Pallas Euphorbia – beneficial properties

Pallas (Fisher) Euphorbia has long been known in alternative medicine due to its wide range of beneficial properties. It is poisonous, but along with toxic substances. It contains many unique natural components that have benefits for human health.

  1. Botanical characteristic
  2. Features of the collection and harvesting
  3. Useful elements
  4. Recipes and applications
  5. Infusions <
  6. Brews <
  7. Powders
  8. Tablets
  9. Alcohol tinctures
  10. Ointment
  11. Contraindications <
  12. Possible harm

Молочай Палласа — полезные свойства

Pallas Euphorbia – useful properties

Botanical characteristic

The plant belongs to perennials. It grows on rocky or crushed stone soils, much less often – in flat steppes in areas well-lit by the sun.

Steppe zones of Mongolia and China are considered to be their homeland. Distributed in Eastern Siberia in Russia.

It is quite rare, has a protective status and is included in the Red Books of several regions.

For its resemblance to the human figure and ability to heal male diseases and increase sexual capabilities Euphorbia Pallas was called the man-root.

Artificially cultivation is mainly associated with obtaining useful raw materials for use in traditional medicine. But it does not have official recognition in the medical industry.

In many gardeners, euphorbiaceae belong to weeds.


  • upright stalk, with exposed or pubescent surface, height up to 0.4 m, emits poisonous milky juice at the cut or with a mechanical break, the length of the upper internodes up to 6 cm;
  • the leaves are narrow, scaly, the shape is elliptical or oblong lanceolate, elongated, the color is saturated green, the surface is matte, grow from the base of the stem, the lower tier is much darker than the upper, with a brown tint, triangular at the ends are collected in whorls of 2-3 pieces;
  • the number of peduncles – 5;
  • inflorescences located s in the crown of the shoots, umbrella-shaped, yellow, flowering period in spring;
  • fruits in the form of a triangular flattened thick-walled capsule, number of seeds – 3 pcs., light brown;
  • the root system is well developed, formed by thick branches extending to a greater depth (from 1 m and longer), it isolates a white especially burning milky juice on the cut, the appearance of the roots is similar to ginseng, but differ in the largest sizes.

Features of collection and procurement

There is already a procurement for sale cured and dried product. The average price for 10 g is about 100 rubles.

Raw materials can be collected independently. The main places for the growth of Pallas milkweed in Russia are in Siberia and Altai. In small quantities, it grows in the middle lane.

For medicinal purposes, only the root of the plant is suitable, the aerial part is not collected. It has been harvested since late August and throughout September, when leaf mass withers generally.

Herbalists believe that plants of 3 years or more are of the greatest value – their roots are sufficiently developed, they have grown to great depths and received from the soil layers are numerous nutrients inaccessible to other vegetation.

Basic harvesting rules:

  • when collecting poisonous grass, gloves are used to protect skin integuments, avoiding contact of milky juice on the skin, and mucous membranes of the oral cavity and covered with gauze masks, eyes with safety glasses;
  • the excavation of the roots begins around the perimeter about 0.5 m from the place of growth of the base;
  • the root system is fully assembled, including undeveloped branches;
  • harvested raw materials are washed from the remnants of the earth under running water and dried naturally, decomposed in a thin layer and placed in a well-lit place, stirring occasionally to prevent decay;
  • brown bark leave on the rhizome because it contains the main part of the nutrient components, removes only fragments peeling from the root;
  • dried root processes are cut into small parts.

Useful elements

The chemical composition of milk contains useful components: flavonoids, coumarins, tannins, steroids, anthracenes, saponins, organic acids, resins.

In the aerial part, selenium accounts for the bulk.

The plant contains many useful substances

In the root there are phytoexisteroids and phytoandrogens important for male health – natural substitutes for sex hormones that are actively used to treat inflammatory processes in the prostate. gland, restoration of erectile dysfunction and normalization of hormonal balance.

Medicines have complex healing properties:

  • act as a strong immunostimulant;
  • serves as the prevention of malignant neoplasms in oncology, stopping the further development of metastases;
  • endowed with analgesic, antibacterial and wound healing properties that reduce the treatment time for open injuries of the skin;
  • fights against pathogenic microorganisms – bacteria, viruses;
  • increases sweating and excretion of bile;
  • is prevention and a way to cure fungal infections;
  • contains tonic and regenerating components and slows down the process of natural aging;
  • improves the quality of the digestive system;
  • heals the respiratory system;
  • is used to restore female reproductive function and treat mastopathy, fibroids, cysts and fibromyomas;
  • cleans blood vessels, improves blood circulation and prevents the formation of thrombophlebitis;
  • helps get rid of cosmetic problems with skin.

Recipes and schemes for applying oia

Euphorbia is crushed for the preparation of tinctures and decoctions.

