Orchid Zygopetalum

Zygopetalum orchid is one of the eccentric species of plants with lush flowering and delicate aroma. This is an epiphytic species that can also live and reproduce in the soil. Creating the right conditions for its cultivation is not so difficult.

  1. Variety description
  2. Main species
  3. Growing
  4. Methods of propagation
  5. Care
  6. Illumination <
  7. Temperature
  8. Soil <
  9. Watering
  10. Humidity
  11. Fertilizer <
  12. Transplant <
  13. Diseases and pests
  14. Prevention
  15. Conclusion

Орхидея Зигопеталум

Orchid Zygopetalum

Variety description

This flower is most often found in hot pages Latin America.

Genus of the zygopetalum orchid is a large plant with white, purple and green flowers and exotic spotted petals. This flower has a delicate aroma, especially in the morning.

It grows around 7 weeks. The rest period is not expressed, most often in the winter. During this period, it is important to stop watering and lower the temperature and humidity.

Main species

The initial species of Zygopetalum is rarely seen in a regular flower shop, most often interspecific hybrids.

Characteristics of different species:

  • Zygopetalum maculatum. The peduncle at home grows up to 40 cm long with 8-12 flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm.The petals and sepals are oblong, with a slight extension at the tips. The color is greenish, with spots of burgundy. On the white lip, longitudinal purple stripes are clearly distinguishable.
  • Zygopetalum pedicellatum. This species has a narrow lip of white color with a large number of purple dots throughout the area;
  • Zygopetalum maxillare. It has a long peduncle, about 35 cm, with 5-8 large flowers with a diameter of up to 6 cm. Below are 2 sepals of burgundy-brown color with small green patches. In the middle of the base, the 3rd sepal and true petals are also burgundy brown. The lip is dark purple at the base and purple-white at the tip.
  • Zygopetalum triste. At home, the flower stalk grows medium in size, about 25 cm, the flowers have a diameter of 5-6 cm. The plant has narrow petals and brown-burgundy sepals with green spots at the warp. Snow-white petal, with blurry purple streaks.
  • Zygopetalum pabstii. It is the largest species of its kind. Peduncle reaches 90 cm, flowers with a diameter of 10 cm. Petals and sepals are the same as other representatives of this species. White lip completely in blurry purple streaks.
  • Zygopetalum microphytum. This is a dwarf species, the peduncle of which reaches a size of 15-25 cm, the flowers are 2.5 cm in diameter. Petals green, sepals with burgundy brown spots. The lip is white, with slight purple touches at the very base.


A plastic or ceramic pot is suitable for cultivation. For better ventilation, holes are made on the sides. Expanded clay or shards of clay is suitable for drainage. For orchids use a special substrate. Soddy soil, dry leaves and peat are added to the soil.

Propagation methods

At home growers propagate this species by dividing rhizomes (rhizomes). Each separated part of the root must have at least 3 pseudobulbs. Slices are dried, and then sprinkled with chopped charcoal.


Care of the orchid Zygopetalum involves creating conditions as close as possible to the natural habitat.

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Caring for the Zygopetalum


The plant is created with bright and diffuse lighting, but without direct sunlight. He is most comfortable on the eastern or western windowsill.

Lack of lighting leads to the death of flower buds, and an excess provokes the rapid growth of peduncles, young pseudobulbs stop in development and do not have time to mature well. Defective sprouts appear that are not able to bloom in the future.

Temperature conditions

The optimum temperature during the day is 16-24 ° C, at night 14 ° C. This regimen is respected year round. In the summer, the orchid is transferred to the balcony.


The soil must be highly breathable. The roots of such an orchid grow into any porous surface (for example, clay), and therefore there are difficulties in transplanting. A small layer of sphagnum or coconut fiber is laid on top of the roots.


Water for irrigation should be filtered and warm. The substrate is maintained in a slightly moistened state, avoiding overflows or drying out, since this species is prone to rotting of the root system. Pot for 20-30 minutes. immersed in a large container of water. They pull it out and let the excess water drain, then return it to its usual place.


The most suitable humidity is in the range of 75-100%. This indicator is obtained using a steam generator or a household air humidifier.


Typically, the flower is fertilized during the period of rapid growth every 2-3 weeks. Use special fertilizers for orchids, but in smaller quantities.

Periodically, the leaves are sprayed with a diluted solution of the drug: 1.4 parts of the proportion indicated on the package. The flower does not like fertilizers containing potassium and phosphate salts.


Zigopetalum orchid transplant is performed if young shoots do not fit into the container. Any intervention in the root system is accompanied by severe stress and can provoke a disease.Dry pseudobulbs and dry or decayed roots must be removed.

Diseases and pests

The type of orchid Zygopetalum is prone to rot of the root system. By ensuring proper watering, this problem can be avoided.

Pests such as snails and slugs gnaw holes in the leaves — they are manually collected from the plant.

When a spider mite is found, several leaves times washed.


To prevent pests, the plant is treated with fungicide. After transplanting or pruning, the roots are treated with crushed activated or charcoal.

ZYGOPETALUM orchid. Acquaintance. And how to care.
Orchid Zygopetalum after half a year. It can be grown with one pseudobulb.
Zygopetalum orchid. Transplant
Zygopetalum orchid. Transfer. Mythology.
Zygopetalum orchid. Transplantation of a large ill instance.


It is imperative to follow the basic rules for the care and transplantation of the Zygopetalum orchid so that the plant blossoms and pleases with a beautiful appearance.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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