Peas, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

It is a genus of annual herbaceous plants of the legume family. Homeland
most of its species are considered the European and African Mediterranean,
as well as the territory of Central Asia. Archaeologists claim that the seeds
peas have been used by humans since the Stone Age.

Among other vegetables, this legume is distinguished by the fact that it contains
a large amount of protein and fiber, so it has a beneficial effect
on digestion processes and can become a good protein source
for vegetarians and athletes.

Useful properties of peas

Composition and calorie content

Water 78,86 88,89 89,30 85,13 8,69 Carbohydrates 14,45 7,55 7,20 10,60 61,63 Sugar 5,67 4 – 3,20 3,14 Dietary fiber 5,7 2,6 , 3,1 3,3 22,2 5,42 Proteins 2,8 2,8 3,01 23,12 0,4 Fats 0,20 0,30 0,48 3,89 81 Calories (Kcal) 42 42 58 364 244 Potassium 200 192 106 852 108 Phosphorus 53 51 63 334 33 Magnesium 24 23 19 63 25 Calcium 43 50 20 46 5 Sodium 4 4 185 5 1,47 Iron 2,08 2 1,29 4,73 1,24 Zinc 0,27 0,41 0,72 3,49 40,0 Vitamin C 60,0 22,0 7,8 1,8 . Vitamin
Витамин А
B2 0,132 0,150 0,100 0,024 0,244 Vitamin E 0,13 0,39 – 0,02 0,12

From the above tables, it follows that most of all benefits to the body
the peas are brought fresh. Both the peas themselves and the pods
(suitable for consumption) contain a large amount of vitamins
and minerals. In addition, this vegetable is not dangerous for those who want to lose weight.
– it has a low calorie content.

As for the different ways of processing green peas, then
they affect its nutritional value in different ways. So, freezing
only partially deprives the product of nutrients and vitamins, but after
conservation in the vegetable remains a negligible amount of useful
substances. Dry yellow peas, on the other hand, are not very rich.
vitamins, but boasts an extremely high content
protein and dietary fiber.

The medicinal properties of peas

Peas are one of the richest sources of vegetable protein,
necessary for the body as a building material for
muscles and bones. It also provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness,
since together with dietary fiber, it slows down the digestive
process and raises the level of hormones that reduce appetite..
In terms of protein content, peas are often compared to meat,
and often this vegetable becomes an integral part of the diet of vegetarians
and vegans.

However, no matter how similar plant and animal proteins are
origin, after all, they are not identical, so peas are not
can become a full-fledged meat substitute. By consuming this vegetable,
the body does not receive the essential amino acid methionine,
participating in a large number of biochemical processes. For
for example, 100 g of peas contains only 0,082 g of methionine, and
in 100 g of beef – 0,588 g.

On the other hand, scientists have come to the conclusion that the high content
in the body of methionine and its derivative – homocysteine ​​- leads
to problems with blood vessels, thrombus formation, activation of genes that provoke
aging. It is best to balance and keep the methionine in the area
the minimum rate. This result can be achieved by reducing consumption
meat and adding other protein sources such as peas to the diet.

Also, fresh green peas provide the body with
a real vitamin charge. The vegetable is highly concentrated
group B, and also contains vitamins C, PP, E, A, K. In addition to
this, peas are rich in trace elements such as: potassium, magnesium,
phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium. All of these vitamins and nutrients are often
play a key role in many processes in the body,
and their lack can lead to serious illness.

Note that along with peas, a number of valuable
acids. For example, glutamic
– an essential element for the functioning of the brain. This
neurotransmitter amino acid takes an active part in metabolism
substances in the tissues of the brain. Indispensable in the metabolic processes of the body
and pantothenic acid. It also provides cholesterol synthesis,
hemoglobin, histamine. Finally, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of folate
acid, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells and promotes
normalization of hematopoiesis.

The positive effect of peas on the digestive system is associated with
with the presence of dietary fiber in its composition. They act like natural
supporting the life of beneficial bacteria and inhibiting reproduction
pathogenic organisms in the intestine. This helps prevent various
gastroenterological problems and even colon cancer ..
Fiber can also help relieve constipation.
And it also provokes the production of an element in saliva that responds
for the fight against dental plaque.

Note that the use of peas has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular
human system. The high content of potassium, magnesium and calcium helps
keep blood pressure normal. Dietary fiber promotes
normalize cholesterol levels, and accordingly reduce the risk
development of atherosclerosis.
In addition, antioxidants, together with vitamins A and E, protect cells
from destruction and thus contribute to the fight against cardiovascular
diseases, while carrying out the prevention of oncological diseases..