The second option is to grate it, grind it in a mortar, or grind it to the smallest particles in the manufacture of tablets and powders.

The plant is used as adjunctive therapy. The classic duration of the course is about 1.5-2 months.


Water infusions are more often recommended by traditional medicine in the treatment of female diseases (fibrosis, cysts, fibroids, infertility) and restoration of male health (prostate adenoma and impotence).


  • 10 g of the crushed root is poured with boiled water (1 l);
  • the container is covered and wrapped to create heat, kept on for 0.5 hours;
  • filter the infusion.

Application: 1-2 tbsp. per day after 0.5 hours at the end of a meal 3-4 times at regular intervals.

Small doses are indicated to cleanse the circulatory system, remove toxins and heavy metals, and treat urolithiasis.

An externally therapeutic infusion is used as lotions and baths – for relieving joint and muscle pain, relieving pain syndromes, with exacerbation of gout and inflammation of the lymph nodes.


The proportions of milkweed and water for decoction are similar to those taken for infusions. The difference is the preparation – the mixture is boiled for ¼ hour on low heat, and then insisted for 2-2.5 hours and filtered.

Application: 1 tablespoon after 0.5 hours after meals with a frequency of 2 -3 times a day.

Decoctions are suitable for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, help from bronchitis and tuberculosis, bronchial asthma.

They are also prescribed as adjunctive therapy for recovery from cancer and chemotherapy.


Milkweed root enhances immunity

Powdered root is used as a tonic and immunity enhancer. A small amount, about 0.03 g (at the tip of the knife), is poured with water. Drink three times a day.

This form of treatment also serves as a highly effective natural antiseptic and is suitable for repairing damaged skin in lotions or dry form. The frequency of treatments is up to 2 times a day.


At home, tablets are prepared from the root with honey, the components are taken in a 2: 1 ratio, mixed thoroughly and form balls with a diameter of about 5 mm.

Take them in order to increase immunity and to normalize the heart, maintain stability of blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels.

Scheme: 2 tablets 3 times a day , 0.5 hours after eating.

Alcohol tinctures

The most popular way to prepare euphorbia for treatment is make alcohol tincture. It is suitable for indoor and outdoor use and has an extended shelf life.

She is used against joint diseases, with exacerbations of gastric ulcers, rheumatism, inflammation in the respiratory system, osteochondrosis and as a prophylactic for ARVI in spring and autumn.


  • 10 g of dried root pour 0.5 ml of alcohol with a strength of 70%;
  • put for 14 days in a cool dark place;
  • filter the mixture.

Drink tincture courses depending on the severity of the disease:

  • 1 course. On the first day – 1 drop three times a day after meals. The next day, the dose is increased by 1 drop, bringing to the end of the month to 30. Then they drink the tincture in the reverse order of decreasing (1 drop less daily). The duration of such treatment will be 2 months
  • 2 course. It is indicated for severe forms, more often recommended for the treatment of cancer. They begin in the same order, 1 drop per day, but the initial dosage is 15 drops. The duration of the therapy is a month.

In order to reduce excess weight and normalize the functioning of the digestive system, you can drink euphorbia infusion with alcohol from 1 to 2 months – 8-10 drops three times a day after meals.


An ointment for external use can be prepared from the powder, which serves as an effective treatment for cosmetic skin defects and dermatological diseases.

They make it on a fat basis – interior pork fat, petroleum jelly, lanolin, and also take zinc and salicylic creams for the base.

With milk ointment lighten pigmented areas, remove warts and soften corns and corns. .


The plant is not used in pharmacology, so you should consult a doctor before using it for medicinal purposes.

Among the restrictions:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children’s age;
  • patients with lower coagulation.

The healing properties of the plant Euphorbia Pallas
The root man plant (Euphorbia pallosa, fisher) medicinal properties, application of tincture, p olza.
Man root, Pallas Euphorbia. Trans-Baikal Ginseng.

Possible harm

In the chemical composition of the root man there is a toxic substance euborfin, which has a toxic effect. If milk-based products are not used correctly, this component can cause adverse effects and damage health.

The use of infusions and decoctions on an empty stomach often provokes nausea attacks. They can also have a significant effect on hormonal stability.

The first signs of poisoning:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • acute pain in the stomach;
  • burning sensation in the mouth;
  • bouts of vomiting.

If you overdose, you should consult a doctor, and before that:

  • rinse the stomach with an aqueous solution of baking soda with a concentration of 2%;
  • take absorbents, for example, activated charcoal.

The poisonous milky juice of the plant, if it gets into the eyes, can cause temporary blindness on up to 1 week. Contact with mucous membranes causes a chemical burn.It is washed off with plenty of running water, put on sterile dressings and consult a doctor.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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