Kalanchoe “Kalandiva” – long-term flowering almost without leaving care

Among all the flowering Kalanchoe hybrids and varieties, one plant has become not just popular, but almost a reference. Kalanchoe “Kalandiva” is a special kind of a well-known plant, in the appearance of which there is a balance of bright flowering and freshness of dark leaves. Combining beauty with unpretentiousness, kalandiva often appears in the home as a gift or seasonal decoration. But this is a full-fledged indoor perennial, which, with minimal effort, can delight for many years. If it is possible to organize the correct wintering, the flowering of Kalanchoe “Kalandiva” will become an annual show, stretching for many months.

Kalanchoe “Kalandiva” – long flowering almost without leaving. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Flower Experience

A real diva among the Kalanchoe

Among the numerous hybrids and varieties of flowering, draft-resistant, easy-to-grow Kalanchoe Blossfeld, there are many plants that have become easily recognizable both in appearance and character. One such diva among the flowering Kalanchoe is Kalandiva. Luxurious double flowers and extremely long flowering are not the only distinguishing features of Kalandiva, thanks to which it has become the most popular Kalanchoe species for sale before the winter holidays.

“Kalandiva” (Calandiva) – a group of Dutch varieties of Kalanchoe Blossfeld, which has become an independent trade name and easily recognizable trademark. Appearing on the indoor plant market only in 2003, Kalandiva managed to win the title of the most popular terry hybrid among all Kalanchoe.

Kalandives are miniature, medium or large, with a height of 10 to 35 cm. But they are always easily recognizable by strong straight shoots. Ovate-rounded leaves up to 6 cm in length sit opposite, flaunt a slightly muted olive tint and with vaguely pronounced coarse-toothed edges looking up.

The flowering period of kalandives is winter and early spring, when the interior is so lacking in bright colors. Reminiscent of double roses, flattened, double, large, up to 1 cm in diameter, the flowers seem dazzlingly bright. The cluster inflorescences rise above the leaves, merge into solid pillows, creating the effect of layering and massiveness.

Starting with a bright pink hybrid, calenders today offer a wide range of shades. Orange, white, yellow or red, calendives always retain their brightness. And a pleasant contrast of greenish, light green buds and dazzling blossoming flowers. Their color is very changeable, the same bush in a new place can surprise with a difference in tones.

The main pride of all Kalandiva varieties is the ability to “guaranteed” bloom for at least 6 weeks, and with good lighting and impeccable care – up to six months.

Kalanchoe 'Calandiva'Kalanchoe ‘Calandiva’ (Kalanchoe ‘Calandiva’). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Picture Brazil

Growing conditions for Kalanchoe “Kalandiva”

If this variety of Kalanchoe is provided with good lighting and protected from hypothermia, difficulties should not arise. But it will be almost impossible to achieve flowering without a cool wintering.

Lighting and placement

Kalanchoe “Kalandiva”, despite the appearance of a “live bouquet”, will not work in the interior. For full flowering, these varieties need the brightest lighting, preferably a sunny location. Eastern and western window sills are suitable for Kalandivs; measures to protect from direct sun are needed on the southern and partially southern windows. Even slight shading causes deformation and stretching of the plants. If the weather is too cloudy, supplementary lighting is often needed for flowering.

But at the same time, one should not confuse the intensity of illumination with the need to extend daylight hours: calendives are winter-flowering varieties that need from 14 to 16 hours of darkness. You can adjust the daylight hours for the formation of buds using artificial shading.

Read also our article Kalanchoe – medicinal types, benefits and applications.

Temperature control and ventilation

During flowering, in winter and early spring, Kalandiva prefers cool-room conditions – temperatures from 16 to 18 ° C. During the period of active growth, kalandives feel great at any temperature from 20 ° C heat. To stimulate flowering, 1,5 months before the desired “start”, the plant is transferred to a cool temperature of about 14-15 ° C (maximum 16 ° C) for setting flower buds, combining coolness with limited watering and control of daylight hours.

