Mullet, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Mullet – small (about 60 centimeters) commercial
fish of the genus Mugilidae, which lives mainly in marine
and brackish waters of all tropical and warm seas;
several species of mullet are found in the fresh waters of the tropical
America, Madagascar, Southeast Asia, Australia
and New Zealand. In the USA, where the mullet is caught mainly
way off the coast of Florida, the most common two
its varieties: striped mullet, which.
called mullet, and white mullet.

Both of these species are commonly fried or baked, and in the southern United States
often served for breakfast.

Mullet, a beautiful silver fish with a small mouth,
up to 40cm long with large scales. Floats in flocks, very
mobile, has the ability to jump out of the water
when frightened, easily jumps over the exposed shutters
networks. Becomes sexually mature at 6-8 years of age at
length 30-40 cm. Spawns in May-September as in open,
and in coastal waters.

In the cuisines of most countries of the world, you can find a variety of dishes.
mullet: stewed in a white wine sauce with onions and fish
broth, breaded and fried in oil until crispy brown
crusts, baked with porcini mushrooms
or simply baked.

Calorie content of mullet

100 g of fresh mullet contains 124 kcal. She is nutritious enough
due to the increased protein content. 100 g of boiled mullet
– 115 kcal. The calorie content of fried mullet is 187 kcal per 100 g of product.
And 100 g of stewed mullet contains 79 kcal. Calorie content of cold mullet
relatively low and is only 88 kcal. Moderate use
this type of fish will not harm the figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 17,5 2,3 – 0,3 70 124

Useful properties of mullet

Mullet has a very valuable, tender and tasty meat. Mullet
contains fats, proteins, phosphorus, calcium,
chlorine, zinc,
chrome, fluorine,
molybdenum, nickel,
vitamins PP, B1,
provitamin A.

Eating fish helps prevent heart disease and
This is because fish, as well as molluscs and crustaceans contain
a special type of oil called omega-3 that supports the arteries
in a healthy state.

A heart attack or stroke is a consequence of clots
clogged artery. Why is omega-3 oil good for you?
– It prevents the formation of these clots. In addition to
it also helps to lower blood pressure,
and this is exactly why people who consume a lot
fish, heart attacks and strokes are much less common.

Adults are encouraged to include fish in their diet.
at least twice a week. Any fish is good, but some
fish species contain especially a lot of omega-3 oil, such as salmon, tuna,
herring, trout, cod,
mackerel and mullet.

Mullet is used to prepare dried and smoked products, canned food,
and also sell it in chilled, ice cream and salted
form. Fat in mullet contains from 4 to 9%, protein from
19 to 20%.

Oven baked and boiled mullet is very useful for atherosclerosis,
which means it is especially useful for elderly people.

Mullet is recommended for acute and chronic diseases

Dangerous properties of mullet

There are known cases of allergic
reactions due to individual intolerance to fish.

The video will tell you about a quick and easy way of salting mullet.

See also properties of other fish:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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