The content of the article
- general description
- Growth environment
- Botanical description
- Growing conditions
- Collection and Procurement
- Useful properties of lavender
- Composition and nutrients
- Medicinal properties
- In folk medicine
- In perfumery
- Other uses
- Dangerous properties of lavender and contraindications
- Video
Lavender is widespread in India, Arabia, southern Europe, northern and eastern Africa,
and even in the Canary Islands.
There are about 30 varieties of lavender.
Avicenna once said about lavender: this is a broom for the brain and
a whip for the heart.
Lavender is a semi-shrub, up to 60 cm high. Leaves are lanceolate-linear
shapes, flowers are collected in flower rings that form inflorescences
purple, blue, pink or white.
It is recommended to plant lavender in vegetable beds, as insects
– pests, especially the Colorado potato beetle and moth, avoid this
In some eastern countries in enterprises with fine and meticulous
work, and where there are many women, periodically scattered all over
lavender square, to relieve nervous tension
For medicinal purposes, flowers and, in rare cases, grass are harvested.
After the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences are harvested after 2 weeks, dried
and tied into sheaves, then threshed, separating the stem from the flowers.
The smell of a freshly dried plant is pleasant, specific, pungent,
the taste is spicy-bitter, somewhat pungent.
Lavender is harvested in early July, in sunny and dry weather, when
the flowers are completely straightened out. At this time, their smell and color are most
Useful properties of lavender
Lavender contains about 30% lavender oil, bitter and tannic
substances, resin.
Use lavender as an anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory
means, as well as a means that normalizes the activity of the nervous
In dentistry, it is used as a remedy for colic, headaches,
dyspepsia, with rheumatic pains. It is used externally.
The infusion is used as an immunostimulating, healing, choleretic,
pain reliever, antifungal, antiviral, decongestant
and even a scarring agent.
Helps the respiratory system. An effective remedy for bronchitis,
colds, sinusitis, laryngitis, otitis media, rhinitis. Lavender
has a mucolytic and expectorant effect on the body.
It is used to treat gynecological infections.
An effective remedy for poorly healing wounds, burns, psoriasis,
bedsores, fungal skin diseases, etc. Recommended for bites
scorpions and jellyfish.
Relieves joint pain, muscle pain, helps patients with rheumatism.
Decongestant, antiseptic, analgesic, antiviral,
means. Antidepressant. Lavender alcohol is a good antiseptic.
Flowers and grass in folk medicine are used as an antispasmodic
and a sedative, as well as a bile thinner.
Lavender preparations help with neurasthenia, migraines and pain in the gastrointestinal
path. Lavender oil is used to treat gangrene and purulent
For better brain stimulation, aroma specialists
therapies recommend inhaling lavender scent more often. Refreshing effect
these colors are much stronger than coffee.
Lavender is widely used in cooking, household chemicals, manufacturing
soft and alcoholic beverages, toilet soaps, deodorants,
air fresheners, perfumes and cosmetics.
Essential oil derived from lavender is widely used in distillery
Dangerous properties of lavender and contraindications
Talk to your doctor before using lavender.
Do not use in the first three months of pregnancy, as well as after an abortion.
Lavender is quite toxic.
Video about lavender
Planting, watering, caring for, propagating and using lavender.
Material usefulness
Reliability of information
Article formatting
Useful and dangerous properties of other herbs:
Blooming Sally