Microelement nickel. Functions. Signs of Deficiency and Excess – Hydroponics

Microelement nickel. Functions. Signs of deficiency and excess

Nickel (symbol for Ni) was added to the list of essential plant nutrients in the late 20th century. Nickel plays an important role in N metabolism as it is a component of the urease enzyme. Without the presence of Ni, the assimilation of urea is impossible. This element is required in very small quantities, about 0,1 mg / l.

Nickel is also needed to absorb iron.[1]


Nickel deficiency

Nickel deficiency is not observed under normal growing conditions, as most soils, substrates, irrigation water and fertilizers contain small amounts of nickel as impurities. In a laboratory setting, scientists have reproduced deficiency symptoms such as chlorosis of young leaves.


Sources of

  1. Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower’s Bible


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Anna Evans

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