It is recommended to use peas when
diabetes. First, this vegetable has a low glycemic index.
– an indicator of how quickly after consuming the product
blood sugar rises. Fiber slows down
absorption of carbohydrates, which leads to a gradual, rather than rapid
raising its level .… Moreover, studies show
that, due to their high protein content, peas help to stabilize
blood sugar in type 2 diabetics..

Nevertheless, despite the mass of useful properties, many continue to
ambiguous about peas, as he is one of the leaders
among the foods that cause bloating and flatulence.
The thing is that this vegetable is not completely absorbed in thin
intestine and enters the large, where it is attacked by the living
there are bacteria. The combination of these microorganisms with simple sugars,
contained in peas, lead to fermentation and gas formation.
Contrary to popular belief, these gases are absorbed in such minimal
quantities that they do not harm the body, but certain
they still create inconveniences.

However, there are several ways to get rid of the discomfort. Firstly,
you can combine peas with foods such as dill,
and mint.
They help break up gases into small bubbles, reducing bloating.
Secondly, eating sprouted or soaked
peas. Such training contributes to the development of additional
enzymes that speed up the digestion process. Finally, including
peas in the diet on an ongoing basis allows the body to get used to
to it and start producing more amylase, which breaks down sugar,
and thus preventing the fermentation process.

The use of peas in medicine

Today, this legume is not yet used.
in the manufacture of medicines, but has a good potential
be involved in the pharmaceutical industry. For example, Japanese
scientists believe peas have immunomodulatory properties
and can become one of the components of immunostimulating agents.
In addition, for therapeutic purposes, it can be used in
preparations for the normalization of intestinal microflora.

Note also that peas are made from the seeds of sowing peas.
protein used in sports and dietary nutrition. It stimulates
growth of muscle tissue and, unlike animal protein, gives less
stress on the kidneys.

The use of peas in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, peas are used to prepare various medicinal
funds, but they should not be used as the main medicine
recommended. Such natural preparations can be a supplement
to therapy or, in some cases, prevention. It is also necessary
be sure to consult your doctor about their use
a doctor.

The balance of vitamin and mineral complexes makes
peas are a valuable dietary vegetable for kidney disease.
The vegetable has a diuretic effect and removes salt from the body,
preventing the formation of stones. In addition, it can help shatter
existing stones into smaller pieces to lighten them
excretion from the body. For this purpose, traditional doctors recommend
make a decoction of young pea shoots. Some advise adding
in it the leaves of the plant and directly the beans themselves.

Shoots are harvested during the flowering period, washed, crushed and poured
water (at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 1 glass of water). Bringing up to
boil, leave the stems on low heat for 10 minutes.
Then the broth should be allowed to brew for about 30 minutes and strain
his. In order for the agent to produce the desired effect, it is necessary
take the broth for about one month. Usually they drink it in 2 tablespoons.
tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

For skin conditions such as eczema
and erysipelas
inflammation, as well as with purulent wounds, traditional healers advise
apply peas externally. To do this, you can mix a few spoons
pea flour with raw chicken protein
eggs and mixing until smooth, apply to the affected
area of ​​the skin. Another option: mix the egg white
with unripe peas mashed into gruel.

Also, peas are considered a good helper in the fight against boils.
and carbuncles. For the treatment of such pyoinflammatory diseases
make poultices from pea flour. They provide accelerated
maturation and softening of damaged skin segments. By the way,
you can make flour yourself at home. Dry
pea seeds need to be chopped and boiled with boiling water in proportion
one to one. Stir the mixture, cool it to avoid burns
and apply warm to the sore spot, covering it with paper and
bandages. Leave it on for a few hours.

In addition, pea flour is recommended for use in case of problems
with digestion (especially with constipation), with high cholesterol
(as a prophylaxis for atherosclerosis) and high sugar levels.
Also, traditional healers believe that pea flour helps
restoration of normal blood circulation in the brain, which,
in turn, leads to a decrease in headaches and an improvement
memory. For such purposes, usually take 1 teaspoon of flour.
on an empty stomach daily.

The use of peas in oriental medicine

In the east, peas have been known for a very long time. For example, mentioning
about him are found in the ancient Indian Vedas. According to legend, this bean
culture was given to people by gods when the earth stopped giving
harvest. Legendary ruler and incarnation of God on earth, Prthu
Maharaj, knew how to communicate with the Devas – demigods, controlling energies,
stars, elements. To save people from hunger, they advised
the ruler to plant legumes, which, during growth, accumulate
energy from the sun and then transfer it to people.

