Octopus, the most famous representatives of the cephalopods
– the body is short, soft, oval behind. Mouth opening
located in the place where its tentacles converge, and the anal
– opens under the mantle. The mantle resembles a wrinkled
leather bag. The octopus’s mouth is equipped with two powerful jaws,
similar to the beak of a parrot. There is a grater in the throat that
helps to grind food. The head bears eight long
tentacles – “hands”.
In males, one tentacle is modified into a copulatory
organ. “Hands” are connected by a thin
membrane and equipped with suction cups. On all eight tentacles
there are about 2000 adult octopus, each of which
has a holding force of about 100 g. On each “hand”
located up to 10 thousand taste buds that determine
edibility or inedibility of the item. The eyes are big
with a lens similar to a human. The pupil is rectangular.
There is no hearing. The octopus breathes with gills, but without
damage to health, may be for a short time
outside the water. The brain is highly developed, has a rudimentary
bark. The octopus has three hearts: one (main) drives the blue
blood all over the body, and the other two – gill – push
blood through the gills.
The common octopus has the ability to change
coloring, adapting to the environment. This is explained
the presence in his skin of cells with various pigments,
capable under the influence of impulses from the central nervous
systems stretch or shrink depending on
perception of the senses. The usual color is brown.
If the octopus is scared, it turns white, if it is angry, then
Up to an average of 90 cm in length (including tentacles), maximum
length in males up to 1,3 m, in females – up to 1,2 m.Weighs from
4,5 to 7kg, maximum weight 10kg. Duration
Life: Rarely exceeds 4 years, on average 12-24 months.
Inhabits all tropical, subtropical seas and
oceans (with a salinity of at least 30%), from shallow water to
depths 100-150 m. Prefers rocky coastal
zones, looking for caves and crevices in the rocks.
It is eaten by dolphins, sea lions, whales, seals, moray eels,
eels, sharks, birds. The octopus itself is a predator, hunts sitting
in ambush. Eats shellfish, snails, crustaceans, fish,
plankton. The common octopus captures prey by everyone
with eight tentacles, and with its beak bites the victim, holding
her suction cups. In this case, the poison of the salivary glands from the pharynx and
mouth gets into the wound.
Useful properties of octopus
Octopus meat is rich in protein and contains up to 8-10%
fat. There are many extractive substances in the muscles that give
specific flavor to the octopus dish.
Osmine meat contains vitamins A, B1,
B2, B3,
B6, B9,
B12, C,
E, K,
Octopus contains such macro- and microelements as calcium,
magnesium, sodium,
potassium, phosphorus,
iron, iodine,
zinc, copper,
manganese, selenium.
Octopuses are very useful, as 100 grams of boiled
octopus 350 mg is present. omega3 fatty acids.
And these acids, as you know, are involved in many metabolic
processes, and we should receive them with food every day,
if we want to be healthy. Plus, octopuses are delicious.
Octopus is known for its beneficial properties and pleasant
taste since antiquity. Gourmets of the ancient world cut
octopus tentacles to pieces, head stuffed with spices
and baked into large pies. So masterly were their cooks,
that, in preparing this dish, they used instead
knives bamboo sticks: after all, iron knives give
subtle food bad taste.
In the countries of the Mediterranean, the osmois is still one of the
favorite folk treats. In Spanish and Italian
cookbooks you can find a lot of all kinds of recipes
cooking octopuses. In Spain, popular
“Calamares fritos”, that is, the rings of the body of the squid,
baked in dough. “Calamares fritos” from stuffed
octopuses can be bought at any store in Barcelona.
At home, all that remains is to warm them up.
On the island of Ischia (near Naples) squid is cut
slices and put in the soup. It is also customary here to do
octopus sandwiches. Polynesians dried octopus
boiled in coconut milk or baked in toro leaves
in an earthen oven. In Japan, octopuses are usually fried in
In the record holders for the presence of copper
Dangerous properties of the octopus
In the case of the octopus, like the rest of the seafood, it is worth
refuse to use it for individual intolerance.
If you notice that your body does not accept any seafood,
then octopus meat should be discarded.
This video will introduce you to the simplest and fastest recipe for cooking an octopus.