take herbal raw materials 2-3 tablespoons per 0,5 liters of water..
In oriental medicine
Tibetan doctors advise ivan tea for insomnia, headaches
pain and is credited with the properties of an agent that suppresses activity
cancer cells.
The herb of fireweed is recommended by Mongolian doctors in the therapy of intestinal
disorders with gastric ulcer. Ivan tea is used as
means that stop vomiting and eliminate the symptoms of food
In scientific research
The study of narrow-leaved fireweed remains relevant for scientists,
since the medicinal potential of this plant has not been fully disclosed.
Tannin content
in the leaves of fireweed studied B.R. Brown, P.I.Brown, W.T. Pike..
Frolova T.S., Salnikova O.I., Dudareva T.A., Kukina T.P., Sinitsina
O.I. investigated the release of ursolic acid by narrow-leaved fireweed
and evaluated the acid using microbiological tests. Frolova
T.S., Salnikova O.I., Kukina T.P. also analyzed the system
lipophilic acids secreted by narrow-leaved fireweed..
Measures for the control of insect pests threatening the ivan-tea culture
the scientific work of Zorin D.P..
The subject of scientific interest of K.O. Tamm is the reaction of fireweed
narrow-leaved to various sources of nitrogen in aquatic culture..
In dietetics
Fireweed helps to accelerate lipid metabolism, normalize
digestive functions and cholesterol levels, relieves the body
from “excess” water, has a mild laxative effect, moderate appetite.
In cooking
Young leaves and shoots fireweed took their niche
in the culinary field, they are used like regular asparagus.
The leaves are delicious in vegetable dishes, in salads. Root
Ivan-chai is also edible, it is peeled and fried. But good for food
the root part of the plant, harvested before the blooming period,
otherwise the root gives off bitterness. Fireweed herb is eaten both raw and
and stewed.
Ivan tea syrup. To make a syrup like this
needed: 40 pink clover flowers,
30 flowers of white clover, 50 flowers of fireweed (ivan-tea), half
a teaspoon of alum, 2,3 kg of sugar, 3 glasses of water. Thoroughly
rinse the flowers and mix them with sugar and alum in a deep bowl.
Add boiled water and mix well. Let it brew
15 minutes and then bring to a boil. Flower-syrup mass
squeeze out, pour the resulting syrup into washed jars and sterilize
on a hot water bath for at least 10 minutes..
Ivan tea salad. To make salad
required: about 150 g of willow-tea shoots and leaves, green onions,
and parsley,
a tablespoon of vegetable oil (or low-fat sour cream), salt.
Wash, dry, finely chop the leaves and shoots of willow-tea, mix
with chopped green onions, dill and parsley. Season with vegetable
or sour cream and salt to taste..
In cosmetology
For cosmetic procedures use alcohol
tincture ivan-chai. Before applying the mask to the face or hair,
it is necessary to conduct a test for the possible appearance of an allergic
reactions to the fireweed tincture.
Strengthening hair masks
- Mask with Ivan-tea for hair based on oils and egg
yolk. To prepare the mask, combine two tablespoons
burdock oil, one yolk and five drops of pine essential oil.
Heat the combined ingredients over low heat, pour into
a mixture of 10 ml of fireweed tincture, stir and apply to hair over
the entire length. Wrap your head with plastic or a towel. Through
an hour to rinse off the mask and wash your hair. - Mask with Ivan tea for hair based on oils and birch sap.
Castor oil, burdock oil and birch sap (take in proportions
1: 1: 2, picking up with a teaspoon) combine with 10 ml of fireweed tincture.
Massage the mask into the scalp and apply to the hair from the roots
to the ends. Wrap your head. Wash off the mask after 60 minutes. - Lemon-carrot hair mask with Ivan tea. One carrot
and grind the lemon in a blender or mince
and add 10 ml of fireweed tincture. Apply the mass to the hair, wrapping
head. Wash off the mask after an hour or an hour and a half. - Orange mask with ivan tea for hair. Orange
grind in a blender, pour 10 ml of tincture into the resulting mass
ivan-chai. Apply the mask to the hair and rinse off after half an hour. - For better hair growth, an almond-milk mask is recommended.
with ivan tea. 0,5 cups almonds
grind and add 10 ml of tincture of fireweed and milk to it.
Stir until you get a sour cream consistency. Mask
Apply to damp hair and rinse off after 1,5 or 2 hours. - To give the hair more volume, use an egg-beer
mask with ivan tea. To prepare the mask, mix 10 ml of tincture
ivan-tea, 0,5 glasses of beer, 1 egg
and a small amount of champagne. Apply the mask to the washed
and wet hair and rinse with acidified water after 20 minutes. - You can achieve softer hair with the following mask:
tincture of ivan tea (10 ml) mixed with 90 ml of cooled boiling water, cologne
and lemon juice (15 ml each) and 5 ml of glycerin. The mixture is rubbed into
base of hair while massaging. Wash off the mask after a couple of minutes.
The following masks can be recommended for all hair types:
- Oatmeal mask with Ivan tea… Grind into flour 0,5
glasses of oatmeal,
combine with 3 tablespoons of honey, a couple of drops of lemon
juice, one tablespoon of cucumber juice and ivan tea tincture
(10 ml). Wash off the mask from the hair after half an hour. - Ivan-tea honey mask… Mix 2 tablespoons
spoons of honey
and onion juice, a spoonful of brandy, a teaspoon of lemon juice
and 10 ml of tincture of fireweed. After applying the mask, carefully
wrap up. Wash off after an hour. - Kefir mask with Ivan-tea with yeast… Ivan tea tincture
(10 ml) and 5 tablespoons of brewer’s yeast
dilute with low-fat kefir until a paste consistency is obtained.