In ancient China, peas were a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
There it is referred to as neutral products that affect
on the body gently and soothingly. Chinese folk doctors believe
that this vegetable stimulates the work of the spleen, improves digestion,
fights constipation, has a mild diuretic effect and
as a result, it reduces swelling.
In general, peas are considered a healthy product that tones
and strengthens the body.

In Tibetan classical medical treatises, peas were offered
treat skin diseases. For this, the affected places advised
rub with pea flour. It was also believed that such procedures improved
circulation and helped with indigestion.

Peas in scientific research

Scientists at the University of Copenhagen have found that plant
protein saturates the human body better than animal. In the conducted
the experiment involved 43 young men who were served
three meals consisting of either food rich in plant protein
(mostly peas), or from foods containing animal protein
(mainly pork, venison and beef).
In the end, it turned out that those who received the legumes were satiated better.
and consumed an average of 12% of calories at the next meal
less than those who ate meat..

Scientists attribute this to the high fiber content of peas.
Although legumes are lower in protein than meat, they create
feeling of fullness due to coarse dietary fiber in its composition
.… The experimental results were important in terms of inclusion
peas in the diet.

The next studies were not long in coming. So, taking
based on the results of previous experiments, Canadian scientists continued
develop this theme. 940 people took part in their experiment.
(men and women) who received
130 grams of peas per day. However, they did not limit themselves to the rest.
products and led a normal life. As a result, even with
getting the minimum portion of peas and without exerting effort,
on average, each of the participants lost 0,34 kg during this period

Scientists at the same research center in Toronto managed to find out
that the introduction of legumes, including peas, into the diet contributes to
lowering cholesterol levels by 5%. According to the researchers, the daily
consuming these foods by 5-6% would reduce the risk of developing
cardiovascular diseases, which today are considered
one of the main causes of death. Note that the more noticeable
a decrease in cholesterol has been seen in men because, as a rule,
they pay less attention to their diet and their initial indicators
worse than women..

Japanese scientists, in turn, believe that peas can be used
to solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract. After a series of experiments on mice, they came
to the conclusion that in its effect the vegetable is similar to probiotics:
it significantly improves the functions of mucous membranes, raises local immunity
and interferes with the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. But,
according to the researchers, the problem is that to achieve the desired
As a result, peas need to be eaten in huge quantities, so now
they are studying the mechanism of its action and will soon try to synthesize
necessary substance..

Among other things, peas have been shown to be effective in
treating hypertension and relieving symptoms of chronic disease
kidneys. Often these two diseases are linked in a vicious circle: increased
blood pressure negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys, and the renal
insufficiency keeps the pressure high. but
when eating pea protein, it is possible to delay or even prevent
development of renal failure. If the disease has already developed,
then pea protein will at least maintain pressure on
normal levels, reducing the burden on the kidneys..

The researchers conducted an experiment on rats in which one
half of the rodents with polycystic kidney disease were given pea hydrolyzate
protein (protein is partially broken down and purified by enzymes,
after which only the most essential amino acids remain), and the other
– did not change their usual diet. As a result, in animals on protein
the diet experienced a 20 percent drop in blood pressure. Such
the results look promising, since in most cases
the cause of death in patients with renal failure is
complications caused by high blood pressure..

Peas for weight loss

Nutritionists have not yet been able to give an unambiguous assessment of peas.
This is undoubtedly a very healthy product, but its inclusion in the diet
when losing weight – a question that leaves room for discussion.
For example, in the lifting diet of the famous Hollywood doctor Nicholas
Perricone peas are in the prohibited vegetables category, but
renowned Canadian nutritionist Russell de Sousa claims that the daily
eating this legume helps effortlessly
lose extra pounds.

Well, first you need to figure out which peas
there is a speech. Since when allowing or prohibiting the use of
of this or that product, several parameters are taken into account and for peas
they are different, depending on how it is prepared. Firstly,
you need to look at the calorie content. Fresh from this point of view
green peas are absolutely suitable for any diet.
It contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins and only about 80 kcal per 100
The situation is absolutely different with dry peas, whose energy
the value reaches 350 kcal per 100 g.

