Ancient tropical culture of the genus Passiflora, giving
oval fruits of yellow or dark purple color
(mature) growing on vines. Passion fruit is grown
for the juice, which is often added to other fruit
juices for flavor.
Passion fruit is native to Brazil, but is currently cultivated
in Australia, South America and South Africa.
Passion fruit are yellow-orange or
dark purple oval fruit and about
6-12 cm. Fruits with smooth, shiny
skin, but sweeter with rough, cracked skin.
The fruit can simply be cut in half and eaten flavored
pulp. Passion fruit seeds are also quite edible – they are used
for decorating cakes and other confectionery products.
The sweet and sour juice of passionfruit fruit is valuable in cooking,
and since it has high tonic properties,
also used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.
When buying passion fruit, choose large, shriveled
fruits with dark purple rind and sweet yellowish green
seeds. Ripe fruit can sit in the refrigerator
about a week.
Useful properties of passion fruit
Fresh passionfruit contains (in 100 g):
Calories 97 Kcal
The pulp of passionfruit contains up to 35-40% juice. Mass
the proportion of carbohydrates ranges from 8,4% to 21,2%.
The protein content in fruits is 2,2 * 3,0%, organic
acids – 0,1-4,0%, minerals – 0,8-4,2%, fats
– 0,4-0,7%. Passion fruit is rich in such macro and microelements
like iron, potassium,
it also contains calcium, magnesium,
sulfur, chlorine,
iodine, manganese,
copper, zinc,
Passion fruit contains vitamin C, E,
B1, B2,
B3, B5, B6,
B9, A,
H, K.
Passion fruit helps to improve bowel function and
has a mild laxative effect. Moreover,
these fruits stimulate the excretion of urinary
acids and act as a natural antipyretic agent.
Passion fruit is recommended for people suffering from diseases
urinary tract and liver, as well as with reduced
pressure. The juice of this fruit has a calming effect and
helps to improve sleep.
Passion fruit contains alpha hydroxy acids. Improves hydration
elasticity and tone of the skin. It is used in cosmetic
products (gels) for aging skin with poor circulation,
a tendency to acne and oily skin with poor self-cleaning ability.
Passion fruit contains significant amounts of vitamins
and useful minerals, rich in fiber and substances,
with antioxidant activity. Nutritionists recommend
use passion fruit for cardiovascular diseases
system, liver, urinary tract and for weight loss.
Also passion fruit has antimicrobial, antipyretic
and laxative effects, and also lowers cholesterol levels
in the blood, improves the functioning of the digestive system and promotes
elimination of uric acid and other metabolic products from the body.
Passion fruit has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, urinary tract
ways. The soluble fiber that the fetus contains
reduces blood cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of disease
of cardio-vascular system. Insoluble fiber
normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and is used
for the prevention of various diseases of the digestive
systems. Passion fruit also has anti-inflammatory
action, protects the body from viral infections, regulates
the work of the nervous system. Passion fruit juice has a calming effect
and improves sleep.
Passion fruit juice has tonic properties, soothes
affects the body, helps to sleep and suppresses
the growth of cancer cells, and is also widely used
in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.
Passion fruit seeds are edible, but have the effect of sleeping pills.
The fruit contains the glucoside passionflower, which provides
its calming effect on the body. From passionflower
sedative medications are being developed.
Dangerous properties of passion fruit
There is an individual intolerance to passion fruit and allergies
on this exotic fruit.
It is advisable for nursing and pregnant women to remember about measure and not eat it
too much. The fruits of edible passionflower are contraindicated in small
children, as their digestive system does not cope well with this product.