Meadowsweet or Meadowsweet, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Meadowsweet – Perennial plant of the Pink family.

Also known under the name: larkspur, sludge, smelt, meadowsweet,
ivanov color, meadowsweet, meadowsweet, volzhanka, steppe birch, volzhanka.

Translated from Latin, it means hanging on threads.

Its Latin name comes from the Latin filum – what in
translated means thread and pendulus – i.e. hanging: as if “hanging”
tubers on filamentous roots.

In other languages: English. Dropwort, eng. Meadowsweet, dates. Mjodurt,
Latvian. Vigriezes, it. Madesu, lit. Vingiorykste, s.-Sami. Skazirat,
Polish Wiazowka, fin. Angervot, netherl. Spirea, Swede. Alggrasslaktet.

Meadowsweet is a shrub whose height reaches 1,5 meters ..
Branches are brown, up to 40 cm long. The leaves are sharp, light
– green, large, with jagged edges. Leaf length reaches 10
see Flowers numerous, pink or white small, collected in terminal
brush-like, paniculate inflorescences at the ends of the shoots and form a lush,
a beautiful whisk. The fruit looks like a whorl with the columns curved outward.

This plant grows near the banks of rivers and reservoirs, in swampy areas.
in the Far East, North America and Siberia. Grows on
throughout Europe, in Kazakhstan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, China,
Mongolia, Japan and even Korea.

It grows in fields, roads, in dry meadows, in bushes,
in meadow steppes, on the edges, birch forests. Large thickets
does not form, but is ubiquitous. Forest and forest-steppe plant

Moisture-loving, frost-resistant plant. Prefers more sunny
Sveta. This plant blooms in late autumn – early summer, from May to
July. Propagated by cuttings, seeds, shoots and layering.

Strong and thin rods go to whip and ramrod.

Sometimes meadowsweet is used as a hedge. Trimming
her early spring, she takes the form that gardeners ask her.
Cutting off its tops and equalizing the meadowsweet along the edge becomes very even
a pretty fence.

Flowers and grass are harvested in May – June, but root cones are harvested
only in the fall.

Cut, smoothen finely – in a thin layer and dry in the shade or on
attics. It is not recommended to dry meadowsweet in a dryer.

Scares off mosquitoes, flies, horseflies.

It is recommended to plant in early April. Planting meadowsweet rhizomes
carried out in the middle of autumn to a depth of up to 5 cm.When planting, it is necessary
so that the plant in the hole is in a strict vertical, which gives the roots
easier to graft, and easy and direct germination for the trunk.
The distance between the bushes must be at least 25 cm, for more
large species of meadowsweet are recommended to make distances between bushes
50 cm each, so that later overgrowths are not obscured by neighboring bushes
the lights of a sun.

Meadowsweet is a plant that is not demanding on the soil. Plant
moisture-loving, not demanding on the soil, but it is better to plant in light
corners of your garden. Transplanted meadowsweet in early spring to give
the plant will take root well before flowering.

Useful properties of meadowsweet

For medicinal purposes, leaves, flowers, bark of branches, young
shoots and roots.

The meadowsweet plant contains in itself: essential oil heliotropin, tanning
substances, coloring matter – spirein,; six-petal – glycoside
haultherin, tannins, a lot of starch and vitamins. Plant
is being studied.

Leaves and flowers contain: yellow dye, essential
oil, vanillin, terpene, glycoside, spirein, tannins, ascorbic
acid, wax, fat, salicylic acid, methyl salicylic ether,
C, starch, phenolic glycoside.

The smell of meadowsweet repels mosquitoes, flies and horseflies.

Tavolga is added to tea, which gives it a honey aroma and pleasant
taste. In Scandinavian countries, meadowsweet is added to wine or beer
to give the best flavor. Young roots or shoots add
for food.

Tavolga is used for: diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract,
heart, skin diseases, gout, epilepsy, uterine bleeding,
with heart failure, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, gastritis, ulcers

It is a disinfectant, diaphoretic, hemostatic agent.

Decoctions and infusions of meadowsweet roots are taken with: diarrhea, stomach catarrh,
hemorrhoids, rheumatism, gout, with gynecological diseases,
in the treatment of purulent wounds, ulcers, with snake and animal bites. Cones
the roots are edible.

2 teaspoons of root, tuberous thickenings pour 200 ml
boiling water. Insist until five o’clock, drain. Consumed before meals
1 tablespoon each.

Tavolga is widely used in folk medicine.

This plant has anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory

Tavolga relieves headaches of a different nature, as well as pain in
joints and rheumatic pains. Powerful antivirus and antibacterial
has an effect on flu, acute respiratory infections, herpes.

Infusion of meadowsweet herb with its flowers is used for diseases
kidney and bladder, dysentery, heart disease, choking
as an antihelminthic, diuretic and diaphoretic.

The saturated infusion is used as an antitoxic agent for alcoholic
poisoning or snakebite. Since meadowsweet has an antiseptic
and anti-inflammatory action, a decoction of the herb is applied externally
as an antiseptic, for washing boils, ulcers, wounds, abscesses,
and for skin diseases.

A decoction of meadowsweet is used as a means to improve hair growth,
as well as for cosmetic purposes.

Decoctions are used for dysbiosis, diarrhea and fungal diseases
intestines, used as a bath for gynecological diseases.

Dangerous properties of meadowsweet and contraindications

In case of hypertension, Tavolga preparations should be taken strictly under supervision.
a doctor.

Causes constipation, colic, nausea.

Tavolga contains salicylates, it is recommended to follow a complete blood count.

Video about tavolga

How to properly prepare aromatic and medicinal meadowsweet tea, and how it affects the body.

Useful and dangerous properties of other herbs:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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