However, this is not all. A controversy arises when considering
second parameter – glycemic index of the product
(an indicator of the effect of carbohydrates on changes in blood sugar levels).
So, for fresh peas, it is 50 units, and for dry peas – 25.
That is, fresh peas immediately release energy and faster in the body.
the glucose level rises
and, accordingly, the feeling of hunger arises much faster. And here
when eating dry peas, which also contains a lot
protein and fiber (due to which it is digested more slowly), feeling
satiety remains for a longer period of time.

So, if the diet involves giving up meat, then dry peas can
make up for the protein deficiency. In addition, he will provide the necessary
energy and strength during physical exertion. Moreover, the results
some studies show us that with regular use
small portions of dry grains, a person loses excess weight. Mostly
this is due to the fact that after the pea dish you take longer
I don’t feel like eating. In addition, this vegetable helps to improve
work of the digestive tract, which is also important for normalizing weight. If the calorie content
peas are still too high for you, then you can include
much lighter fresh green peas in your diet.

Finally, if you already have enough protein in your diet,
then eating peas may really be worth giving up.
Since a large amount of protein creates a strong load
on the kidneys. Also, a protein diet is contraindicated for those who are trying
lose weight solely through dietary changes, without physical
loads. In this case, the accumulating protein will gradually
turn into glucose and only provoke excess weight gain.

Peas in cooking

Peas are loved and used for a long time in almost all countries.
the world. It is known to have been popular with the ancient Greek commoners.
In Russia, since the Middle Ages, many different
dishes, but in those days it was also eaten mostly by the poor. And here
in France, fresh green peas were served in wealthy homes as
delicacy, and dry beans were the lot of ordinary people.

Today, peas are by no means considered a second-rate food. For example,
in Holland in one of the best restaurants in Amsterdam, which is located
not far from the royal palace, they are preparing a signature dish – pea
smoked soup. Some peoples (for example, in Latin
America), this legume generally forms the basis of vegetable
menu. In the Middle East, by the way, the so-called
“Mutton peas” or chickpeas.
However, this is not a special pea variety, but its close relative –
legumes belonging to another genus.

In cooking, peas are used in different ways: they are eaten fresh,
added to meat dishes, salads, canned, made from it
soups, cereals, mashed potatoes, cutlets, it is used as a filling for vegetarian
dumplings, pies and pancakes. And in China they even thought of adding
peas in ice cream.

Interestingly, we have fresh green peas in the summer.
separate from everything else, although it can fit perfectly
in any vegetable salad. For example, if you add
him to the tomatoes,
red onions, tofu cheese, and chili peppers (or garlic).
You can season this salad with olive oil.

Another interesting point: we are used to cooking pea soup
from dry grains, but there is also a lightweight summer version of this
a dish that uses a young vegetable. Pea recipe
the puree soup is very simple. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil,
throw a few mint leaves into it, throw in peas (in the off-season
frozen product can be used) and cook for 3 minutes. Per
time of such short-term heat treatment useful substances
will not have time to collapse. Then you need to drain the water, grind the peas and
mint in a blender and pour the mixture back into the broth. Add to
salt, pepper and olive

If you prefer traditional soup or mashed peas,
prepared on the basis of dry grains, you should pay attention
for a few useful life hacks. First, before boiling the peas
advise to soak – this is known to many, but not everyone knows that
in the process, you can add one teaspoon of baking soda to the water
and it will remove enzyme blockers that help peas better
and digest faster. So this will help partially
solve the problem of bloating and flatulence.

Secondly, if you forgot or did not have time to soak the beans, then for
to accelerate their cooking, add to the pan every 5-7 minutes
some cold water. You can also cook peas in a slow cooker. Truth,
it will take more time – about an hour and a half in the “extinguishing” mode.

As for the compatibility of peas with other products, it is good to use it with fresh Bulgarian
pepper, cabbage of all kinds, cucumbers,
tomatoes, zucchini,
and beets.
Sauerkraut and cucumbers are also great. Don’t combine peas
with grain and dairy products.

The use of peas in cosmetology

Despite the fact that legumes in general and peas in particular have
mass of useful properties, cosmetics based on them are such
a rarity that you can count them on the fingers of one hand and mostly
it is about providing an anti-aging effect. So, the Latvian
the ITLA.LV company has released a series of creams “La Femme élégante”, in
which contains pea extract. Lifting creams,
and masks with an extract of this legume culture were also developed by the Spaniards
(“Natura Bisse” Ultra-Repairing Eye Contour Cream)
and Russians (“Russian Field” anti-wrinkle cream).

