Pepper hilling process

Hilling pepper is one of the points of crop care. There are different opinions about the need for this procedure.

  1. Process description
  2. Advantages
  3. Deficiencies
  4. When to make the hilling
  5. How to spud
  6. Loosening of the soil during earthing
  7. Conclusion <

Процесс окучивания перца

The process of hilling pepper

Description of the process

Hilling is one of the methods of loosening, after which the soil is raked with a mound on the base of the stem. Only the topsoil is plowed. For many garden Hilling of plants gives a positive result. This event has a beneficial effect on the root system. New roots are formed, as a result of which the culture becomes more stable and gets more nutrition. Also, plants have access to oxygen. During heavy rains, the soil layer is not washed away.

Many people use this technique to prevent disease. It is useful to produce it before the upcoming frosts or cooling. This prevents freezing of the crop.


The root system of pepper, like eggplant, is located in the upper layers of the soil – it is surface.If plants are cultivated, the following results can be achieved:

  • increased access of oxygen to the roots;
  • the growth and development of the culture is activated;
  • the biological function of the soil microorganisms: they affect the health of vegetables, reduce the risk of developing pathologies.

When hilling, weed is always removed, so it does not have time to harm the crop.


When hilling pepper, it is easy to damage its roots. One must be extremely careful not to hurt them. Also, the root system of the plant has a neck, so it does not need the development of additional roots. Such manipulation contributes to the retention of moisture in the soil. This threatens the plants with rotting of the roots and trunk.

When to earthed

In such a plant, subordinate root offspring are formed only on the green stem. The process takes place before the formation of cotyledonous leaves, therefore it is effective to cultivate during this period: the culture receives growth stimulation.

После высадки рассады не стоит производить окучивание

After transplanting seedlings, it is not necessary to carry out the earthing up

It is not necessary to carry out this agrotechnical process after the stem of the plant has already become numb. When filling the ground, the root neck is deepened. Vegetables negatively react to cultivation. The risk of damage to the root system increases.Also, it is not necessary to carry out the earthing up after planting seedlings in a permanent place. Somewhere up to 2 weeks, culture pauses development. At this time, the roots are growing stronger.

How to hob

If the choice is made in favor of this procedure, it is done with extreme caution. The sensitive root system must not be affected, otherwise the plant will die or drop its ovaries and flowers.

Hoeing is done with a hoe when a dry crust forms, which vegetables do not accept. The movements should be smooth. Peppers are spudded in 4 stages:

  • 1-2 days after the second watering, the ground is closed to a depth of less than 6-8 cm;
  • during flowering – no more than 10 -12 cm;
  • during the period of ovary formation – up to 14-16 cm;
  • when mass fruiting begins – by 6-8 cm.

The depth of plowing can be increased if the crop is grown on heavy land. With this action, the soil is warmed up and aired.

When salad pepper is sprinkled, the soil is slightly loosened every time after rain. During the manipulation, weeds are removed. After it, the plants are mulched with compost or straw.

Loosening of the soil during hilling

The crop responds well to loosening in row spacing, regardless of where it is grown: on unprotected soil or in the greenhouses. During the growing season, up to 5 such procedures are performed.There are certain rules that must be followed when plowing the land:

  • the depth of cultivation should be 10-12 cm during flowering;
  • when the ovaries form – no more than 15 cm;
  • during fruiting – up to 20-25 cm;
  • if the distance between the rows is small, the soil does not loosen during flowering.

Such manipulations help to cope also with weed grass. It is covered with a small layer of soil, under which it perishes. When growing crops in greenhouse conditions, cultivation must be accompanied by ventilation.

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Hilling positively affects many cultures. pepper, this contributes to the rapid growth and good nutrition of the plant. Combining the action with other stages of care, you can achieve high yields.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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