Kalandiva is afraid of cold drafts and sudden hypothermia; plants must be protected during airing in cold seasons. But, nevertheless, without sufficient access to fresh air, the bushes are quickly affected by pests and wither before our eyes. For the summer, kalandives can be transferred to the garden, monitoring night temperatures (lowering below 14 ° C is unacceptable).

Kalanchoe "Kalandiva" needs the brightest lighting for full bloomKalanchoe “Kalandiva” needs the brightest lighting for full bloom

Caring for calenders at home

Kalandives are suitable even for very busy growers. After all, they are watered so rarely that caring for the plant is quite compatible with business trips. The main thing is to avoid waterlogging and be careful in everything.

Watering and air humidity

Kalandiva requires very careful watering and is even more sensitive to waterlogging than other varieties of Kalanchoe Blossfeld. The substrate should be allowed to dry thoroughly between waterings to eliminate the risk of dampness, and the water should be immediately drained from the pallets. These varieties endure short-term complete drying out without prejudice to flowering. The need for watering is often signaled by the bushes themselves – with more sluggish leaves. For calenders, 1 watering per week is enough, even at the height of summer.

To stimulate flowering, an almost dry dormant period is arranged, limited to minimal support. In winter, during flowering, the bushes need to be watered about half as often as in summer.

When watering kalandiv, you need to monitor the quality of the water and do not soak the greens and shoots.

There is no need to increase the humidity of the air, but in the summer, in the heat, the kalandives welcome spraying. The dust from the leaves should be washed regularly.

Read also our article What to do to make the Kalanchoe bloom longer?

Top dressing and composition of fertilizers

To continue the luxurious flowering of the kalandiva for many months, you need to choose the right fertilizer. For this plant, only special fertilizers for succulents are perfect, containing, in addition to the main macronutrients, trace elements (necessarily – magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, the deficiency of which is extremely dangerous). Fertilizers for flowering plants are fed to the bushes, reducing the dosage by 2-3 times.

Top dressing is carried out during the active growing season with a frequency of 1 time in 2-3 weeks. They are stopped for a period of rest.

Kalandiva requires very careful wateringKalandiva requires very careful watering. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Hunker

Trimming and shaping Kalanchoe “Kalandiva”

The main pruning is done after flowering is complete. Shoots are shortened to short stumps. During the growing season, for branching and maintaining compactness, more abundant flowering, the shoots of the kalandiva need to be pinched.

Transplant, containers and substrate

For calenders, you need a light, nutritious substrate with a loose and rather coarse texture. It is better to use special substrates for succulents or flowering plants. Mandatory ingredients are deciduous earth, sand and perlite.

Kalanchoe “Kalandiva” develops better in ceramic containers. Even for larger varieties, compact pots are chosen, because it is impossible to achieve abundant flowering with an excess of space.

If the kalandiva is bought as a seasonal plant and is planned to be thrown away, there is no point in replanting the plant: the bush, along with the old container, is placed in beautiful pots or containers, achieving the maximum decorative effect. When growing perennial kalandives with preservation after flowering, the transplant is carried out after flowering and pruning is completed, annually, laying a high drainage layer and transferring the bushes into a slightly larger container.

Diseases, pests and growing problems

Kalandives are extremely sensitive to rot. Stems and roots quickly rot even with slight waterlogging. And you can usually save the plant only by re-rooting the shoots, so special attention should be paid to the quality of watering. Occasionally, in unfavorable conditions, in unventilated rooms, the kalandiva is affected by aphids, which can be fought with any insecticides.

Vegetative reproduction is the fastest and most reliable way for Kalanchoe "Kalandiva"Vegetative reproduction is the fastest and most reliable way for Kalanchoe “Kalandiva”

Reproduction of Kalanchoe “Kalandiva”

Kalandives can be grown from seeds or cuttings. Vegetative propagation is the fastest and most reliable way. Shoots are cut in spring and summer. It is better to root apical cuttings up to 15 cm long.

After removing the lower leaves and drying the cuts, the cuttings are planted in a light succulent substrate and kept lightly moist.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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