Pepper dressing


To get a good harvest you need not only timely watering and weeding, but high-quality top dressing of bell pepper. Lack of nutrients worsens the growth of bushes, slows down the formation and development of ovaries. Preparation of the earth

  1. Topping seedlings
  2. Feeding seedlings with folk remedies
  3. Feeding during transplantation
  4. After 2 weeks
  5. Top dressing during flowering and ovary formation
  6. Features of top dressing in greenhouses
  7. Conclusion <

Подкормка болгарского перца

Topping up bell pepper

In order to get a good harvest, they begin to prepare the plot in the autumn. The best fertilizer for planting Bulgarian pepper – cow or horse manure, as well as bird droppings.

Organics are brought into the ground during the autumn digging of the plot. Manure consumption per 1m is approximately 2-3 kg. This amount is enough to provide the plant with all the necessary substances for the first time .

Also, the introduction of manure into the soil makes it more loose and soft. All thanks to the life of earthworms. During the winter, manure rots and the soil is ready for planting in spring.

The only drawback of this fertilizer is the high probability of introducing pests and their eggs onto the site. So the bear (or cabbage) is a serious enemy of seedlings of pepper and other vegetable crops. It is quite difficult to get her out of the plot.

Feeding seedlings

It is important to organize the proper care of the pepper from its very first days of growth.

  1. For planting, it is recommended to choose not a simple soil with suburban area, and a special substrate for seedlings. It is already rich in nutrients that will contribute to the normal development of plants at first.
  2. When 3 real leaves have already appeared on the seedlings, you need to feed the bell pepper with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Such top dressing enhances the growth of aboveground parts, which in turn improves the process of photosynthesis and starch accumulation.

Topping seedlings with folk remedies

As a preventative measure for various diseases and to stimulate the growth of crops, it is also recommended to feed bell peppers with this mixture:

  • milk whey 0.5 l;
  • iodine 3-4 drops;
  • hydrogen peroxide 1 tsp.

All components are mixed immediately before use. The liquid is shaken vigorously and sprayed onto the leaves and stems of pepper using a spray gun. This foliar top dressing also helps fight small pests such as aphids, spider mites, thrips.

Top dressing when transplanting

It is necessary to feed bell pepper during transplanting to permanent beds . Regardless of whether the bushes will grow in open ground or in a greenhouse, the application of mineral fertilizers is mandatory.

In each hole put 2 tbsp. l wood ash and mix them well with the soil. This is enough to make the plant take root, grows.

After 2 weeks

Для первой подкормки приготовьте настой

For the first feeding, prepare the infusion

It is recommended that the pepper be fertilized for the first time after planting not earlier than 2 weeks later .

During this time, the roots damaged during transplantation are restored, thereby establishing root nutrition. Seedlings are already able to properly absorb nutrients from the soil.

Immediately after planting, seedlings begin to prepare the infusion for feeding. For complete readiness, he needs to wander for at least 10 – 14 days. Prepare it from:

  • mullein;
  • bird droppings;
  • water;
  • onion husks.

All components are mixed in a container. From time to time, fertilizer needs to be mixed or shaken. Pour liquid under the root, trying not to get on the leaves and stems. Pre-top dressing is diluted 1:10 with water.

Top dressing during flowering and ovary formation

The bushes need to be fertilized a second time at the first sign of flower formation and blooming. At this stage, the young plant needs potassium and phosphorus. An ideal option would be superphosphate and potassium sulfate.You will need to dilute 30 g of each fertilizer in 1 bucket. This amount is enough to feed 7 to 10 bushes.

A balance of mineral and organic fertilizers is needed to form the ovary. To do this, follow the instructions for using top dressing.

As organic matter, the grass infusion is introduced into the soil:

  1. Weed grass is finely chopped and laid in a deep container. You can use for this purpose plastic jars of 5 – 7 liters. Plants should be selected without mature testes. Otherwise, the seeds will sprout quickly in the beds.
  2. Live yeast is bred in warm water. They are taken at the rate of 100 g per 5 liters of water. It is also recommended to add to this mixture 2 tbsp. l sugar for the accelerated development of yeast colonies.
  3. The solution is poured over the grass and left in the sun for 10 days. After fermentation stops, the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. They are watered with 2 l plants for each bush.

Sweet pepper. How to feed peppers?
How and when to feed pepper seedlings / Pepper seedlings / Subtleties and nuances of feeding seedlings

Feeding in greenhouses

B difference ga me from the open ground, the culture better fruits in greenhouses. This is especially true for the northern regions, where summer is not very warm.

Top dressing for vegetables grown in greenhouses, nesuolko different. Due to the lack of a natural cycle of organic matter, the concentration of certain substances in the greenhouse decreases. Plants need more organic components than minerals.

To make up for this shortcoming, food waste is added to the beds. For this, trimmed vegetables and fruits, eggshells, tea leaves, coffee grounds, etc.All this is buried in the ground in the fall and during the winter turns into a breeding ground for plants.


Growing pepper requires timely nutrition. Observing all the requirements of agricultural technology of this crop, you can achieve good results even on scarce soils. An excess of fertilizers can cause a lack of crop or stunting of the bush. In addition to this, substances can accumulate in fruits.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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