And although now peas are not used in the most active way in
cosmetology, earlier he was considered a good helper in the fight against
skin diseases. According to legend, Catherine II suffered from a problem
skin of the face and ashamed to show it in public, applied a layer
flour as a powder. Naturally, this only made the situation worse.
and new spots and irritations appeared on the face. Then one of
court physicians advised the empress to try the Roman
pea mask. It was necessary to crush peas in a wooden mortar,
add sour cream
and apply on the face several times a week. The empress was very
happy with the results as her skin is white and smooth.

Although the scientific effectiveness of “pea” cosmetics has not been confirmed,
women still use quite often on their own
prepared means. Basically, there is common sense in this,
since this vegetable has a complex of B vitamins, vitamin
E and antioxidants,
positively affecting the condition of the integument. Masks are applied
both to eliminate imperfections and to maintain health
and youthfulness of the skin.

For the care of dry and normal skin types, it is recommended to use
fresh green peas that provide good hydration.
To prepare the mask, it must be kneaded to a puree state.
As a rule, the procedure is carried out once a week. Owners
for oily skin, products made from dry
peas – they dry out the epidermis and fight acne. Usually
dry beans are either boiled and then mashed or ground
in a coffee grinder until flour. It is necessary to apply the mask 2 times
in Week. You need to keep the funds on the skin no more than 10-15 minutes,
and then rinse well with water.

Among the most popular recipes for dry skin masks, we highlight

  • Berry and pea. Two tablespoons of mashed potatoes
    fresh peas are mixed with two tablespoons of maximum
    chopped black
    currants. It is believed that such a remedy helps to fight
    with wrinkles.
  • Olive and pea. Two tablespoons of mashed potatoes
    fresh peas combined with one tablespoon of olive
    oil, three drops of orange ether
    and raw chicken egg yolk. Such a mask should provide lifting
    the effect.
  • Pure pea. If you just want
    moisturize the skin, then it is enough to apply mashed peas on the face,
    without adding any more ingredients.

For oily skin care, the following recipes can be useful:

  • Classical mask designed to eliminate
    oily sheen. Three tablespoons of pea flour needed
    pour water or milk so that a viscous mixture is obtained.
  • Cleansing Mask prepared with 30 g
    flour, 30 g oatmeal, a little water, a pinch
    nut and cinnamon. The mask should have a pilling effect,
    therefore it is necessary to apply it with massage movements, and then
    leave on the face for 5-7 minutes.

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of peas.
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

When buying fresh green peas, you need to pay attention
per color: the pods must be green without yellowing. Moreover,
they should break easily and with a crunch, giving off juice. Note that
it is a perishable vegetable that quickly loses its flavor and
useful qualities, so it is advisable to eat it immediately after collection
or purchase. Best stored in a closed container in the refrigerator
no longer than 7-10 days.

When choosing dry peas, you should look at the size of the peas: they
should be medium-sized (3-4 mm in diameter). Color can be as
yellow and green, but not purple, since these are already stern
varieties. Dry this legume can be stored in plastic
packaging up to 5 years, and in a hermetically sealed container or in a vacuum
– and all 10. Although it is preferable to use glass containers
with a little salt at the bottom – this will help ward off insects
and remove excess moisture. By the way, if you are wondering how
quickly cook pea porridge and want the peas to boil easily
until smooth, then you need to choose dry crushed grains.

Finally, as for canned peas, when choosing it,
it is worth giving preference to glass containers, which allows you to consider
product quality. The peas should be whole and not wrinkled.
Also, the lid on the can should never be swollen. In addition to
this, you should definitely pay attention to the composition. In quality
the product has nothing but water, sugar, salt and the peas themselves, the content
which, by the way, should not be lower than 65%. An important role is played by
date of manufacture, since from May to July manufacturers usually
use fresh raw materials, and the rest of the time – frozen or

In many cultures, the appearance of peas on earth is associated with the divine
providence. For example, according to one of the legends, when God drove out the sinner
Adam from the garden, he had to work hard. And so when he plowed
the ground, tears rolled down his cheeks and, falling into the soil, turned
in peas.

From more reliable information it is known that in Russia peas are often
planted along the roads so that distant travelers could get enough.
It was also used for various rituals. For instance,
to attract good luck and wealth, 22 dry
peas, covered it with their left hand and rattled the contents, bypassing
house in a circle. But in ancient Rome, peas were used for love spells.
So, there was a belief that parts of a pea split in half
attracted, so the girls kept one half for themselves, and the other
– tossed to the beloved.

