Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial herbaceous plant
about one and a half meters (sometimes up to four) with straight pubescent
stem, ovoid leaves and yellow inflorescences-baskets
6-10 cm in diameter. There are 1-3 stems in the nest, up to 30
tubers on short stolons, compactly collected. Roots
at a depth of 10-15 cm, they extend horizontally up to 4-4,5 m
in loose soil, and vertically – up to 1,3 m, which allows
plants to withstand drought. It can grow in one place
up to 30 years old. Tubers weigh from 20 – 30 to 100 grams, color
different (depending on the variety) – white, yellow, pink,
purple, red; the pulp is tender, juicy, with a pleasant
sweetish taste.
The plant is also known as “earthen pear”
and the Jerusalem artichoke. The plant is found in the wild
in North America.
The tubers are edible. Cultivated as a valuable fodder,
technical and food plant.
The name of this plant comes from one of the tribes
Chilean Indians – Jerusalem artichoke. They are almost from the very antiquity
cultivated this plant in the same way as we cultivate potatoes now.
However, Jerusalem artichoke is very similar to her. And according to the way
growth, and by use (food is used
plant roots). Jerusalem artichoke tubers, just like
and potato, can be of different shapes and different colors,
but, unlike them, they do not have such an even shape. BUT
here is the stem of the plant – straight, pubescent, reaching
heights of 2 and even 3 meters, very similar to a sunflower.
He is actually a “relative” of the sunflower,
has similar yellow inflorescences in the form of baskets, but smaller
(from 6 to 10 cm) forks at the top. Leaves at
Jerusalem artichoke ovoid with jagged edges.
Kazakhs call Jerusalem artichoke “Chinese potatoes”
how he got to them through China. On the Don, where did it go
in the 19th century through Romania, it is called turnip.
Jerusalem artichoke got to the Baltic states through Germany. Such
the spread of this plant around the world happened,
thanks to its unpretentiousness. It grows dry
and on waterlogged soil, does not require, in contrast
from potatoes, hilling and feeding and, moreover, has
“Audacity” to drive out any weeds. Gives good fruits
in the first four years of his “life”, although it can grow
in one place from 30 to 40 years.
Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke
Raw Jerusalem artichoke contains (in 100 g):
Calories 73 Kcal
Scientists who studied the composition of Jerusalem artichoke were surprised
a variety of vitamins and minerals included in its
structure. Iron content,
Jerusalem artichoke is significantly superior to other tubers (carrots,
potatoes, turnips, beets, etc.). In addition, the composition
Jerusalem artichoke includes: potassium, calcium,
silicon, magnesium, sodium,
fluorine, chromium and other minerals.
Jerusalem artichoke contains fiber, pectin, organic
acids, fats, proteins and essential amino acids. Rich
Jerusalem artichoke and vitamins: B1, B2,
B6, C, PP,
carotenoids. Carotene in Jerusalem artichoke 60-70 mg per 1
Jerusalem artichoke contains essential amino acids: arginine,
valine, lysine, leicine, etc. Jerusalem artichoke has a high content
fiber. All this makes Jerusalem artichoke a product, simply
essential product for maintaining health. Special
what is valued in Jerusalem artichoke is that its roots are rich
natural analogue of insulin – inulin. That’s why
Jerusalem artichoke is recommended, first of all, for patients with sugar
Jerusalem artichoke helps well with gout, urolithiasis
disease, anemia, salt deposition, obesity. Jerusalem artichoke decoction
lowers blood sugar, lowers blood pressure, increases
hemoglobin, has a beneficial effect on the pancreas.
Jerusalem artichoke must be included in your diet.
residents of large cities with unfavorable environmental
environment, because it tends to neutralize
negative consequences of environmental influences.
Jerusalem artichoke is able to remove heavy salts from the body
metals, toxins, radionuclides and excess cholesterol.
This antitoxic effect of Jerusalem artichoke is due to
the combined actions of inulin and fiber included
to its composition.
Fresh autumn roots are healthier, because, in the process
storage, part of the inulin is converted (as a result of hydrolysis)
into fructose. For diabetics, this is also not bad, because
fructose replaces sugar in the diet of diabetics.
Jerusalem artichoke surpasses sugar by the amount of carbohydrates
beets and sugarcane. From 100 kilograms of tubers
Jerusalem artichoke receive up to 10 kg of fructose.
Jerusalem artichoke is also used for excretion of salts, treatment
stroke and hypertension, recovery of strength and even with
very many diseases. Moreover, the recipes are especially difficult
from Jerusalem artichoke do not differ. Most of them have enough
just eating Jerusalem artichoke is almost the same as
potatoes: boiled, baked, fried, etc.
For the treatment of tuberculosis, you can drink half a glass of juice
this plant, diluted with water 1: 2, before meals, and
with cystitis, leukemia, obesity, anemia, pyelonephritis
and the same diabetes mellitus, you need to chop the tuber of the plant
into powder, 1 or 2 tablespoons of which pour two
glasses of boiling water, insist and strain, and then
drink one glass 15 minutes before eating.
Our ancestors used Jerusalem artichoke as a cosmetic
anti-wrinkle products. You just need to rub the tubers
Jerusalem artichoke on a grater and put the resulting gruel on
face using a napkin. Hold for 15-20 minutes. Do
such a mask every 3-4 days. A tangible effect comes
after 10-15 procedures. Wrinkles are smoothed out, skin
becomes soft and elastic. Greater cosmetic
the effect can be achieved if you add to the resulting gruel
some linseed or hemp oil.
Jerusalem artichoke leaves were used in ancient times for treatment
osteochondrosis, arthritis, with salt deposition. Just ten
chop Jerusalem artichoke leaves, fill with three liters
boiling water, soak for 30 minutes and fill the bath with water.
It is enough to take such a bath for 10-15 minutes. One course
treatment is eight procedures.
Dangerous properties of Jerusalem artichoke
It should be noted that both useful and harmful properties of Jerusalem artichoke
are still not fully understood. However, today scientists
claim that this product is absolutely safe in the absence of
hypersensitivity to it.
In addition, doctors advise to limit the consumption of raw Jerusalem artichoke.
in the presence of flatulence,
since it is able to cause excess gas in the intestines and, thus,
worsen the patient’s health.
Moreover, despite the whole spectrum of its medicinal properties, nutritionists
nevertheless, it is recommended to use Jerusalem artichoke in combination with a balanced
nutrition in order to achieve the most positive effect, and
don’t hurt yourself.
You can find out about the useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke from this video. In addition, its authors conducted an interesting experiment showing the uniqueness of this fruit and its true effect on the human body.