Mangosteen, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Mangosteen is a tall evergreen tree up to
25 m with a pyramidal crown and black-brown bark. Leaves
oval-oblong, dark green above and yellow-green
bottom, 9 – 25 cm long and 4,5 – 10 cm wide. Young
leaves are pink. Flowers with fleshy greens with red
spotted petals. The fruit is round, with a diameter of 3,4 – 7,5
cm, the top is covered with a thick (up to 1 cm) burgundy-purple
inedible, containing adhesive coloring latex, peel,
under which there are 4-8 segments of white edible
pulp with seeds tightly attached to it. Plant
bears fruit late – first fruits on trees by 9-20
year of life.

The homeland of mangosteen is Southeast Asia. Widely cultivated
in Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, India,
in Sri Lanka, Philippines, Antilles, Central
America, Colombia, tropical Africa

Oddly enough, but mangosteen is not found in the wild,
it is known only as a natural cultivar. It is believed
that it’s just a whim of nature – a natural hybrid
two related species (Garcinia malaccensis and Garcinia
hombroniana), a fragrant polyploid, morphologically combining
the qualities of both parents. The name “polyploid”
means a hereditary change associated with a multiple
an increase in the main number of chromosomes in the cells of the body.

Polyplodia is widespread in plants. Usually
in polyploid plants, larger sizes, increased
content of a number of substances, better resistance to adverse
environmental conditions.

But here is the main secret of the queen of fruits: mangosteen is
asexual – this plant reproduces
without the intervention of male cells, all flowers are
both male and female, capable of self-fertilization.
This very rare natural phenomenon is called parthenogenesis.
It does not form in its flowers and nectar, which attracts natural
pollinators, therefore, during flowering, our queen
remains in splendid isolation – insects and birds do not
give her even a simple courtesy call.

See also  Smelt, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

A good mangosteen should be large and firm on
to the touch, but nevertheless slightly springy when pressed gently
on the fetus. Do not take small fruits, as they
contains less pulp. Fruits hard to the touch
dry, with cracked skin – already overripe. Circular
cut the mangosteen from the top with a movement, try not to
touch the pulp. Cuts can be made on the sides and bottom
fruit, after which the peel is carefully removed. Mangosteen
can be stored in the refrigerator for one to two weeks.

Useful properties of mangosteen

Canned mangosteen contains (per 100 g):

Calories 73 Kcal

Vitamin C 2,9 Potassium, K 48 Vitamin
B3 0,286 Calcium, Ca 12 Vitamin
B1 0,054 Magnesium, Mg 13 Vitamin
B2 0,054 Phosphorus,
P 8 Vitamin B5 0,032 Sodium,
On 7

Full composition

Mangosteen is a real source of the most important
human elements: vitamins C and E,
riboflavin, thiamine, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium,
zinc, sodium and potassium.
And yet, she has a very low level of acid-base
balance (pH) – only 3.2.

Thais eat mangosteen raw or on the bed
from crushed ice. In this form, mangosteen has a very
refreshing taste, especially after hot and spicy food.
You can make pie filling from mangosteen, add
this fruit in spicy and fruit salads, milkshakes,
make soufflés from mangosteen pulp and curry sauces
to the fish. Light, sophisticated taste of mangosteen is great
goes well with seafood, especially squid and shrimp.

For medicinal purposes, mangosteen is used for diarrhea.
The pulp remaining on the peel is peeled, boiled and cooked
from this healing tea. Alternatively, the pulp can be baked,
then soak in water and add to the puree, which is
follows every two hours. Mangosteen is very rich in calcium,
phosphorus and vitamins B and C.

See also  Cloudberry, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Mangosteen is also used in pharmacology. Practically,
everyone knows about the antioxidant properties of vitamins
C and E, however, much less people are aware of the incredible
the possibilities of xanthones – natural chemicals,
which were recently discovered by scientists.

With a careful study of the medical possibilities of xanthones,
the following pharmacological properties were found:

  • Maintaining microbiological balance;
  • Immune system protection;
  • Increasing the general adaptability of the body to the external environment;
  • Ensuring good mental performance.

But what is most interesting is that not only
the inner flesh, but the whole fruit as a whole, is
so far the only known source of this substance
– a representative of a new generation of strong phytonutraceuticals,
who has yet to change the future of dietary
food additives.

And recently, mangosteen has appeared on the world markets.
juice, which was named “XanGo”, it is recommended to drink it for
maintaining well-being and a speedy recovery
after serious illnesses and operations. Research in progress
about the possible beneficial effects of xanthones in the treatment

Dangerous properties of mangosteen

According to scientific evidence, xanthones in mangosteen can
affect blood clotting. Therefore, doctors advise against eating
these fruits to people taking blood thinning medications. Also
possible allergic reactions to mangosteen and individual intolerance to the fruit.

The video will tell you in an interesting way about the beneficial properties of the most powerful antioxidant, mangosteen.

See also properties of other exotic fruits:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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