Apply the mask to the hair, wrap your head, rinse off after 1-1,5 hours..
Ivan tea face masks (for all skin types)
- Ivan tea mask based on apricot.
Wash 2-3 apricots, discard the pits, puree and mix
with tincture of fireweed (10 ml) and a tablespoon of lemon juice.
Leave the mask for about 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. - Watermelon and Ivan tea face mask… 100 mg watermelon
mix puree with 10 ml of ivan-tea tincture, add one tablespoon at a time
a spoonful of cream and oatmeal and one teaspoon of honey. Wash off the mask
after 15-20 minutes with cool water. - Grape mask with Ivan tea… Several grapes
knead separately from the seeds and peel. Add to the grapes
a teaspoon of oatmeal and tincture of ivan tea (10 ml). In 20 minutes
wash off with warm water..
Other uses
Eskimos use the processed and tough stems of fireweed to make
fishing nets.
The fluff that the plant forms during flowering is used for
stuffing of pillows and mattresses.
Ivan tea reduces cravings for alcoholic beverages, so it is advisable
apply in complex treatment
alcohol addiction.
Fireweed is a highly productive honey plant. Honey from it is greenish
shade, and after the completion of crystallization it becomes white.
Dangerous properties of ivan tea and contraindications
With prolonged and continuous use of ivan tea, it is possible
disruptions in the functioning of the digestive tract. Age restrictions
the use of fireweed-based products refers to children who have not reached
age six. Ivan tea during pregnancy and lactation
excludes self-medication and its use must be agreed
with a doctor. Cases of individual intolerance are possible. Suffering
from thrombophlebitis and thrombosis, it is better to refrain from treatment with Ivan-tea..
We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of ivan tea
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:
Interesting Facts
Fireweed flowers are the official emblem of the Canadian state of Yukon.
Fireweed is called a colonizing plant, because this bright and beautiful
grass is one of the first to sprout on fires, lands mutilated
human intervention. There is a saying: “The earth does not love
conflagration and immediately calls for help from his children. Ivan-chai is the first to come. “..
Initially, Ivan tea won fame as a substitute for traditional
Ceylon tea. For the preparation of the so-called “Koporsky
tea»Fireweed leaves were dried, lightly ground, then fermented
in tightly closed boxes and finally dried. Processed
in this way the leaves were brewed like a regular tea drink..
Poetic legend about “fire grass“Folded American
Indians. The girl whose lover was wounded and taken prisoner
to the enemy tribe, tried to save her beloved. She set fire to the herbs
around the camp of the enemies, and, taking advantage of the turmoil in the fire,
carried the groom on her shoulders into the nearby forest. The fugitives were tracked down
and when the hope of salvation was not left, a miracle happened – the earth
burst into flames where the Indian’s moccasins touched her. The flame got in the way
persecutors to grab the young people. And in those places where there was
saving fire, grass has grown with amazingly beautiful flowers..
Botanical description
It is a herbaceous perennial plant of the Cypress family (Onager).
Origin of the name
In the language of botany, the herb is called “hamerion“,”kiprei»
and received many names among the people: Koporsky tea, plakun,
Viper, downy, willow grass, Virgin Mary grass, dug up the grass,
fire grass… The name “ivan-chai” is associated with the role of the plant
in the history of trade, in an era when “Russian tea“Made
fireweed herb was one of the most exported from. to countries
Albion and Europe products. Traditional and popular Russian name
“Ivan” with the light hand of foreign dealers and suppliers is firmly entrenched
in the name of the then demanded drink, which became famous in the world
the market.
Science knows 8 types of willow tea. The most common ones are:
- 1 Ivan tea (fireweed) narrow-leaved
– has a wide range of medical applications; productive honey plant
and a plant cultivated for ornamental purposes; fireweed herb
used to make the famous Koporye tea. Is growing
in the temperate climatic zone, in Siberia, in the European coniferous forests
parts .; - 2 Ivan tea broadleaf – endemic
North, found in the Arctic and subarctic parts of the North
hemisphere. One of the national symbols of Greenland; - 3 Ivan tea Colchis (Caucasian)
– a creeping shrub, which grows in the Alps,
subalpine region, mountain slopes of the Caucasus; - 4 Ivan tea of Dodoneya – grows
in the temperate and subarctic regions of North America, Asia and
Ivan tea is a grass with a height of 0,5 to 1,5 m.Stems are straight, rounded,
densely covered with leaves. The rhizome is creeping and large. Leaf arrangement
alternate, leaves lanceolate, sessile, shiny, dark green above
and bluish on the back, underside. Flowers are collected in elongated
brushes, there are different shades: from pale pink and fuchsia
to rich purple, red. There is also fireweed with
white flowers. Fruits are elongated capsules. Flowering period –
summer months. Ivan tea grows in a well-lit forest area
with dry and sandy soil, along crops and railway embankments,
on forest edges, on felled and burnt soils, on the territory of dried up
Growing conditions
Ivan tea cannot be called a pretentious plant in terms of cultivation.
and care. But the most suitable for him will be loamy, sandy
and sandy soils and open, maximally illuminated by sunlight
locality. The plant produces seeds in huge quantities, an area
which spread by wind is very extensive. The optimal way
planting fireweed during cultivation – reproduction by dividing the creeping rhizome.
The harvesting of willow tea herb begins at the flowering stage. Cut off the tops
stems with flowers and leaves or only leaves. Dry the grass in
room with sufficient ventilation, spreading out in a thin layer on a cloth
or paper backing. The drying process should not be lengthy,
since changes in temperature conditions deteriorate the quality of raw materials,
not collected on time in special paper bags and herbal collection
partially loses its healing properties..
Power circuit
Fireweed is often enriched in the composition of green food in the diet of household