In Japan, peas have long and still symbolized good health.
It is believed that he must definitely be on the New Year’s table together.
with noodles – a symbol of longevity and rice cookies – a symbol of abundance
.… In Medieval France, in turn, peas did not just become
a symbol of health, but turned into a real savior of the people.
The unsightly houses of ordinary people store heat very poorly, therefore
in cold winters, many fell ill and died.

The situation was saved by King Charles V, who brought from one of his
visits to Spain an unusual new culture – peas. It turned out that
a Spanish nobleman treated Karl to pea porridge with fried
pork. The French monarch liked the fact that the food remained
warm throughout the two-hour meal. He ordered to bring
home several hundred carts with this legume. She was sown
fields in the south of the country, and from that moment on, pea porridge with bacon
became a French folk dish that warmed many families in severe frosts.

But in ancient Greece, beans had a controversial reputation. By them
mostly poor people ate, while intellectuals believed
that peas dull the mind and induce insomnia.
The famous mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras even forbade his students
use it. There is a legend about how the Pythagoreans escaped
from their enemies, suddenly stopped and were completely defeated,
because they did not dare to cross the field sown with beans..

Interestingly, there is a rare genetic disorder called Fauvism.
It is most common in Iran, Iraq, Morocco, Italy and France.
Its origin still remains unclear, and the mechanism of defeat
organism is not fully understood. Some of the substances contained
in peas, entering the bloodstream, they start the process of disintegration of blood cells
– erythrocytes. Temporary paralysis sets in. Suffering from this disease
it is not recommended not only to eat peas, but also to be in
places of flowering of legumes.

By the way, it was previously believed that Fauvism is a disease of monarchs, which
passed down from generation to generation. No wonder, in a famous fairy tale
Hans Christian Andersen “The Princess and the Pea”
to marry a person of the royal family, took a beggar as his wife only because
that she did not manage to fall asleep on the feather beds, under which lay the only
pea. Since her body reacted to the legume,
one could be sure that the girl was actually a real princess.

Continuing the theme of monarchs and peas, one cannot but recall the famous
expressions “under the king of Peas”, “remember the king of peas”, “when the king
Peas fought with mushrooms. ” This very king of Peas is a character of satirical
works where he is portrayed by the legendary ancient ruler,
and playful phraseological units, which basically mean “in the old days.”

But the expression “peasouper” existing in English (pea
soup) has a very serious and, unfortunately, negative meaning.
So in the middle of the twentieth century in England they called the type of dense fog. After
of how the anticyclone brought a cold, foggy and calm
weather, people began to use more coal to heat their
houses. This coal was of poor quality and contained sulfur. After it
burning poisonous substances were released into the air, which mixed
with exhaust gases from vehicles and dust, forming
thick smog.

The darkness that covered the capital practically paralyzed the city for several
days. Due to poor visibility, transport stopped plying, people
tried not to go out into the streets, although smog penetrated into the premises.
Due to the soot particles that gave the fog a yellow-black color, it
and became known as “pea soup”. As a result, this phenomenon
several thousand people died in London (most of the old
and people with respiratory diseases).

Growing peas is not very difficult. Best of all he is himself
feels on light soil, rich in potassium and phosphorus, but no nitrogen.
It is preferable to choose a sunny area protected from
wind. Planting times for pea seeds can vary from
April 20 to early July (extremely early ripening varieties).
Flowering occurs in 28-60 days, depending on the variety. BUT
a month later, the first harvest appears. Fruiting lasts for
an average of 30-40 days.

Note that peas can be planted both with the help of sprouted grains,
and with the help of dry ones. However, the latter case cannot be dispensed with.
without pre-sowing seed treatment. Some gardeners recommend
immerse them for 5 minutes in a warm (40 ° C) solution of boric acid from
calculation of 2 g per 10 liters of water. Others advise doing a full soak.
seeds in water at room temperature for 12-15 hours (water needs
change every 3 hours).

As for the varieties, vegetable peas are divided into two main groups:
sugar (brain varieties) and peeling… Sugar
peas are more tender, they can be eaten together with the pods, and it is
these peas are usually used for conservation. A peeling varieties
contain more starch, their pods are unusable
for food, and the grains are usually dried.

So, peas are the healthiest vegetable that provides the body
a good vitamin complex and supplies essential minerals.
Moreover, in dry form, it is rich in protein like no other product.
and dietary fiber with a relatively low calorie content. IN
unlike other protein foods, peas do not provoke an increase in the level
cholesterol. And regular consumption of its small portions
will have an extremely positive effect on human health.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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